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Hadria (Italy) (search for this): book 5, card 374
He bids them reach In ten days' march Brundusium, and recall From old Tarentum and from Hydrus lone His navy, and from Leucas' point remote, And the Salapian marsh where Sipus lies By rich Garganus, jutting from the shore In huge escarpment that divides the waves Of Hadria; on each hand, his seaward slopes Buffeted by the winds; or Auster borne From sweet Apulia, or the sterner blast Of Boreas rushing from Dalmatian strands. But Caesar entered safe without a guard Rome, trembling, taught to serve the garb of peace, Dictator named, to grant their prayers, forsooth: Consul, in honour of the roll of Rome. Then first of all the names by which we now Lie to our masters, men found out the use: For to preserve his right to wield the sword He mixed the civil axes with his brands; With eagles, fasces; with an empty word Clothing his power; and stamped upon the time A worthy designation; for what name Could better mark the dread Pharsalian year Than 'Caesar, Consul'?Caesar was named Dictator wh
Marseilles (France) (search for this): book 5, card 374
of peace, Dictator named, to grant their prayers, forsooth: Consul, in honour of the roll of Rome. Then first of all the names by which we now Lie to our masters, men found out the use: For to preserve his right to wield the sword He mixed the civil axes with his brands; With eagles, fasces; with an empty word Clothing his power; and stamped upon the time A worthy designation; for what name Could better mark the dread Pharsalian year Than 'Caesar, Consul'?Caesar was named Dictator while at Massilia. Entering Rome, he held the office for eleven days only, but was elected Consul for the incoming year, B.C. 48, along with Servilius Isauricus. (Caesar, 'De Bello Civili,' iii., 1; Merivale, chapter xvi.) Now the famous field Pretends its ancient ceremonies: calls The tribes in order and divides the votes In vain solemnity of empty urns. Nor did they heed the portents of the sky: Deaf were the augurs to the thunder roll; The owl flew on the left; yet were the birds Propitious sworn. Th
n the darkening heaven, and the moon Reigned with her paler light, when all the fleet Freed from retaining cables seized the main. With slackened sheet the canvas wooed the breeze, Which rose and fell and fitful died away, Till motionless the sails, and all the waves Were still as deepest pool, where never wind Ripples the surface. Thus in Scythian climes Cimmerian Bosphorus restrains the deep Bound fast in frosty fetters; Ister's streams Apparently making the Danube discharge into the Sea of Azov. See Mr. Heitland's Introduction, p. 53. No more impel the main, and ships constrained Stand fast in ice; and while in depths below The waves still murmur, loud the charger's hoof Sounds on the surface, and the travelling wheel Furrows a track upon the frozen marsh. Cruel as tempest was the calm that lay In stagnant pools upon the mournful deep: Against the course of nature lay outstretched A rigid ocean: 'twas as if the sea Forgat its ancient ways and knew no more The ceaseless tides, nor a
Epidamnus (Albania) (search for this): book 5, card 374
afe passage to his routed foe: And thus he stirred his troops, in seas unskilled, With words of courage: 'When the winter wind 'Has seized on sky and ocean, firm its hold; But the inconstancy of cloudy spring 'Permits no certain breezes to prevail 'Upon the billows. Straight shall be our course. 'No winding nooks of coast, but open seas Struck by the northern wind alone we plough, 'And may he bend the spars, and bear us swift 'To Grecian cities; else Pompeius' ships 'From coasts Phaeacian,Dyrrhachium was founded by the Corcyreans, with whom the Homeric Phaeacians have been identified. with their swifter oars May catch our flagging sails. Cast loose the ropes 'From our victorious prows. Too long we waste 'Tempests that blow to bear us to our goal.' Now sank the sun to rest; the evening star Shone on the darkening heaven, and the moon Reigned with her paler light, when all the fleet Freed from retaining cables seized the main. With slackened sheet the canvas wooed the breeze, Which ros
Ceraunian headland; and the waves And favouring breezes followed on the ships, Now speeding faster, till (their goal attained) They cast their anchors on Palaeste's At the foot of the Acroceraunian range. shore. This land first saw the chiefs in neighbouring camps Confronted, which the streams of Apsus bound And swifter Genusus; a lengthy course Is run by neither, but on Apsus' waves Scarce flowing from a marsh, the frequent boat Finds room to swim; while on the foamy bed Of Genusus by sun or shower compelled The melted snows pour seawards. Here were met (So Fortune ordered it) the mighty pair; And in its woes the world yet vainly hoped That, brought to nearer touch, their crime itself Might breed abhorrence: for from either camp Voices were clearly heard and features seen. Nor e'er, Pompeius, since that distant day When Caesar's daughter and thy spouse was reft By pitiless fate away, nor left a pledge, Did thy loved kinsman (save on sands of Nile) So nearly look upon thy face again
Leucas (Greece) (search for this): book 5, card 374
