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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 46 4 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: July 5, 1864., [Electronic resource] 12 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 5 1 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 4 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 5, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for John W. Johnston or search for John W. Johnston in all documents.

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work of destruction commenced. * * * When the bridge was burnt the wind was very high and set directly up the street, so that the small houses near the bridge caught immediately; then the large lumber house of George Thompson, the Hob house, Mrs. Johnston's, and the houses where Mr. Johnston's, and the houses where Mr. Chandler and Dr. Scott lived. Others caught, but were put out. We are much indebted to Averill's men for the promptitude with which they assisted in extinguishing the fire and Mr. Johnston's, and the houses where Mr. Chandler and Dr. Scott lived. Others caught, but were put out. We are much indebted to Averill's men for the promptitude with which they assisted in extinguishing the fire and helping those who had to move." From this letter, it appears that Averill's troops are somewhat less brutal in their instincts than the generality of Yankee soldiers, and, on the principle of giving the devil his due, we are willing to accord them credit for it. Rumors from the Valley. A report is current that our forces in the Valley of Virginia captured a few days ago a large wagon train loaded with supplies, intended for Hunter's army. Some prisoners are said to have been take
The Nashville Dispatch announces the death of Peter Bashaw, the last Revolutionary soldier in Tennessee, who died near that city, on the 20th ult, at the great age of 101 years. Since Gen Loring assumed command of the "Army of Mississippi," now with Gen. Johnston, Brig Gen. Featherstone has commanded Loring's division, and Col Melion, of the 3d Mississippi Featherstone's brigade. Col Ed O Cook, of the 32d Tennessee regiment, was wounded on the 22d of June, and died at Marietta, Ga, on the night of the 23d. A correspondent of the Atlanta Confederacy recommends Gen Guenvus W Smith as the successor of Lieut Gen Polk.
them, abandoned their stronghold on Kennesaw Mountain, leaving behind them only their cavalry to cover their retreat. The entire army, we are told by this writer, started immediately in pursuit, and orders were at once given that the cars should proceed to Marietta, "which place," adds the writer, "we shall undoubtedly occupy to-night." Thus far the Tribune correspondent. Turning now to the Southern Telegrams, we learn that on the following day (the 20th) General Sherman attacked Johnston's left, commanded by Hamlet, and (if we may elect the report from Marlette, dated on the 21st,) was repulsed with great slaughter. No further attempt at assault appears to have been made until Monday last, on which day, as General Sherman reports to the War Department at Washington, he attacked the enemy's position on Kennesaw Mountain at two separate points, and was repulsed in both instances with a very heavy loss in general field officers, whilst the casualties of the rank and fire
lsed with heavy loss. The casualties of the day. It is estimated by those capable of judging, that the loss of the enemy in front of Cleburne's line was not less than fifteen hundred, while in front of Cheatham's it exceeded two thousand. Considering that his loss was one thousand on the right and left by skirmishing and five hundred in his attack on French in the evening, and there is a total loss of five thousand men killed and wounded. This is a very moderate estimate; but General Johnston having requested that no exaggerated statements shall be given by correspondents, I confine myself to this low number. Our loss is astonishingly small. Four hundred men will more than cover our total loss in the whole army throughout the day. Prisoners. We captured about one hundred prisoners, and could have captured many more, but the order being given for our men not to leave their works, the enemy was not pursued, and consequently many got away who could have been easily t
se to give a brief synopsis of it: At the last meeting of the Legislature a law was passed ordering the Board of Public Works to impress the property of Charles Scott & Co., in Smythe and Washington counties, for the purpose of procuring salt for the citizens of Virginia at a reduced rate. The plaintiffs considered the law unconstitutional, and procured an injunction to " restrain the defendant (Clarkson) or his agents and servants from impressing, or in any way interfering with the property of the plaintiffs," Upon motion to dissolve the said injunction the cause came up before his Honor Judge Meredith yesterday morning, and was argued by John Randolph Tucker, Esq, for defendants, during the forenoon, and by John W. Johnston, Esq., of Abingdon, for plaintiffs, during the afternoon. The Court will sit again this afternoon, when John B. Baldwin, of Augusta county, will conclude the argument on the same side, to be followed by Mr. Tucker on Wednesday, who makes the closing argument.