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City Council. --A regular monthly meeting of the Council was held at the City Hall yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Present; Messrs. Saunders, Hill, Richardson, Scott, Epps, Stokes, Clopton, Griffin, Glazebrook, Walker, and Denoon. Messrs. Stokes and Scott, from the Market Committees, presented petitions from persons occupying stalls in the meat markets, praying to be allowed to sell salt meats, lard and butter at their stalls. The presentation of these petitions led to a lengthy discussion, and resulted in referring the papers to the Committee on the Markets. [The continually hammering and patching of the market ordinance will eventually lead to the adoption of free trade, and again put the whole people at the mercy of the hucksters.] Mr. Hill, from the Police Committee, reported an ordinance concerning backs, drays, parts, wagons, &c. The ordinance prohibits negroes, free or slave, from riding in hacks, unless attending white persons, and unless attending funer
The Daily Dispatch: November 10, 1863., [Electronic resource], The fight in-lookout Valley — Details of the engagement. (search)
ed an unknown and unseen foe, guided only in their movements by the dim light of a shadowed moon and the flashes of the enemy's guns. As the engagement progressed Col. Bratton, discovering a weakness on the right of the Federal, line, ordered Col. Walker, of the Sharpshooters, to attack vigorously at that point. Sweeping his regiment around so as to form nearly a perpendicular with our line of battle, he poured his fast succeeding volleys into the ranks of the enemy, who began to fall back ouobey the command of the chief. Officers and men alike participated in the general feeling of reluctance, and the discipline of the brigade, always admirable, never was put to a severer test. The movement rearward, however, was slowly made, Colonels Walker and Coward forming a fresh line of battle at various intervals, and the Hampton Legion shooting the horses and mules, which, being unharnessed, prevented the removal of the wagons. Twenty or more prisoners were also brought away by Colonel