Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 28, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Maximilian or search for Maximilian in all documents.

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that the appointment belongs to the South, and that it will for a time be held in abeyance. Raid to be made on Mormonism. Mormonism looms up as the next hobby before the country. Old army officers who have served on the plains, and who have been brought in contact with the people of Salt Lake City, are besieging the President with suggestions and plans for the employment of Our military force against the Latter Day Saints, in default of an opportunity for their employment against Maximilian and Napoleon. [General Augur's order forbidding army officers serving in the Department of Washington from visiting the city without permission; the petitions circulated among non-voters in favor of universal or negro suffrage; the arsenal explosion investigating board; the committees remaining in session; and the North Carolina pardons recently granted; are again brought up and noticed in the Washington correspondence of our exchanges. Having published all these items of news a
The Daily Dispatch: December 28, 1865., [Electronic resource], The railroad projected by the Baltimore and Ohio railroad company in the Valley of Virginia. (search)
his own defence. He was insolent, and sought to exhaust the Court. A letter received in Liverpool confirms the statement that Stephens, the Fenian Head-Centre, is in Paris. The London Observer says that Napoleon is apprehensive that Maximilian will follow his Empress to Europe, and has prevailed upon the Mexican Minister at Paris to proceed to Mexico and endeavor to dissuade Maximilian from abdicating. London, December 14.--O'Donnovan was convicted of Fenianism and sentenced to Maximilian from abdicating. London, December 14.--O'Donnovan was convicted of Fenianism and sentenced to penal servitude for life. Piracy is increasing to an alarming extent in China. It is reported that France has given England six months notice to terminate the existing treaty, because of the strict formalities required before French offenders are given up. Commercial and financial. Liverpool, December 13. --Cotton — the sales of three days, including Wednesday, were 37,000 bales, of which 13,000 were to speculators and exporters. The market manifested a strong upward tende
ediately after the holidays, in the flagship of the Gulf squadron, for the Rio Grande, and that Commodore Winslow has sailed in the Champion, vies New Orleans, leaving his flagship behind for the General. This is one of a class of a paragraphs sent from here from time to time, which, taken together, are intended to create an impression that the Lieutenant-General intends to go at once to the Rio Grande, with special reference to Mexican difficulties, and an ulterior purpose of driving Maximilian from Mexico. We have the best authority for saying that General Grant does not expect to leave here until he has progressed further in his work of re-organizing the army and decreasing it to a peace basis. Secretary Stanton, in his reply to a resolution of the Senate requesting him to report whether any person was employed by the War Department who has not taken the oath prescribed by act of Congress, says: "None have been employed except those who were appointed Provisional Gove