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Catholics (search for this): article 1
at inducement. Miscellaneous. The special order of General Rosecrans, from the Department of Missouri, suppressing the circulation of the New York Metropolitan Record in his military command, is published. The articles in the condemned paper are designated by Gen. Rosecrans as "of an incendiary, disloyal, and traitorous character" The General complains that, although it is called a Catholic newspaper, it has no "ecclesiastical sanction, " and denounces its articles as "a libel on Catholics," with other very strong language. Therefore the Provost Marshal is ordered to seize the paper and punish the venders thereof. Indiana, we believe, is the only State that has been always in advance of calls for troops. It is now stated that on the first day of February last that State had furnished her quota under all calls, and had an excess or seven thousand three hundred and thirty men, not including re-enlisted veterans. To this excess is to be added the number of men mustered
al were captured. Forrest sent in a flag of truce to exchange prisoners, but Col. Hicks declined. Three hundred rebel dead lie in front of our fort. Gens. Harris aeing once repulsed in the attack on the fort, Forrest sent a communication to Col. Hicks, demanding the surrender of the fort, troops and public stores, promising thawar; but if he was compelled to storm the fort they might expect no quarter. Col. Hicks replied that he was placed there to defend the fort, which he would do, and p $2,500 to $5,000. Early the next morning, the rebels again appearing, Colonel Hicks burned all the houses within musket range of the fort. The enemy, however,the battle it was discovered that our ammunition was nearly exhausted, when Colonel Hicks ordered that when it gave out the fort would be defended with the bayonet antal were not injured. Our troops consisted of the 40th Illinois infantry, Colonel Hicks, a battalion of negroes, and one regiment — name not yet known. The Ne
George Henry Preble (search for this): article 1
We should think Forrest and his everlasting marauders might now be caught before they got back to Mississippi. The Florida's escape — official report of Com'r Preble. The following is the report in full made by Commander Preble to the U. S. Navy Department relative to the escape of the Florida: U. S. Sloop-of-War Commander Preble to the U. S. Navy Department relative to the escape of the Florida: U. S. Sloop-of-War St. Louis,Funchal Roads, Madeira,March 1, 1864--1½ A. M. Sir: The Florida has succeeded in getting to sea. I shall follow at once, though hopeless of catching her out of port. Nelson said the want of frigates in his squadron would be found impressed on his heart. I am sure the want of steam will be found engraven on mine. intend to fight unless the chances are Largely in her favor, for she skulked away from the old St. Louis. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Geo. Henry Preble. Commander U. S. N. The Hon. Gidon Welles, Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D. C. The capture by the Federals of fort D'russey. The capture of
March 30th, 1864 AD (search for this): article 1
o fired the first shot, was instantly killed. John Cooper, a prisoner, was shot while trying to escape. Col. Brooks, with a squad of men, went in pursuit of the gang of Copperheads about seven miles. Capt. Williams has some twenty prominent secesh implicated in the affair under guard at the Court House Col. Mitchell had a conference with the Hon. O. B. Franklin and Judge Constable, who seemed very anxious that steps should be taken to prevent a further outbreak. Chicago, March 30, 1864.--A dispatch dated Mattoon, Ill., last night, says: Four hundred men of the 54th Illinois regiment leave Charleston to night to attack the rebels, who are said to be three hundred strong, under the command of Sheriff John S. O' Hair, entrenched at Gillady's Mills, ten miles northeast of Charleston. A portion of the 54th Illinois is at Mattoon, that place also being threatened by rebels from Shelby and Moultrie counties. Two companies of the invalid corps, en route for S
and leaving her stripped and desolate. The Journal considers that the main purpose of Breckinridge's movement into Western Virginia is an evasion of Kentucky, and that there is no doubt that a powerful force under Buckner or Presion, or both, strengthened by John Morgan's, Forrest's, and Champ Ferguson's cavalry, will co-operate with him in the invasion. Commercial and Financial. Gold opened in New York Wednesday with some degree of activity at 165; but when it was announced that Mr. Cisco had set the price of the gold certificates at 164 it became heavy, and dropped down to 163½. The Herald's commercial report says: By the Champion, from Aspinwall, we learn the arrival at Panama of two millions and a half of gold, which the Golden City brought from California. Only two hundred and seventy thousand dollars of the treasure come to this city — the rest going to England as a measure of security. We may thank Secretary Welles for the sending of our products to England.
