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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 1, 1864., [Electronic resource].

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Brazil (Brazil) (search for this): article 2
Florida by the United States steam slooped Wachusett, in the bay of Bahia, on the 7th of October last, was a flagrant outrage upon the territories sovereignty of Brazil, violative of the rights of the Government in neutral waters, in disregard of the of nations, and therefore a wrong done maritime power. "Resolved, That it was the duty of Brazil, under law of nations to protect the property of the Confederate States whilst within its territory the hostile acts of every power; and having to give such protection, that that Government is bound to the restitution, in statu quo, of the steamer Florida by the authorities of the United to the authoritresolution authorizing the President to appoint, by and with the consent and advice of the Senate, a commissioner to the Government of His Majesty, the Emperor of Brazil. Placed on the calendar. On motion, by Mr. Sparrow, a substitute, reported from the Military Committee, for the bill to amend the "act to increase the effic
Bahia (Bahia, Brazil) (search for this): article 2
rate Congress.Senate. Wednesday, November 30, 1864. The Senate met at 12 o'clock M. Prayer by the Rev. M. D. Hoge, of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Orr, from the Committee on Foreign Relations, submitted a report of the facts relative to the seizure of the Florida, together with the following series of resolutions, both of which were ordered to be printed: "Resolved. That the seizure of the Confederate war Florida by the United States steam slooped Wachusett, in the bay of Bahia, on the 7th of October last, was a flagrant outrage upon the territories sovereignty of Brazil, violative of the rights of the Government in neutral waters, in disregard of the of nations, and therefore a wrong done maritime power. "Resolved, That it was the duty of Brazil, under law of nations to protect the property of the Confederate States whilst within its territory the hostile acts of every power; and having to give such protection, that that Government is bound to the resti
the clerks in the several departments and bureaux of the Government had no reference to the female clerks. Adopted. Mr. Foote continued his remarks on the Monroe doctrine; and his resolutions on the subject were referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Mr. Foote offered a joint resolution that Congress has no power to emancipate slaves. Referred to the Judiciary Committee. Also, a resolution that the passport system is incompatible with Republican institutions, and ought to be abolished. Referred. Mr. Foote offered a series of resolutions deprecatory of separate State action for peace, but tending to peace. Mr. Foote stated that his object was to arm the Government with additional power in the prosecution of Mr. Foote stated that his object was to arm the Government with additional power in the prosecution of the war. Mr. Clark, of Missouri, moved to strike out all after the word resolved, and substitute a series of resolutions declaring that the Confederacy would never listen to propositions of peace unless every foot of its territory was surrender
House of Representatives. The House was opened with prayer by Rev. Dr. Burrows. The Speaker announced the following special committees: The committee of one from each State to prepare a memorial, to be addressed to the several State Legislatures, under a resolution of Mr. Staples, of Virginia.--Messrs. Rives, of Virginia; W. E. Smith, of Georgia, Marshall, of Kentucky; Rogers, of Florida; Kenner, of Louisiana; Keeble, of Tennessee; Gilmer, of North Carolina; Clark, of Missouri; Batson, of Arkansas; Sexton, of Texas; Chilton, of Alabama; Orr, of Mississippi. [Mr. Staples desired not to be appointed on the committee.] Committee of investigation, under the resolution of Mr. Welsh, of Mississippi, to inquire into the condition of the Stuart Hospital.--Messrs. Welsh, of Mississippi; Blandford, of Georgia; Turner, of North Carolina; Herbert, of Texas. Committee on the claims of the States, under the resolution of Mr. Smith, of North Carolina. --Messrs. Smith, o
r, of North Carolina; Clark, of Missouri; Batson, of Arkansas; Sexton, of Texas; Chilton, of Alabama; Orr, of Mississippi. [Mr. Staples desired not to be appointed on the committee.] Committee of investigation, under the resolution of Mr. Welsh, of Mississippi, to inquire into the condition of the Stuart Hospital.--Messrs. Welsh, of Mississippi; Blandford, of Georgia; Turner, of North Carolina; Herbert, of Texas. Committee on the claims of the States, under the resolution of Mr. Messrs. Welsh, of Mississippi; Blandford, of Georgia; Turner, of North Carolina; Herbert, of Texas. Committee on the claims of the States, under the resolution of Mr. Smith, of North Carolina. --Messrs. Smith, of North Carolina; Perkins, of Louisiana; Clopton, of Alabama; Johnson, of Virginia; Barksdale, of Mississippi; Farrow, of South Carolina; Hartridge, of Georgia; Burnett, of Kentucky; Rogers, of Florida; McCallum, of Tennessee. Mr. Farrow, of South Carolina, introduced a resolution that the House resolution calling for the ages of the clerks in the several departments and bureaux of the Government had no reference to the female clerks. Adopted.
