Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 13, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for City Point (Virginia, United States) or search for City Point (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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The War News. Nothing occurred on the lines in front, of Petersburg, yesterday, worthy of mention, except some picket skirmishing, which was probably brought about by way of varying the monotony prevailing for some days past. Persons who visited Port Walthall Junction inform us that dense clouds of dust could be seen in the direction of the enemy's lines, supposed to have been caused by wagon trains moving towards City Point. It is further reported, that heavy columns of smoke were observed yesterday in the same direction, and, indeed, this was distinctly seen last evening about sundown from the Petersburg depot, in this city. The inference is, that the Yankees are burning their surplus material, preparatory to another change of base — this time, probably, to the Potomac. A scout reports that there are sufficient evidences of a considerable diminution of the Federal force in front of Petersburg, and we would not be much surprised if the whole army, at no distant day, pulled u
vention; three delegates from Pennsylvania; two from Iowa; two from Missouri, and five from Kentucky. There are now nine thousand rebel prisoners in the barracks at Rock Island, Illinois, and five thousand three hundred and seventy-seven at Camp Douglas, Chicago. There are also several hundred at Alton. Thus there is a considerable rebel army in Illinois. Professor Hadley, of the Union Theological Seminary, a member of the Christian Commission, died last Monday on the boat from City Point. Bishop Whelan, of the Catholic Church, is now building, a few miles cast of Wheeling, a Female Seminary of immense proportions. William H. Carter, a citizen of Maryland, has been found guilty by a court-martial of being a spy, and sentenced to be hanged on Friday next, at the Old Capitol prison, Washington. The President has approved the sentence. A list of medicines wanted by Surgeon-General Moore was exhibited on the trial. There are 10,000 and refugees in St. Louis.
e news. The following is a summary of the latest reports: From the Upper Potomac. Our cavalry forces sent out from General Sheridan have re-occupied Martinsburg. An official dispatch from General Sheridan reports his forces moving up the Shenandoah Valley against the enemy, and at 4 o'clock yesterday (Wednesday) skirmishing was going on ten miles from Winchester. From Grant's army. There is nothing important from the Army of the Potomac. General Grant has returned to City Point. He reports the explosion of an ordnance boat, Tuesday, loaded with ammunition, at the City Point wharf. No details are given. From Florida. General Birney has made a raid in Florida, destroying several bridges and capturing a locomotive and several cars and a quantity of small arms. We now hold Baldwin and Camp Milton. Reported resignation of Secretary Station. Washington is filled with rumors of coming cabinet changes. One set of reports state that Secretaries Sewar