vading Kentucky again. A telegram from Cincinnati says: The idea that Gen. Breckinridge is advancing upon the Kentucky line, with the intention of raising the country in insurrection, adds a great deal to the excitement of the people. A few days ago a rumor was spread that Gen. Longstreet had sent away most of his artillery and wagons by railroad, and that he was marching upon Cumberland Gap. at the head of thirty thousand men. When this news reached Kentucky most of the farmers in Harland, Letcher, Knox, and other adjoining counties, left their farms and took the way of Manchester. The idea of an invasion of the State by the rebels is now a fixed opinion, and not an hour elapses without some rumors of their advance being circulated among the inhabitants. A gentleman living in Monticello assures us that most of the Kentucky delegation representing the State in the rebel Congress at Richmond have returned and are inciting the people to revolt. He said that before he le
John Cooper (search for this): article 1
n men, being outnumbered at the Court House, ran to the houses and stores for arms. They were fired upon from the windows. Ten or twelve were wounded. Col. Mitchell, of the 54th regiment, was badly wounded; Oliver Sales was killed; James Goodrich Wm. Hart, T. C. Jeffreys, and several soldiers belonging to the 54th, were wounded severely. The 54th regiment arrived in the afternoon, and formed on the square. Nelson Welts, the man who fired the first shot, was instantly killed. John Cooper, a prisoner, was shot while trying to escape. Col. Brooks, with a squad of men, went in pursuit of the gang of Copperheads about seven miles. Capt. Williams has some twenty prominent secesh implicated in the affair under guard at the Court House Col. Mitchell had a conference with the Hon. O. B. Franklin and Judge Constable, who seemed very anxious that steps should be taken to prevent a further outbreak. Chicago, March 30, 1864.--A dispatch dated Mattoon, Ill., last night,
James Walker (search for this): article 1
re was going on between the rebels and our own troops, and they were so close together it was difficult to distinguish the combatants. The Eastport, which had opened her battery, fearing to injure our own men, ceased firing, when our troops proceeded to the assault and carried the place. In a few minutes, and with small loss, 250 prisoners, eight heavy guns, and two field pieces, fell into our hands, and all the munitions of war. The main body of the enemy, 5,000 strong under the rebel General Walker, made their escape. Highly important from Grant's Army. That very soft people, the Yankees, are reading news dispatches such as this we find in the New York Herald, dated Washington, March 30th. The effort seems to be to "push up the man on horseback" into the niche of a hero before they know whether he will fit or not: Accounts from the field represent the greatest enthusiasm prevailing in the Army of the Potomac in favor of Gen. Grant. His quiet, unassuming, and unprete
March 29th, 1864 AD (search for this): article 1
gh the politeness of the officers of the Exchange Bureau we have received Northern papers of Thursday last, 31st ult. We give a summary of the news they contain: Rebellion in Missouri and Illinois--troops Attacked — Insurgents entrenched. The papers contain the following account of a disturbance which has occurred in Missouri and Illinois. All the places mentioned are in the Northern portions of those States, and but a few miles distant from each other: St. Louis, Tuesday, March 29, 1864. --A special dispatch to the Democrat, from Charleston, Coles co says the Copperheads came into that town to attend Court yesterday, with guns concealed in their wagons and armed with pistols. Some soldiers in the Court-House yard were drawn into an affray, and a general fight occurred. The County Sheriff sprang from the Judge's stand and commenced firing a pistol at Union men Major York, surgeon of the 54th, was one of the first victims. The Union men, being outnumbered at the Co
Elisha R. Potter (search for this): article 1
ville dispatch, of Tuesday, says that the friends of Governor Johnson confidently expect his nomination by the Republican Convention as Vice President on the ticket with President Lincoln. Incendiaries thrive in Vicksburg. There have been many fires recently; several Government stores have been burned, and the railroad depot and adjoining buildings set on fire. Cents hereafter coined will be composed of ninety-five per centum of copper and five per centum of tin or zinc. Elisha R. Potter is the nominee of the Democratic State Convention for Governor of Connecticut at the coming election. Major General Lew Wallace, of Indiana, has entered upon duty as commander of the Middle Department, headquarters at Baltimore. The Democratic State Convention of Pennsylvania have declared in favor of McClellan for the Presidency. Miss. Laura Keene was playing at Norfolk, Va., last week, in the American Cousin. An order has been issued prohibiting the shipment of Ame
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