House of Representatives. The House was opened with prayer by Rev. Dr. Burrows. The Speaker announced the following special committees: The committee of one from each State to prepare a memorial, to be addressed to the several State Legislatures, under a resolution of Mr. Staples, of Virginia.--Messrs. Rives, of Virginia; W. E. Smith, of Georgia, Marshall, of Kentucky; Rogers, of Florida; Kenner, of Louisiana; Keeble, of Tennessee; Gilmer, of North Carolina; Clark, of Missouri; Batson, of Arkansas; Sexton, of Texas; Chilton, of Alabama; Orr, of Mississippi. [Mr. Staples desired not to be appointed on the committee.] Committee of investigation, under the resolution of Mr. Welsh, of Mississippi, to inquire into the condition of the Stuart Hospital.--Messrs. Welsh, of Mississippi; Blandford, of Georgia; Turner, of North Carolina; Herbert, of Texas. Committee on the claims of the States, under the resolution of Mr. Smith, of North Carolina. --Messrs. Smith, o
House of Representatives. The House was opened with prayer by Rev. Dr. Burrows. The Speaker announced the following special committees: The committee of one from each State to prepare a memorial, to be addressed to the several State Legislatures, under a resolution of Mr. Staples, of Virginia.--Messrs. Rives, of Virginia; W. E. Smith, of Georgia, Marshall, of Kentucky; Rogers, of Florida; Kenner, of Louisiana; Keeble, of Tennessee; Gilmer, of North Carolina; Clark, of Missouri; Batson, of Arkansas; Sexton, of Texas; Chilton, of Alabama; Orr, of Mississippi. [Mr. Staples desired not to be appointed on the committee.] Committee of investigation, under the resolution of Mr. Welsh, of Mississippi, to inquire into the condition of the Stuart Hospital.--Messrs. Welsh, of Mississippi; Blandford, of Georgia; Turner, of North Carolina; Herbert, of Texas. Committee on the claims of the States, under the resolution of Mr. Smith, of North Carolina. --Messrs. Smith, o
xton, of Texas; Chilton, of Alabama; Orr, of Mississippi. [Mr. Staples desired not to be appointed on the committee.] Committee of investigation, under the resolution of Mr. Welsh, of Mississippi, to inquire into the condition of the Stuart Hospital.--Messrs. Welsh, of Mississippi; Blandford, of Georgia; Turner, of North Carolina; Herbert, of Texas. Committee on the claims of the States, under the resolution of Mr. Smith, of North Carolina. --Messrs. Smith, of North Carolina; Perkins, of Louisiana; Clopton, of Alabama; Johnson, of Virginia; Barksdale, of Mississippi; Farrow, of South Carolina; Hartridge, of Georgia; Burnett, of Kentucky; Rogers, of Florida; McCallum, of Tennessee. Mr. Farrow, of South Carolina, introduced a resolution that the House resolution calling for the ages of the clerks in the several departments and bureaux of the Government had no reference to the female clerks. Adopted. Mr. Foote continued his remarks on the Monroe doctrine; and his
House of Representatives. The House was opened with prayer by Rev. Dr. Burrows. The Speaker announced the following special committees: The committee of one from each State to prepare a memorial, to be addressed to the several State Legislatures, under a resolution of Mr. Staples, of Virginia.--Messrs. Rives, of Virginia; W. E. Smith, of Georgia, Marshall, of Kentucky; Rogers, of Florida; Kenner, of Louisiana; Keeble, of Tennessee; Gilmer, of North Carolina; Clark, of Missouri; Batson, of Arkansas; Sexton, of Texas; Chilton, of Alabama; Orr, of Mississippi. [Mr. Staples desired not to be appointed on the committee.] Committee of investigation, under the resolution of Mr. Welsh, of Mississippi, to inquire into the condition of the Stuart Hospital.--Messrs. Welsh, of Mississippi; Blandford, of Georgia; Turner, of North Carolina; Herbert, of Texas. Committee on the claims of the States, under the resolution of Mr. Smith, of North Carolina. --Messrs. Smith,
Barksdale (search for this): article 3
Staples desired not to be appointed on the committee.] Committee of investigation, under the resolution of Mr. Welsh, of Mississippi, to inquire into the condition of the Stuart Hospital.--Messrs. Welsh, of Mississippi; Blandford, of Georgia; Turner, of North Carolina; Herbert, of Texas. Committee on the claims of the States, under the resolution of Mr. Smith, of North Carolina. --Messrs. Smith, of North Carolina; Perkins, of Louisiana; Clopton, of Alabama; Johnson, of Virginia; Barksdale, of Mississippi; Farrow, of South Carolina; Hartridge, of Georgia; Burnett, of Kentucky; Rogers, of Florida; McCallum, of Tennessee. Mr. Farrow, of South Carolina, introduced a resolution that the House resolution calling for the ages of the clerks in the several departments and bureaux of the Government had no reference to the female clerks. Adopted. Mr. Foote continued his remarks on the Monroe doctrine; and his resolutions on the subject were referred to the Committee on Foreig
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