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Italy (Italy) (search for this): narrative 862
e nations, they grew to peace; and they presented Berreo wth tenne images of fine golde among divers other plates and croissants, which, as he sware to me & divers other gentlemen, were so curiously wrought, as he had not seene the like either in Italy , Spaine, or the Low-countreys: & he was resolved, that when they came to the hands of the Spanish king, to whom he had sent them by his campmaster, they would appeare very admirable, especially being wrought by such a nation as had no yron inst it is in effect needlesse to remember other commodities for trade: but it hath towards the South part of the river, great quantities of Brasil-wood, and diverse berries that die a most perfect crimson and carnation: And for painting, all France, Italy , or the East Indies yeelde none such: For the more the skin is washed, the fairer the colour appeareth, and with which, even those browne and tawnie women spot themselves, and colour their cheekes. All places yeeld abundance of cotton, of silke,
Norway (Norway) (search for this): narrative 862
evat in his French Antarctique, and the forme figured in the booke as a plant very strange, and by Plinie in his 12. booke of his naturall historie. But in this yland, as also in Guiana there are very many of them. At this point called Tierra de Brea or Piche there is that abundance of stone pitch, that all the ships of the world may be therewith loden from thence, and we made trial of it in trimming our shippes to be most excellent good, and melteth not with the Sunne as the pitch of Norway , and therefore for shippes trading the South parts very profitable. From thence wee went to the mountaine foote called Anniperima, and so passing the river Carone on which the Spanish Citie was seated, we met with our ships at Puerto de los Espannolles or Conquerabia . This yland of Trinidad hath the forme of a sheep-hooke, and is but narrow, the North part is very mountainous, the soile is very excellent and will beare suger, ginger, or any other commoditie that the Indies yeeld. It ha
China (China) (search for this): narrative 862
fish, play, and drinke, when they are out of the warres. I will enter no further into discourse of their maners, lawes and customes: and because I have not my selfe seene the cities of Inga , I cannot avow on my credit what I have heard, although it be very likely, that the Emperour Inga hath built and erected as magnificent palaces in Guiana , as his ancestors did in Peru , which were for their riches and rarenesse most marvellous and exceeding all in Europe , and I thinke of the world, China excepted, which also the Spaniards (which I had) assured me to be true, as also the Nations of the borderers, who being but Salvages to those of the in-land, doe cause much treasure to be buried with them: for I was enformed of one of the Cassiques of the valley of Amariocapana which had buried with him a little before our arrivall, a chaire of golde most curiously wrought, which was made either in Macureguaray adjoyning, or in Manoa: but if we should have grieved them in their religion at t
Conquerabia (Trinidad and Tobago) (search for this): narrative 862
shore and landed in every Cove, the better to know the yland, while the ships kept the chanell. From Curiapan after a few dayes we turned up Northeast to recover that place which the Spaniards call Puerto de los Espannoles, and the inhabitants Conquerabia , and as before (revictualing my barge) I left the ships and kept by the shore, the better to come to speach with some of the inhabitants, and also to understand the rivers, watering places, & ports of the yland, which (as it is rudely done) myre for shippes trading the South parts very profitable. From thence wee went to the mountaine foote called Anniperima, and so passing the river Carone on which the Spanish Citie was seated, we met with our ships at Puerto de los Espannolles or Conquerabia . This yland of Trinidad hath the forme of a sheep-hooke, and is but narrow, the North part is very mountainous, the soile is very excellent and will beare suger, ginger, or any other commoditie that the Indies yeeld. It hath store of deare
Inga (Paraiba, Brazil) (search for this): narrative 862
e within the land, and arrived at that city of Inga the emperour; for it chanced that while Ordas great city of Manoa, the seat and residence of Inga the emperour. The emperour after he had beheldng to Sun setting yer he came to the palace of Inga . After that Martinez had lived seven moneths ian to understand the language of the countrey, Inga asked him whether he desired to returne into ht riches of Guiana , and El Dorado the city of Inga . Another Spanyard was brought aboord me by capst civill towne of Guiana , of the subjects of Inga the Emperour. Upon this river one Captaine situate those other nations which also resist Inga , and the Epuremei, called Cassepagotos, Eparegnvaded: it also leadeth to the great empire of Inga , & to the provinces of Amapaia, and Anebas whie were the next and neerest of the subjects of Inga , and of the Epuremei, and the first towne of a adjoyning to Macureguarai (the first citie of Inga ) are the Iwarawakeri : all these are professed[11 more...]
