Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 19, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Ambler or search for Ambler in all documents.

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Incendiary fires. --On Saturday morning, about two o'clock, a bale of straw, which had been deposited in the alley intersecting Mayo street, near the Jewish Synagogue, in close proximity to Miles Ambler's sash and blind, factory, was set on fire; but, by the timely appearance of two watchmen, it was put out before gaining much headway. A few minutes before the alarm was given, two negroes standing at the corner of the alley attracted the attention of the watchmen, when they started towards them; but the fellows immediately ran off and soon succeeded in getting out of sight. On their return, after abandoning the chase, the fire, which had been kindled by the negroes, was discovered and extinguished. At the same hour yesterday morning, an office in Mr. John Ar Belvin's lumber-yard, on Broad street, between Governor and Fourteenth streets, was set on fire and partially destroyed. The promptness of the firemen saved it from total destruction. Loss slight.