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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 28 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University). Search the whole document.

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f the world to preparing for another war. In consequence, though the first of the provinces, at least of those on the mainland, to be entered by the Romans, it has been the last of all to be completely conquered, and not until our own times under the command and auspices of Augustus Caesar.Since Agrippa's completion of the conquest of northwestern Spain is evidently meant here, we have in this reference to a contemporary event evidence that Book XXVIII was written (or published) after 19 B.C. There Hasdrubal son of Gisgo, being the greatest and most distinguished general after the Barca family in that war, had at that time returned from Gades in the hope of renewing the war. After conducting levies in Farther Spain with the help of Mago the son of Hamilcar, he armed about fifty thousand infantry and four thousand five hundred cavalry. As to the cavalry forces there is substantial agreement among the authorities, but some writers state that seventy thousand foot-soldi