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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: September 8, 1864., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

Found 4 total hits in 2 results.

Joseph Tree (search for this): article 3
Southern Telegraph Company. We learn that Mr. Joseph Tree, formerly of the Norfolk and Petersburg Railroad Telegraph Line, has been appointed Superintendent of the Southern Telegraph Company, in place of Mr. J. R. Dowell, resigned. While it is a matter of regret that Mr. Dowell's valuable services could not have been retained, we congratulate the company upon the good judgment displayed in the appointment of his successor. Mr. Tree is a man of extensive experience in the telegraph businf the Norfolk and Petersburg Railroad Telegraph Line, has been appointed Superintendent of the Southern Telegraph Company, in place of Mr. J. R. Dowell, resigned. While it is a matter of regret that Mr. Dowell's valuable services could not have been retained, we congratulate the company upon the good judgment displayed in the appointment of his successor. Mr. Tree is a man of extensive experience in the telegraph business, and thoroughly competent to discharge the duties of his new position.
J. R. Dowell (search for this): article 3
Southern Telegraph Company. We learn that Mr. Joseph Tree, formerly of the Norfolk and Petersburg Railroad Telegraph Line, has been appointed Superintendent of the Southern Telegraph Company, in place of Mr. J. R. Dowell, resigned. While it is a matter of regret that Mr. Dowell's valuable services could not have been retained, we congratulate the company upon the good judgment displayed in the appointment of his successor. Mr. Tree is a man of extensive experience in the telegraph businef the Norfolk and Petersburg Railroad Telegraph Line, has been appointed Superintendent of the Southern Telegraph Company, in place of Mr. J. R. Dowell, resigned. While it is a matter of regret that Mr. Dowell's valuable services could not have been retained, we congratulate the company upon the good judgment displayed in the appointment of his successor. Mr. Tree is a man of extensive experience in the telegraph business, and thoroughly competent to discharge the duties of his new position.