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S. H. Lee 41 1 Browse Search
Alexander H. Stephens 36 0 Browse Search
Stephen D. Lee 32 0 Browse Search
United States (United States) 20 0 Browse Search
Hagerstown (Maryland, United States) 20 0 Browse Search
Jefferson Davis 17 1 Browse Search
Morris Island (South Carolina, United States) 16 0 Browse Search
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A. Lincoln 13 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: July 14, 1863., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

Found 359 total hits in 91 results.

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April, 7 AD (search for this): article 6
Latest from the North. We have received, through the courtesy of Hon. Robt. Ould, Commissioner of Exchange, files of Northern papers of Saturday last, the 11th inst., Lincoln made a brief speech in Washington Tuesday night upon the news of the fall of Vicksburg. He congratulated the crowd who serenaded on the fact that "on the 4th of July the cohorts of those who opposed the declaration that all men were created equal 'turned tail' and run. " He concluded by saying: "Having said this much, I will now take the music. " The New York Herald says "the indications are that the Government will demand under the conscription law about 400,000 men." This draft is apportioned among the loyal States east of the Rocky Mountains, and we find West Virginia set down in the apportionment for 6,660 men, Kentucky 19,980, Maryland 11,000, and Missouri 19,980. All the New York and Brooklyn militia regiments that went to Harrisburg are now in the Army of the Potomac. The fall of Vicksburg--acc
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