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Argos (Greece) 54 0 Browse Search
Mycenae (Greece) 22 0 Browse Search
Argive (Greece) 22 0 Browse Search
Athens (Greece) 22 0 Browse Search
Greece (Greece) 10 0 Browse Search
Attica (Greece) 8 0 Browse Search
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Euboea (Greece) 2 0 Browse Search
Megara (Greece) 2 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Euripides, Heracleidae (ed. David Kovacs). Search the whole document.

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Athens (Greece) (search for this): card 48
l you are! For there is no one who will choose to have your worthless might in preference to Eurystheus. March! Why take all this trouble? You must get up from the altar and on to Argos, where a stony justice awaits you. Iolaus No, since the god's altar will protect me, and since the land on which we stand is free. Herald Do you wish to cause this hand of mine more work? Iolaus Surely you will not use force to take me and these children away. Herald You'll see. You are not, it seems, a good prophet in this. Iolaus It shall not happen while I am still alive! Herald Off! Be gone! He pulls Iolaus away from the altar and knocks him onto the ground. And as for these, whether you like it or not I shall take them off, regarding them as the property of Eurystheus, as in fact they are. Iolaus Dwellers in Athens from of old, help us! We, who are suppliants of Zeus Agoraios, are being violently treated, our suppliant wreaths are defiled, a disgrace to the city and an insult to the gods.
Argos (Greece) (search for this): card 48
from the face of the earth. A curse on you, hateful creature, and on him who sent you for all the many troubles that same mouth of yours also laid on these children's noble father! Herald No doubt you imagine this is a fine position you have taken up and that you have come to a city that is your ally. What a fool you are! For there is no one who will choose to have your worthless might in preference to Eurystheus. March! Why take all this trouble? You must get up from the altar and on to Argos, where a stony justice awaits you. Iolaus No, since the god's altar will protect me, and since the land on which we stand is free. Herald Do you wish to cause this hand of mine more work? Iolaus Surely you will not use force to take me and these children away. Herald You'll see. You are not, it seems, a good prophet in this. Iolaus It shall not happen while I am still alive! Herald Off! Be gone! He pulls Iolaus away from the altar and knocks him onto the ground. And as for these, whet