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ARCUS AUGUSTI * two arches erected in honour of Augustus in the forum, one in 29 B.C., to commemorate the victory at Actium, the other in 19 B.C., on account of the return of the standards captured by the Parthians at Carrhae (Cass. Dio li. 19; liv. 8). It is explicitly stated that the latter stood iuxta aedem divi Iulii (ScholB.C. 1 Dated 16 B.C. by the B.M. Catalogue. on a denarius of Vinicius (Babelon, Vinicia 4; Cohen, Aug. 544; BM Rep. ii. 50, 4477-8 = BM Aug. 77, 78), and that of 19 B.C. on coins of 18-17 B.C. (Cohen, Aug. 82-85; BM Aug. 427-9). The earlier coins represent a triple arch, surmounted with a quadriga in the centre and barbarians on tndations, which themselves rest on the pavement of an earlier street. If the evidence cited above were all we had, we should identify these ruins with the arch of 19 B.C., on the strength of the scholiast's iuxta aedem divi Iulii, but an inscription (CIL vi. 873), cut in a block of Parian marble 2.67 metres long, was found in 1546/
ARCUS AUGUSTI * two arches erected in honour of Augustus in the forum, one in 29 B.C., to commemorate the victory at Actium, the other in 19 B.C., on account of the return of the standards captured by the Parthians at Carrhae (Cass. Dio li. 19; liv. 8). It is explicitly stated that the latter stood iuxta aedem divi Iulii (Schol. Veron. Verg. Aen. vii. 605). These arches are represented on coins, that of 29 B.C. 1 Dated 16 B.C. by the B.M. Catalogue. on a denarius of Vinicius (Babelon, Vinicia 4; Cohen, Aug. 544; BM Rep. ii. 50, 4477-8 = BM Aug. 77, 78), and that of 19 B.C. on coins of 18-17 B.C. (Cohen, Aug. 82-85; BM Aug. 427-9). The earlier coins represent a triple arch, surmounted with a quadriga in the centre and barbarians on the sides. The archways are of equal height, and the middle piers double the width of the outer. The later coins also represent a triple arch, with quadriga and figures of barbarians, and piers of the same relative width as the other, but the central po
ARCUS AUGUSTI * two arches erected in honour of Augustus in the forum, one in 29 B.C., to commemorate the victory at Actium, the other in 19 B.C., on account of the return of the standards captured by the Parthians at Carrhae (Cass. Dio li. 19; latter stood iuxta aedem divi Iulii (Schol. Veron. Verg. Aen. vii. 605). These arches are represented on coins, that of 29 B.C. 1 Dated 16 B.C. by the B.M. Catalogue. on a denarius of Vinicius (Babelon, Vinicia 4; Cohen, Aug. 544; BM Rep. ii. 50, 4arian marble 2.67 metres long, was found in 1546/7 close to these foundations, which records a dedication to Augustus in 29 B.C. This inscription may have belonged to this arch, although it cannot have been the principal inscription on the attic. Noa drawing by the later-seventeenth century-hand). It is noted by Hulsen that, though an arch was voted by the senate in 29 B.C., it is nowhere stated that it was consecrated. He attributes all the coins to the same arch, and follows a conjecture of
n. vii. 605). These arches are represented on coins, that of 29 B.C. 1 Dated 16 B.C. by the B.M. Catalogue. on a denarius of Vinicius (Babelon, Vinicia 4; Cohen, Aug. 544; BM Rep. ii. 50, 4477-8 = BM Aug. 77, 78), and that of 19 B.C. on coins of 18-17 B.C. (Cohen, Aug. 82-85; BM Aug. 427-9). The earlier coins represent a triple arch, surmounted with a quadriga in the centre and barbarians on the sides. The archways are of equal height, and the middle piers double the width of the outer. The laan arch was voted by the senate in 29 B.C., it is nowhere stated that it was consecrated. He attributes all the coins to the same arch, and follows a conjecture of Dressel's, by which the inscription is inferred from the legends on the coins of 18-17 B.C.: S.P.Q.R. Imp. Caesari Aug. cos. xi. tr. p. vi. civib. et sign. milit. a Part. Recup. He points out, further, that the inscription generally attributed to the arch is of the wrong shape and size; for a criticism of the restoration proposed, see