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Later from Europe. Foreign dates to the 22d ultimo have been received. The Pope had written a letter acknowledging the receipt of an address from the Commissioners of the Confederate States in Europe, and announcing his intention to urge peace at all times. The English papers rather have Lincoln on the back over his late message. Advices received in England from Bahia confirm the news of the capture and burning of vessels by the pirate Sea King (Shenandoah). The ship Isabella, from New York for Bremen, had put into Fayal, leaking. Commercial Intelligence.--Liverpool, December 22.--Cotton.--The sales of two days amounted to twenty thousand bales, including twelve thousand to speculators and exporters. The market closed firm, and advancing. Breadstuffs are quiet, but steady. Provisions are dull. Petroleum closed firm. London,December 22.--Consols closed at 89a89 1-2 for money. American stocks are steady.