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verwhelming number filling the road and the woods on both sides. Our breastworks here extended from the residence of Timothy Rives, Esq., on the left, to and across the road and beyond the house of Mr. Wm. A. Gregory, on the right. The enemy manœubut through the openings thus made fired upon and killed many of our men behind the breastworks. The residence of Timothy Rives, Esq., fell into the possession of the invaders, after our forces retreated, and the scoundrels not only ransacked and robbed it of all its valuable contents, but then applied the torch, and burnt it to the ground. They also carried Mr. Rives off a prisoner. The foregoing are substantially all the facts connected with this bold attempt to capture Petersburg, rr, of the Petersburg Female College. James Bossieux, merchant of this city. James Kerr, of Petersburg Timothy Rives, of Prince George. Samuel Jones, of Prince George--6. Prisoners captured. The following prisoners were