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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 7, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Gen Bragg or search for Gen Bragg in all documents.
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Gen Bragg.
Here and there in this wide Confederacy there arises at times a querulous note of wonder at the fire of bird shot, Minnie balls, and shells incessantly poured upon Gen. Braxton Bragg.
Unaccustomed to military operations, these amiable sympathizers attribute to the most unamiable motive the interminable assaults upon a distinguished chief.
They insist that human nature delights in having a victim, and madly rave about injustice and persecution.
What an absurd calumny!
Bragg, it is true, is a target, but a target is not fired upon from malice or envy.
Its object is to improve the skill of the marksmen, not to gratify any evil passions.
We shoot at Bragg to obtain accuracy of aim when we draw a bead upon the Yankees.
This is evident from the fact that those who are most familiar with the use of the gun do not often exercise themselves upon the target Bragg.
It is princicipally civilians, taking the initiatory lessons in the school of arms, who pop away perpetuall