Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 19, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for A. E. Dickinson or search for A. E. Dickinson in all documents.

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Rev. F. McCarthy preached the opening sermon. Rev. J. B. Solomon was elected Moderator; Rev. W. H. Fonerden, Clerk; and Dr. G. B. Steel, Treasurer. Rev. A. E. Dickinson, Rev. W. F. Broadus and W. Sands spoke in behalf of educating the children of deceased and disabled soldiers. Twenty-five hundred dollars in money was raised, while several persons assumed each to educate an orphan. Rev. Mr. Dickinson raised seven hundred dollars in cash and subscriptions for the Colportage Board, to be used in sending the Religious Herald to the army. Sermons were delivered by Revs. R. H. Land, W. F. Broadus, J. F. Kiser, W. H. Williams and A. E. Dickinsliams and A. E. Dickinson. The session was very pleasant and the hospitality of the Berea people unbounded. The Association adjourned to meet a year hence at Dover, Goochland county--Rev. M. Winston to preach the opening sermon and Dr. J. L. Burrows his alternate. Rev. Dr. Ryland was appointed to write the circular letter.
Receiver's Sale of negroes. --In pursuance of the orders of the District Court of the Confederate States in the two cases of the Confederate States against L. S. Marys, and the Confederate States ex-parts in the matter of George Metkyer, an alien enemy, made on the 14th instant, I will sell, on Friday, the 22d instant, at 10 o'clock, at the auction house of Hill, Dickinson & Co., at public auction, for cash, the following slaves, namely: Ann and her three children, late the property of Miles G. Carter, an alien enemy. George, aged nine years, and Thomas, aged, five years, late the property of George Metkyer, an alien enemy. Henry L. Brooke, Receiver, District No. 3. se 17--td