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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 12, 1865., [Electronic resource].

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Vermont (Vermont, United States) (search for this): article 6
ffairs committee. Speaker Colfax keeps his own counsels and consults with but few, if any, members as to the construction of the standing committees. The subject is one of much interest to those having legitimate business before the House, and also to an energetic class of men here known as the lobby. To-morrow, if there is a quorum of members present, the House standing committees will be named. It is said that Thaddeus Stevens is chairman of the ways and means; Mr. Morrill, of Vermont, chairman of the committee on appropriations, and General Butler chairman of the committee on foreign relations. There is a great and just indignation over Steven's appointment, and a pressure may change it. The Republicans, it is said, do not intend to quarrel with the President, but that they will take their own time about admitting the Southern members, except those from Tennessee. They will yield on this point, it is represented, out of deference to the Executive, and especially
Washington (United States) (search for this): article 6
Admission of Southern Representatives. This, which is the absorbing topic of conversation, discussion, and even of strife, in Washington city, continues to occupy the attention of newspapers every where and of their correspondents in that city. We cull from papers of opposite political bearings the speculations which are indulged by the several parties. The Baltimore Sun's Washington correspondence says: Washington, December 10.--The Republicans are in a very anxious condition. Men of conservative and radical views are seen much in conference, and the result, doubtless, will be a letting down gradually from the Colfax-Stevens-Sumner platform towards that of the President. In no other way can the Republican party be kept together. I believe Horace Greeley and Colonel Forncy both are working to this end. Stevens is pushed hard by the Radicals for the chairmanship of the leading House committee, and the Speaker may yield. Mr. Kasson is antagonizing Mr. Raymond for
Steven (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): article 6
ect is one of much interest to those having legitimate business before the House, and also to an energetic class of men here known as the lobby. To-morrow, if there is a quorum of members present, the House standing committees will be named. It is said that Thaddeus Stevens is chairman of the ways and means; Mr. Morrill, of Vermont, chairman of the committee on appropriations, and General Butler chairman of the committee on foreign relations. There is a great and just indignation over Steven's appointment, and a pressure may change it. The Republicans, it is said, do not intend to quarrel with the President, but that they will take their own time about admitting the Southern members, except those from Tennessee. They will yield on this point, it is represented, out of deference to the Executive, and especially for the reason that his son-in-law is one of the Senators. Mr. Greeley says in his paper: The President and the overwhelming majority of Congress are in i
Important from Mexico. --Senor Romero, the Mexican Minister, yesterday received intelligence from Mexico to the effect that the French were retreating from Chihuahua upon Vera Cruz.--National Intelligencer of yesterday.
Vera Cruz (Veracruz, Mexico) (search for this): article 7
Important from Mexico. --Senor Romero, the Mexican Minister, yesterday received intelligence from Mexico to the effect that the French were retreating from Chihuahua upon Vera Cruz.--National Intelligencer of yesterday.
Mexico (Mexico, Mexico) (search for this): article 7
Important from Mexico. --Senor Romero, the Mexican Minister, yesterday received intelligence from Mexico to the effect that the French were retreating from Chihuahua upon Vera Cruz.--National Intelligencer of yesterday. Important from Mexico. --Senor Romero, the Mexican Minister, yesterday received intelligence from Mexico to the effect that the French were retreating from Chihuahua upon Vera Cruz.--National Intelligencer of yesterday.
Chihuahua (Chihuahua, Mexico) (search for this): article 7
Important from Mexico. --Senor Romero, the Mexican Minister, yesterday received intelligence from Mexico to the effect that the French were retreating from Chihuahua upon Vera Cruz.--National Intelligencer of yesterday.
S. R. Mallory (search for this): article 8
Florida and the Union. --Honorable S. R. Mallory, of Florida, the late rebel Secretary of the Navy, has written a letter from Fort Pulaski, where he is confined, urging the people of Florida to take such measures us shall insure full civil protection to the negroes and provide them such an education as shall render them an "enlightened class of free labor,"
chmond city in the probate of wills and granting administrations. Agreed to. By Mr. Gratton.--A resolution of inquiry relative to authorizing fiduciaries having management of real estate during the minority, coverture, or other disability of the owners thereof, to make leases which may continue for a longer period than said disability. Agreed to. By Mr. Merrett, of Brunswick.--A resolution of inquiry relative to amending second section of chapter one hundred and one of the Code of 1860 so as to provide more effectually against trespasses on the lands of others. Agreed to. By Mr. Pate, of Bedford.--A resolution that a joint committee of five members on the part of the House and three on the part of the Senate be appointed to inquire into the expediency of fixing an early day to proceed to the election of two Senators to represent the State of Virginia in the Senate of the United States. Mr. Garnett, of Essex, offered as a substitute, which was accepted by Mr. Pate
ond and Petersburg Railroad Company. Read twice and referred to the Committee on Roads and Internal Navigation. Mr. Davis, of Washington, offered a bill to amend the road law so as to tax real estate for the purpose of keeping roads in repair. Referred. A resolution was offered by Mr. Bolling, of Petersburg, to appoint a committee of three to wait on the Governor, to ask if in his opinion, the office of Second Auditor could be dispensed with at the present time. Mr. Boyd, of Botetourt, offered a resolution ordering the Committee on Courts of Justice to inquire into the expediency of establishing, by law, such rules in regard to the scaling of debts contracted when Confederate States Treasury notes constituted the currency of the country as will secure uniformity of decision. On motion, the Senate adjourned. House of Delegates. The House met at 12 o'clock M. The Chair announced the following as the select joint committees on oysters, freedmen and emigr
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