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Ilium (Turkey) 194 0 Browse Search
Olympus (Greece) 168 0 Browse Search
Troy (Turkey) 164 0 Browse Search
Argos (Greece) 80 0 Browse Search
Xanthos (Turkey) 46 0 Browse Search
Lycia (Turkey) 40 0 Browse Search
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Pylos (Greece) 26 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Homer, The Iliad (ed. Samuel Butler). Search the whole document.

Found 3 total hits in 1 results.

Olympus (Greece) (search for this): book 1, card 320
hall seek and they shall not find. Agamemnon is mad with rage and knows not how to look before and after that the Achaeans may fight by their ships in safety." Patroklos did as his dear comrade had bidden him. He brought Briseis from the tent and gave her over to the heralds, who took her with them to the ships of the Achaeans - and the woman was loath to go. Then Achilles went all alone by the side of the hoar sea [pontos], weeping and looking out upon the boundless waste of waters. He raised his hands in prayer to his immortal mother, "Mother," he cried, "you bore me doomed to live but for a brief season; surely Zeus, who thunders from Olympus, might have given honor [timĂȘ] in return. It is not so. Agamemnon, son of Atreus, has done me dishonor, and has robbed me of my prize by force." As he spoke he wept aloud, and his mother heard him where she was sitting in the depths of the sea hard by the Old One, her father. Forthwith she rose as it were a gray mist out of the waves,