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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 1,404 0 Browse Search
George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade) 200 0 Browse Search
C. Edwards Lester, Life and public services of Charles Sumner: Born Jan. 6, 1811. Died March 11, 1874. 188 0 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Grant in peace: from Appomattox to Mount McGregor, a personal memoir 184 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 174 0 Browse Search
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 166 0 Browse Search
Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 164 0 Browse Search
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant 132 0 Browse Search
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army 100 0 Browse Search
James Buchanan, Buchanan's administration on the eve of the rebellion 100 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 13, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Mexico (Mexico, Mexico) or search for Mexico (Mexico, Mexico) in all documents.

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contrary to the vaticination of the New York Herald, is a harbinger of glad tidings to the Confederacy. The programme laid down in the pamphlet of M. Chevalier is still fresh in the memory of the public. Maximilian was to be crowned Emperor of Mexico. An army of merchants was to follow in the wake of Forey's army. The resources of Mexico were to be developed to their fullest extent. But first of all she was to secure herself from injury from abroad, by forming a strict alliance with her neMexico were to be developed to their fullest extent. But first of all she was to secure herself from injury from abroad, by forming a strict alliance with her nearest neighbor, the Confederacy.--She was first to recognize the Confederacy, and France was to follow. Spain and Austria would not be long behind — England, slowly and reluctantly, was to follow, having been preceded by Belgium, and the Confederacy in that way was to take her stand among the powers of the earth. We have never doubted that Chevalier's pamphlet was written at the instigation of the Emperor, nor do we doubt that the programme therein laid down will be strictly followed. To
discussed the matters of difference, but said there were others, including Senator Sumner, who had acted differently. He denounced the efforts of those who sought to create trouble between America and Europe, and with expressions of friendship towards America he asserted that all his efforts would be to maintain peace. Speaking of Poland, he defended England's position and remonstrated against that of Russia, but did not think that England should go to war on the subject. As regards Mexico, he thought that if the Mexicans approved of what was being done for them they should be allowed to do so. The London Times says Earl Russell in this speech is interpreted as meaning that the vessels will be detained, even if the existing law is in their favor, and Parliament be called to pass measures for the purpose. European political news is unimportant. The Paris Memorial Diplomatique, writing on the Polish question, strongly denounces the course of England and Austria, a