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and life, who since, as he hath sworne to me, hath spent 300000 ducats in the same, & yet never could enter so far into the land as my selfe with that poore troupe or rather a handfull of men, being in all about 100 gentlemen, souldiers, rowers, boat-keepers, boyes, & of all sorts: neither could any of the forepassed undertakers, nor Berreo himselfe, discover the countrey, till now lately by conference with an ancient king called Carapana, he got the true light thereof: for Berreo came about 1500 miles yer he understood ought, or could finde any passage or entrance into any part thereof, yet he had experience of al these forenamed, and divers others, and was perswaded of their errors and mistakings. Berreo sought it by the river Cassamar, which falleth into a great river called Pato: Pato falleth into Meta, and Meta into Baraquan, which is also called Orenoque. He tooke his journey from Nuevo reyno de Granada where he dwelt, having the inheritance of Gonzales Ximenes in those par
eafter) thought that this Inga (of whom this emperour now living is descended) tooke his way by the river of Amazones, by that branch which is called Papamene: for by that way followed Orellana (by the commandement of Gonzalo Pizarro, in the yere 1542) whose name the river also beareth this day, which is also by others called Marannon, although Andrew Thevet doeth affirme that betweene Marannon and Amazones there are 120 leagues: but sure it is that those rivers have one head and beginninch of Amazones or Orellana, of which I will speake more in another place. It was attempted by Ordas ; but it is now little lesse then 70 yeres since that Diego Ordas, a knight of the order of Saint Iago attempted the same: and it was in the yeere 1542 that Orellana discovered the river of Amazones; but the first that ever saw Manoa was Juan Martinez master of the munition to Ordas . At a port called Morequito in Guiana there lieth at this day a great anker of Ordas his ship; and this port is
y knewe of the wayes and passages, my selfe seeming to purpose nothing lesse then the enterance or discoverie thereof, but bred in them an opinion that I was bound onely for the reliefe of those English which I had planted in Virginia , whereof the bruite was come among them; which I had performed in my returne, if extremitie of weather had not forst me from the said coast. I found occasions of staying in this place for two causes: the one was to be revenged of Berreo, who the yere before 1594. had betraied eight of Captaine Whiddons men, and tooke them while he departed from them to seeke the Edward Bonaventure, which arrived at Trinidad the day before from the East Indies: in whose absence Berreo sent a Canoa abord the pinnesse onely with Indians and dogs inviting the company to goe with them into the woods to kill a deare, who like wise men in the absence of their Captaine followed the Indians, but were no sooner one harquebuze shot from the shore, but Berreos souldiers lying i
The discoverie of Guiana . ON Thursday the 6. of February in the yere 1595. we departed England , and the Sunday following had sight of the North cape of Spaine, the winde for the most part continuing prosperous: we passed in sight of the Burlings, & the Rocke, and so onwards for the Canaries, and fel with Fuerte ventura the 17 of the same moneth, where we spent two or three dayes, and relieved our companies with some fresh meat. From thence we coasted by the Grand Canaria, & so to Tenerif, an the Winter, & when it is at the best, it is a perilous and a fearefull place. The rest of the Indies for calmes, and diseases very troublesome, and the sea about the Bermudas a hellish sea for thunder, lightning, and stormes. This very yeere [1595] there were seventeene sayle of Spanish ships lost in the chanell of Bahama, and the great Philip like to have sunke at the Bermudas was put backe to Saint Juan de Puerto rico. And so it falleth out in that Navigation every yeere for the most par
abundant treasure of that countrey the Spanish king vexeth all the princes of Europe , and is become, in a few yeeres, from a poore king of Castile , the greatest m saw many of them, which but for their tawnie colour may be compared to any of Europe . They also trade in those rivers for bread of Cassavi, of which they buy an hu fish and fowle for their living; in all my life, either in the Indies or in Europe , did I never behold a more goodly or better favoured people or a more manly. Te on this side of Amapaia, and that river is greater then Danubius , or any of Europe : it riseth on the South of Guiana from the mountaines which devide Guiana frowhich were for their riches and rarenesse most marvellous and exceeding all in Europe , and I thinke of the world, China excepted, which also the Spaniards (which Iof silke, of balsamum, and of those kindes most excellent, and never knowen in Europe , of all sortes of gummes, of Indian pepper: and what else the countries may af
