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Strawbridge (search for this): article 13
ight, (according to the statements of prisoners,) the Yankee forces were drawn up in line of battle. At daybreak, finding that the expected night attack would not be made, it was determined amongst the Yankee leaders themselves to attempt an onset, upon battery Wagner. Gen. Strong, with a force of about 2,000 picked men, at once made preparations for the assault. His command consisted of four companies of the 7th Connecticut, Lieut Col. Rodman commanding, with the 76th Pennsylvania, Colonel Strawbridge; the 9th Maine, Col. Emery; the 48th and 100th New York, with the "Lost Children," an independent regiment. Forming his men into two lines, soon after dawn on Saturday, he advanced at the double quick towards our work. Col. Graham, who was in command at battery Wagner, suffered the enemy to get within forty yards, when he gave the word to "fire," and down went the foremost rank of the assailants. Yet on they came with spirit and resolution, some of them even gaining the interi
E. C. Jordan (search for this): article 13
neral Strong had been badly wounded.--The last seen of him he had fallen from his horse, and was carried off the field by his men. Several other officers of the enemy are reported by the prisoners to be either killed or badly wounded — among them Lt. Col. Rodman Capt. Theodore Burdick, Lt. John Wilson, of the 7th Connecticut, and Maj John W. Hicks, of the 76th Pennsylvania. Among the officers, prisoners, unhurt, are Captain D. B. Hoogland, Capt. V. B. Chamberlain. Lt. W. E. Phillips, Lieut. E. C. Jordan, all of the 7th Connecticut, and Lieut, E. W. Ware, 9th Maine. Our loss was reported to be five killed and ten wounded. The prisoners report their loss of the previous day about 50 killed and wounded. They also state that Lt. Bee was still alive Saturday, but very severely wounded. Lt. Campbell, who was at Capt. Mitchell's battery at the time of the attack and took part in the action, gives the following particulars: Lieut. G. C. Heyward, who was fighting one of the guns in
James Bryan (search for this): article 13
ve the fortunes of the first. The day was won. In the melee we had taken 130 prisoners, and 95 of the enemy's dead lay strewn immediately in front of our works. An officer who had ventured some distance beyond, states that the Yankee dead were quite as numerous further off from our works, so that it is within the bounds of moderation to estimate the enemy's loss, in killed, wounded and missing, at quite 670. Our own loss was comparatively slight. Capt. Werner, of Savannah, with privates James Bryan, E. Pestell. A. Mallory, and J. A. Santina, of the 18th Georgia. Battalion, with one or two others, whose names we have not learned, were killed, and a few others wounded. The prisoners were brought to the city and marched to jail. Their bearing was very impertinent. They admitted the severe character of their losses, and stated that General Strong had been badly wounded.--The last seen of him he had fallen from his horse, and was carried off the field by his men. Several other
shot producing a very serious wound in the leg. The enemy's Raids on the Coast. Early on Friday morning last three of the enemy's gunboats steamed up toward Wiltown Bluff. After engaging a section of Schultz's battery, they succeeded in landing and took off a number of negroes belonging to Mr. Heyward Manigault. Two of the gunboats, after removing the obstacles in the river, passed up the river, and when opposite Dr. Glover's plantation their progress was checked by a section of Capt. Walter's battery (Washington Artillery) under command of Lieut. S. G. Horsey. After a brisk fight of about forty five minutes, at a distance of about 450 yards, the boats were so damaged as to be compelled to draw off. One boat, supposed to be the Planter, was so much crippled that she sunk on her way down. The Mercury, speaking of the "situation," has the following: It appears to us to be useless to attempt to disguise from ourselves our situation. By whose fault we got into it, it
A. Mallory (search for this): article 13
The day was won. In the melee we had taken 130 prisoners, and 95 of the enemy's dead lay strewn immediately in front of our works. An officer who had ventured some distance beyond, states that the Yankee dead were quite as numerous further off from our works, so that it is within the bounds of moderation to estimate the enemy's loss, in killed, wounded and missing, at quite 670. Our own loss was comparatively slight. Capt. Werner, of Savannah, with privates James Bryan, E. Pestell. A. Mallory, and J. A. Santina, of the 18th Georgia. Battalion, with one or two others, whose names we have not learned, were killed, and a few others wounded. The prisoners were brought to the city and marched to jail. Their bearing was very impertinent. They admitted the severe character of their losses, and stated that General Strong had been badly wounded.--The last seen of him he had fallen from his horse, and was carried off the field by his men. Several other officers of the enemy are re
f the 7th Connecticut, and Maj John W. Hicks, of the 76th Pennsylvania. Among the officers, prisoners, unhurt, are Captain D. B. Hoogland, Capt. V. B. Chamberlain. Lt. W. E. Phillips, Lieut. E. C. Jordan, all of the 7th Connecticut, and Lieut, E. W. Ware, 9th Maine. Our loss was reported to be five killed and ten wounded. The prisoners report their loss of the previous day about 50 killed and wounded. They also state that Lt. Bee was still alive Saturday, but very severely wounded. Lt. Campbell, who was at Capt. Mitchell's battery at the time of the attack and took part in the action, gives the following particulars: Lieut. G. C. Heyward, who was fighting one of the guns in the Confederate works which were captured Friday, upon being ordered to retreat, declined, and said he would fight his gun to the last. The enemy mounted his works and carried the battery at the point of the bayonet. Lieut. Heyward was shot through both hips. A shell struck the gun worked by Lieut. Be
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