Cumana (Sucre, Venezuela) (search for this): narrative 862
yland, that Berreo had sent to Margarita and Cumana for souldiers, meaning to have given mee a caperate companions. From thence he went to Cumana , and there slew the governour, and dealt in a came Pedro Hernandez de Serpa, and landed at Cumana in the West Indies, taking his journey by lanwith the Indians of Trinidad to Margarita and Cumana in the West Indies (for both those places haviana , had two or three yeeres before bene at Cumana and at Margarita, in the West Indies, with grmoneths, in which time one Vides governour of Cumana wanne him to be his conductour into Guiana , uide them in any sort; for Vides governour of Cumana , and Berreo, were become mortall enemies, aswrritories of the Saima, and Wikiri, recovered Cumana , where hee thought himselfe very safe, with V Sayma, and that the same levell reached to Cumana , and Caracas in the West Indies, which are athinke to make the report. When I came to Cumana in the West Indies afterwards by chance I spa[2 more...]
Cieza (Spain) (search for this): narrative 862
s. On the South side of the maine mouth of Orenoque, are the Arwacas; and beyond them the Canibals and to the South of them the Amazones. To make mention of the severall beasts, birds, fishes, fruits, flowers, gummes, sweet woods, and of their severall religions and customes, would for the first require as many volumes as those of Gesnerus, and for the rest another bundle of Decades. The religion of the Epuremei is the same which the Ingas, Emperours of Peru used, which may be read in Cieza , and other Spanish stories, how they beleeve the immortalitie of the soule, worship the Sunne, and burie with them alive their best beloved wives and treasure, as they likewise doe in Pegu in the East Indies, and other places. The Orenoqueponi bury not their wives with them, but their jewels, hoping to injoy them againe. The Arwacas dry the bones of their Lords, and their wives and friends drinke them in powder. In the graves of the Peruvians the Spaniards found their greatest abundance of
Pina (Spain) (search for this): narrative 862
ke in this maner by strength. But I protest before the Majestie of the living God, that I neither know nor beleeve, that any of our company one or other, by violence or otherwise, ever knew any of their women, and yet we saw many hundreds, and had many in our power, and of those very yong, and excellently favoured, which came among us without deceit, starke naked. Nothing got us more love amongst them then this usage: for I suffered not any man to take from any of the nations so much as a Pina , or a Potato roote, without giving them contentment, nor any man so much as to offer to touch any of their wives or daughters: which course so contrary to the Spaniards (who tyrannize over them in all things) drewe them to admire her Majestie, whose commaundement I tolde them it was, and also wonderfully to honour our nation. But I confesse it was a very impatient worke to keepe the meaner sort from spoyle and stealing, when wee came to their houses: which because in all I coulde not prev
Pegu (Myanmar) (search for this): narrative 862
shes, fruits, flowers, gummes, sweet woods, and of their severall religions and customes, would for the first require as many volumes as those of Gesnerus, and for the rest another bundle of Decades. The religion of the Epuremei is the same which the Ingas, Emperours of Peru used, which may be read in Cieza , and other Spanish stories, how they beleeve the immortalitie of the soule, worship the Sunne, and burie with them alive their best beloved wives and treasure, as they likewise doe in Pegu in the East Indies, and other places. The Orenoqueponi bury not their wives with them, but their jewels, hoping to injoy them againe. The Arwacas dry the bones of their Lords, and their wives and friends drinke them in powder. In the graves of the Peruvians the Spaniards found their greatest abundance of treasure: the like also is to be found among these people in every Province. They have all many wives, and the Lords five-fould to the common sort: their wives never eate with their husbands
Tanais (Russia) (search for this): narrative 862
casique or lord of people, that told me he had bene in the river, and beyond it also. The nations of these women are on the South side of the river in the provinces of Topago, and their chiefest strengths and retracts are in the Islands situate on the South side of the entrance some 60 leagues within the mouth of the sayd river. The memories of the like women are very ancient aswell in Africa as in Asia : In Africa those that had Medusa for queene: others in Scithia nere the rivers of Tanais and Thermodon: we finde also that Lampedo & Marthesia were queenes of the Amazones: in many histories they are verified to have bene, and in divers ages and provinces: but they which are not far from Guiana doe accompany with men but once in a yere, and for the time of one moneth, which I gather by their relation, to be in April: and that time all kings of the borders assemble, and queenes of the Amazones; and after the queenes have chosen, the rest cast lots for their Valentines. This one
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