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Found 28 total hits in 6 results.

Russia (Russia) (search for this): narrative 134
The way discovered by water by us Thomas Southam & John Sparke, from the towne of Colmogro, by the Westerne bottome of the Baie of S. Nicholas, unto the citie of Novogrod in Russia , containing many particulars of the way, and distance of miles, as hereafter foloweth. Anno 1566. WE departed from Colmogro about 10. of the clocke afore noone in a Lodia or Barke, which we hired to bring us along the coast to a place called Soroka, & in the sayd barke we hired 6. mariners, and a boy to conduct usth we valed downe the river of Dwina, the winde being then calme, unto a monasterie called S. Michael where we were constrained to anker because of a contrary wind which there met us. From Colmogro to this monasterie are 50. versts or miles of Russia , at which place we taried till the 21. day in the morning, and then having the wind somewhat faire, we set saile and departed thence. 21 We departed from the monasterie of S. Michael, having the wind somwhat faire, and arrived at Rose Island,
Anger (Steiermark, Austria) (search for this): narrative 134
Owna river. Being past the said Island 10. miles, the wind came contrary, whereupon we returned to the Island of Sogisney, where we remained until the 29. day. 29 The 29. day we departed from Sogisney aforesayd, at 5. of the clocke in the afternoone, the wind at East northeast, & our course was Southwest & by west, passing by an Island called Anger, being 30. miles from Sogisney, and keeping on our course, we came by the headland of an Island called Abdon, being from the Island of Anger 15. miles, where we found many rocks: and if the great providence of God had not preserved us, wee had there perished, being fallen amongst them in the night time, and our pilot none of the perfectest, which was contrary to his profession as we found it. But whosoever will travell that way must either keepe hard aboord the shore, for that there is a chanell which goeth along the coast within the rocks, or els give the headland a birth of 6. miles at the least, and so goe a seabo
Moscow (Russia) (search for this): narrative 134
ere we lodged. 29 Wee departed from Grussina in the morning, and the same day at evening came to a place called Petroe Svetoe, where we lay all night, being 40 miles from Grussina. 30 We departed from Petro Svetoe in the morning, and at two of the clock in the afternoone we arrived at the Citie of Novogrod, being twentie miles from Petroe Svetoe. Here we found William Rowlie Agent to the company, who was there stayed with all his company, and was not licenced to depart thence for the Mosco, by reason that the plague was then in the Citie of Novogrod. Unto him we delivered all the wares that wee brought from Colmogro, for by the way we sold not a peny worth, the people of the countrey every where be so miserable. The right way to bring and transport wares from Novogrod to Rose Island into S. Nicholas bay, where our Ships yeerely lade, with the distance of miles from place to place, is as followeth: 20 Miles from Novogrod to Petroe Svetoe. 40 Miles from thence to Gr
Colmogro (Russia) (search for this): narrative 134
The way discovered by water by us Thomas Southam & John Sparke, from the towne of Colmogro, by the Westerne bottome of the Baie of S. Nicholas, unto the citie of Novogrod in Russia , containing many particulars of the way, and distance of miles, as hereafter foloweth. Anno 1566. WE departed from Colmogro about 10. of the clocke afore noone in a Lodia or Barke, which we hired to bring us along the coast to a place called Soroka, & in the sayd barke we hired 6. mariners, and a boy to conduct us a monasterie called S. Michael where we were constrained to anker because of a contrary wind which there met us. From Colmogro to this monasterie are 50. versts or miles of Russia , at which place we taried till the 21. day in the morning, and the, by reason that the plague was then in the Citie of Novogrod. Unto him we delivered all the wares that wee brought from Colmogro, for by the way we sold not a peny worth, the people of the countrey every where be so miserable. The right way to b
Stone (United Kingdom) (search for this): narrative 134
ote, that at our being at the monasterie, there was no Abbot for the place as then chosen: for 15. dayes before our arrival there, the Abbot was sent for by the Emperour, and made Metropolitane of the realme, as he now is. The number of monkes belonging to the monasterie are at the least 200. 31 Wee departed from the monasterie of Solofky, as is aforesayde, to a faire stone house of theirs, which is 5. miles from the monasterie, lying from it South and by West. 1 We departed from the Stone house at 3. of the clocke in the morning: our course was West for 60. versts, and then passing betwixt divers and sundry rocks, with many small Islands round about us for the space of 20 miles, keeping most commonly the same course still, we then shaped a new course, and yet sundry times shifting, but we alwayes kept the Southwest, and neerest of all South southwest, until we came within two miles of the entrance of the river Owiga where we were to beare in, West and by North. From the r
The way discovered by water by us Thomas Southam & John Sparke, from the towne of Colmogro, by the Westerne bottome of the Baie of S. Nicholas, unto the citie of Novogrod in Russia , containing many particulars of the way, and distance of miles, as hereafter foloweth. Anno 1566. WE departed from Colmogro about 10. of the clocke afore noone in a Lodia or Barke, which we hired to bring us along the coast to a place called Soroka, & in the sayd barke we hired 6. mariners, and a boy to conduct us to the place before rehearsed. The Lodia or barke was of the burden of 25. tunnes or thereabout, wherewith we valed downe the river of Dwina, the winde being then calme, unto a monasterie called S. Michael where we were constrained to anker because of a contrary wind which there met us. From Colmogro to this monasterie are 50. versts or miles of Russia , at which place we taried till the 21. day in the morning, and then having the wind somewhat faire, we set saile and departed thence. 21