He bids them reach In ten days' march Brundusium, and recall From old Tarentum and from Hydrus lone His navy, and from Leucas' point remote, And the Salapian marsh where Sipus lies By rich Garganus, jutting from the shore In huge escarpment that divides the waves Of Hadria; on each hand, his seaward slopes Buffeted by the winds; or Auster borne From sweet Apulia, or the sterner blast Of Boreas rushing from Dalmatian strands. But Caesar entered safe without a guard Rome, trembling, taught to serve the garb of peace, Dictator named, to grant their prayers, forsooth: Consul, in honour of the roll of Rome. Then first of all the names by which we now Lie to our masters, men found out the use: For to preserve his right to wield the sword He mixed the civil axes with his brands; With eagles, fasces; with an empty word Clothing his power; and stamped upon the time A worthy designation; for what name Could better mark the dread Pharsalian year Than 'Caesar, Consul'?Caesar was named Dictator wh
Tarentum (Italy) (search for this): book 5, card 374
He bids them reach In ten days' march Brundusium, and recall From old Tarentum and from Hydrus lone His navy, and from Leucas' point remote, And the Salapian marsh where Sipus lies By rich Garganus, jutting from the shore In huge escarpment that divides the waves Of Hadria; on each hand, his seaward slopes Buffeted by the winds; or Auster borne From sweet Apulia, or the sterner blast Of Boreas rushing from Dalmatian strands. But Caesar entered safe without a guard Rome, trembling, taught to serve the garb of peace, Dictator named, to grant their prayers, forsooth: Consul, in honour of the roll of Rome. Then first of all the names by which we now Lie to our masters, men found out the use: For to preserve his right to wield the sword He mixed the civil axes with his brands; With eagles, fasces; with an empty word Clothing his power; and stamped upon the time A worthy designation; for what name Could better mark the dread Pharsalian year Than 'Caesar, Consul'?Caesar was named Dictator wh
Brundusium (Italy) (search for this): book 5, card 374
He bids them reach In ten days' march Brundusium, and recall From old Tarentum and from Hydrus lone His navy, and from Leucas' point remote, And the Salapian marsh where Sipus lies By rich Garganus, jutting from the shore In huge escarpment that divides the waves Of Hadria; on each hand, his seaward slopes Buffeted by the winds; or Auster borne From sweet Apulia, or the sterner blast Of Boreas rushing from Dalmatian strands. But Caesar entered safe without a guard Rome, trembling, taught to sereheld the wonted fires Blaze from his altars on the festal night. Then through Apulia's fallows, which her hinds Left all untilled, to sluggish weeds a prey Passed Caesar onward, swifter than the fire Of heaven, or tigress dam: until he reached Brundusium's winding ramparts, built of old By Cretan colonists. There icy winds Constrained the billows, and his trembling fleet Feared for the winter storms nor dared the main. But Caesar's soul burned at the moments lost For speedy battle, nor could br
Apulia (Italy) (search for this): book 5, card 374
nd from Leucas' point remote, And the Salapian marsh where Sipus lies By rich Garganus, jutting from the shore In huge escarpment that divides the waves Of Hadria; on each hand, his seaward slopes Buffeted by the winds; or Auster borne From sweet Apulia, or the sterner blast Of Boreas rushing from Dalmatian strands. But Caesar entered safe without a guard Rome, trembling, taught to serve the garb of peace, Dictator named, to grant their prayers, forsooth: Consul, in honour of the roll of Rome. Tormed the solemn rites of the great Latin festival on the Alban Mount during his Dictatorship. (Compare Book VII., line 471.) god (since Latium's fall Deserving not) beheld the wonted fires Blaze from his altars on the festal night. Then through Apulia's fallows, which her hinds Left all untilled, to sluggish weeds a prey Passed Caesar onward, swifter than the fire Of heaven, or tigress dam: until he reached Brundusium's winding ramparts, built of old By Cretan colonists. There icy winds Constr
Latium (Italy) (search for this): book 5, card 374
were the birds Propitious sworn. Then was the ancient name Degraded first; and monthly Consuls,In the time of the Empire, the degraded Consulship, preserved only as a name, was frequently transferred at monthly, or even shorter, intervals from one favourite to another. now Shorn of their rank, were chosen to mark the years. And Trojan Alba's Caesar performed the solemn rites of the great Latin festival on the Alban Mount during his Dictatorship. (Compare Book VII., line 471.) god (since Latium's fall Deserving not) beheld the wonted fires Blaze from his altars on the festal night. Then through Apulia's fallows, which her hinds Left all untilled, to sluggish weeds a prey Passed Caesar onward, swifter than the fire Of heaven, or tigress dam: until he reached Brundusium's winding ramparts, built of old By Cretan colonists. There icy winds Constrained the billows, and his trembling fleet Feared for the winter storms nor dared the main. But Caesar's soul burned at the moments lost For
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