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Ilium (Turkey) 32 0 Browse Search
Troy (Turkey) 26 0 Browse Search
Argos (Greece) 16 0 Browse Search
Argive (Greece) 8 0 Browse Search
Greece (Greece) 6 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Aeschylus, Agamemnon (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.). Search the whole document.

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Troy (Turkey) (search for this): card 320
Clytaemestra This day the Achaeans hold Troy. Within the town there sounds loud, I believe, a clamor of voices which will not blend. Pour vinegar and oil into the same vessel and you will say that, as foes, they keep apart; so the cries of vanquished and victors greet the ear,distinct as their fortunes are diverse. Those, flung upon the corpses of their husbands and their brothers, children upon the bodies of their aged fathers who gave them life, bewail from lips no longer free the death of their dearest ones, while these—a night of restless toil after battle sets them down famished to break their fast on such fare as the town affords; not faring according to rank, but as each man has drawn his lot by chance.And even now they are quartered in the captured Trojan homes, delivered from the frosts and dew of the naked sky, and like happy men will sleep all the night without a guard. Now if they keep clear of guilt towards the gods of the town—those of the conquered land—and towards t<