l set downe that which hath bene delivered me for trueth of those women, & I spake with a casique or lord of people, that told me he had bene in the river, and beyond it also. The nations of these women are on the South side of the river in the provinces of Topago, and their chiefest strengths and retracts are in the Islands situate on the South side of the entrance some 60 leagues within the mouth of the sayd river. The memories of the like women are very ancient aswell in Africa as in Asia : In Africa those that had Medusa for queene: others in Scithia nere the rivers of Tanais and Thermodon: we finde also that Lampedo & Marthesia were queenes of the Amazones: in many histories they are verified to have bene, and in divers ages and provinces: but they which are not far from Guiana doe accompany with men but once in a yere, and for the time of one moneth, which I gather by their relation, to be in April: and that time all kings of the borders assemble, and queenes of the Amaz
Quito (Ecuador) (search for this): narrative 862
de Berreo maried. Gonzales sought the passage also by the river called Papamene, which riseth by Quito in Peru , & runneth Southeast 100 leagues, and then falleth into Amazones, but he also failing tny meanes to march over them, continuing from the East sea into which Orenoque falleth, even to Quito in Peru : neither had he meanes to cary victuall or munition over those craggie, high, and fast ter wee entred Orenoque, the River lieth for the most part East and West, even from the Sea unto Quito in Peru . This River is navigable with barkes, litle lesse then a thousand miles, & from the plao, and toward the frontier of Peru are the provinces of Thomebamba, and Caxamalca. Adjoyning to Quito in the North side of Peru are the rivers of Guiacar and Goauar: and on the other side of the saga, and to an hundred other several kingdomes, lying within the said river, even to the citie of Quito in Peru . There is therefore great difference betweene the easinesse of the conquest of Guian
Guiana (Guyana) (search for this): narrative 862
Pedro de Osua a knight of Navarre attempted Guiana , taking his way from Peru , and built his brind provinces: but they which are not far from Guiana doe accompany with men but once in a yere, anriver that he entred. Among those of Amapaia, Guiana was famous, but few of these people accosted Indian that spake many languages, and that of Guiana naturally. I sought out all the aged men, anding them that no man could deliver so much of Guiana as Morequito could, and that his dwelling wasny) the kings and lords of all the borders of Guiana had decreed that none of them should trade wiur in Trinidad, and that we purposed to enter Guiana , came away in those canoas: one of them was aravell, and after hee knew that I had bene in Guiana , and so farre directly West as Caroli, the fione, we weyed ankor, and coasted the river on Guiana side, because wee came upon the North side, b slip over the mountaines into the plaines of Guiana among the Epuremei, where the Spaniards durst[88 more...]
then ever was done in Mexico by Cortez, or in Peru by Pizarro, whereof the one conquered the Empiof the yonger sonnes of Guaynacapa fled out of Peru , and tooke with him many thousands of those soe many millions which are dayly brought out of Peru into Spaine, wee may easily beleeve the same: make himselfe emperour of Guiana , but also of Peru , & of all that side of the West Indies: he haduiana , nor any possibility to returne towards Peru by the same Amazones, by reason that ye descenver called Papamene, which riseth by Quito in Peru , & runneth Southeast 100 leagues, and then falweene Guascar and Atabalipa, Pizarro conquered Peru , and by the hatred that the Tlaxcallians bare y, which lieth betweene the easter province of Peru and Guiana ; and it falles into the sea betweethat might in any sort hinder the same. And if Peru had so many heapes of golde, whereof those Ingance of golde, within his territorie, then all Peru and the West Indies. For the rest, which my[25 more...]
Venezuela (Venezuela) (search for this): narrative 862
of his party, and tooke with him certeine Simerones, and other desperate companions. From thence he went to Cumana , and there slew the governour, and dealt in all as at Margarita: hee spoiled all the coast of Caracas , and the province of Venezuela , and of Rio de la hacha; and as I remember, it was the same yere that sir John Hawkins sailed to Saint Juan de Ullua in the Jesus of Lubeck: for himselfe tolde me that he met with such a one upon the coast that rebelled, and had sailed downe alit falles into the sea betweene Marannon and Trinidad in two degrees and a halfe: all which your Honours shall better perceive in the general description of Guiana , Peru , Nuevo reyno, the kingdome of Popayan , and Roidas, with the province of Venezuela , to the bay of Uraba, behind Cartagena Westward; and to Amazones Southward. While we lay at ankor on the coast of Canuri, and had taken knowledge of all the nations upon the head and branches of this river, and had found out so many several peo
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