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sh him, he again enjoyed peace and occupied his former position in the republic for upwards of six years, at the end of which, in B. C. 394, he was sent as ambassador to Sparta respecting the peace to be concluded in consequence of Conon's victory off Cnidus. On his return he was accused of illegal conduct during his embassy (parapresbei/as). The speech On the Peace with Lacedaemon (peri\ th=s pro\s *Lakedaimoni/ons ei)rh/nhs), which is still extant, refers to this affair. It was spoken in B. C. 393. (Clinton places it in 391.) Andocides was found guilty, and sent into exile for the fourth time. He never returned afterwards, and seems to have died soon after this blow. Andocides appears to have left no issue, since at the age of seventy he had no children (de Myst. §§ 146, 148), though the scholiast on Aristophanes (Aristoph. Wasps 1262) mentions Antiphon as a son of Andocides. This was probably owing to his wandering and unsteady life, as well as to his dissolute character. (De Mys
the civil disfranchisement. But as Callias had but little hope in this case, he brought against him the charge of having profaned the mysteries and violated the laws respecting the temple at Eleusis. (De Myst. § 110, &c.) The orator pleaded his case in the oration still extant, On the Mysteries (peri\ tw=n musthri/wn), and was acquitted. After this attempt to crush him, he again enjoyed peace and occupied his former position in the republic for upwards of six years, at the end of which, in B. C. 394, he was sent as ambassador to Sparta respecting the peace to be concluded in consequence of Conon's victory off Cnidus. On his return he was accused of illegal conduct during his embassy (parapresbei/as). The speech On the Peace with Lacedaemon (peri\ th=s pro\s *Lakedaimoni/ons ei)rh/nhs), which is still extant, refers to this affair. It was spoken in B. C. 393. (Clinton places it in 391.) Andocides was found guilty, and sent into exile for the fourth time. He never returned afterwards, a
gain the friendship of powerful men were sometimes of the most disreputable kind ; among which a service he rendered to a prince in Cyprus is particularly mentioned. (Comp. Plut. l.c.; Phot. Bibl. p. 488, ed. Bekker; Tzetz. Chil. 6.373, &c.) In B. C. 411, Andocides returned to Athens on the establishment of the oligarchical government of the Four Hundred, hoping that a certain service he had rendered the Athenian ships at Samos would secure him a welcome reception. (De Red. §§ 11, 12.) But no se sentence of civil disfranchisement, he endeavoured by means of bribes to persuade the prytanes to allow him to attend the assembly of the people. The latter, however, expelled him from the city. (Lys. c. Andoc. § 29.) It was on this occasion, B. C. 411, that Andocides delivered the speech still extant on his Return (peri\ th=s e(autou= kaqo/dou), in which he petitioned for permission to reside at Athens, but in vain. In this his third exile, Andocides went to reside in Elis (Plut. Vit. X. Ora
Ando'cides (*)Andoki/dhs), one of the ten Attic orators, whose works were contained in the Alexandrine Canon, was the son of Leogoras, and was born at Athens in B. C. 467. He belonged to the ancient eupatrid family of the Ceryces, who traced their pedigree up to Odysseus and the god Hermes. (Plut. Vit. X. Orat. p. 834b., Alcib. 21 ; comp. Andoc. de Redit. § 26; de Myster. § 141.) Being a noble, he of course joined the oligarchical party at Athens, and through their influence obtained, in B. C. 436, together with Glaucon, the command of a fleet of twenty sail, which was to protect the Corcyraeans against the Corinthians. (Thuc. 1.51; Plut. Vit. X. Orat. l.c.) After this he seems to have been employed on various occasions as ambassador to Thessaly, Macedonia, Molossia, Thesprotia, Italy, and Sicily (Andoc. c. Alcib. § 41); and, although he was frequently attacked for his political opinions (c. Alcib. § 8), he yet maintained his ground, until in B. C. 415, when he became involved in the<
, which, however, he dropped on receiving a sum of money. During this period Andocides became a member of the senate, in which he appears to have possessed great influence, as well as in the popular assembly. He was gymnasiarch at the Hephaestaea, was sent as architheorus to the Isthmian and Olympic games, and was at last even entrusted with the office of keeper of the sacred treasury. But these distinctions appear to have excited the envy and hatred of his former enemies ; for in the year B. C. 400, Callias, supported by Cephisius, Agyrrhius, Meletus, and Epichares, urged the necessity of preventing Andocides from attending the assembly, as he had never been formally freed from the civil disfranchisement. But as Callias had but little hope in this case, he brought against him the charge of having profaned the mysteries and violated the laws respecting the temple at Eleusis. (De Myst. § 110, &c.) The orator pleaded his case in the oration still extant, On the Mysteries (peri\ tw=n mus
various occasions as ambassador to Thessaly, Macedonia, Molossia, Thesprotia, Italy, and Sicily (Andoc. c. Alcib. § 41); and, although he was frequently attacked for his political opinions (c. Alcib. § 8), he yet maintained his ground, until in B. C. 415, when he became involved in the charge brought against Alcibiades for having profaned the mysteries and mutilated the Hermae. It appeared the more likely that Andocides was an accomplice in the latter of these crimes, which was believed to be eries (peri\ tw=n musthri/wn), On the Peace with Lacedaemon (peri\ th=s pro\s *Lakedaimoni/ons ei)rh/nhs) --, which are undoubtedly genuine, there is a fourth Against Alcibiades (kata\ *)Alkibia/dou), said to have been delivered by Andocides in B. C. 415; but it is in all probability spurious, though it appears to contain genuine historical matter. Taylor ascribed it to Phaeax, while others think it more probable that it is the work of some of the later rhetoricians, with whom the accusation o
Ando'cides (*)Andoki/dhs), one of the ten Attic orators, whose works were contained in the Alexandrine Canon, was the son of Leogoras, and was born at Athens in B. C. 467. He belonged to the ancient eupatrid family of the Ceryces, who traced their pedigree up to Odysseus and the god Hermes. (Plut. Vit. X. Orat. p. 834b., Alcib. 21 ; comp. Andoc. de Redit. § 26; de Myster. § 141.) Being a noble, he of course joined the oligarchical party at Athens, and through their influence obtained, in B. C. 436, together with Glaucon, the command of a fleet of twenty sail, which was to protect the Corcyraeans against the Corinthians. (Thuc. 1.51; Plut. Vit. X. Orat. l.c.) After this he seems to have been employed on various occasions as ambassador to Thessaly, Macedonia, Molossia, Thesprotia, Italy, and Sicily (Andoc. c. Alcib. § 41); and, although he was frequently attacked for his political opinions (c. Alcib. § 8), he yet maintained his ground, until in B. C. 415, when he became involved in the<
ed the speech still extant on his Return (peri\ th=s e(autou= kaqo/dou), in which he petitioned for permission to reside at Athens, but in vain. In this his third exile, Andocides went to reside in Elis (Plut. Vit. X. Orat. p. 835a.; Phot. l.c.), and during the time of his absence from his native city, his house there was occupied by Cleophon, a manufacturer of lyres, who had placed himself at the head of the democratical party. (De Myst. § 146.) Andocides remained in exile till the year B. C. 403, after the overthrow of the tyranny of the Thirty by Thrasybulus, when the general amnesty then proclaimed made him hope that its benefit would be extended to him also. He himself says (de Myst. § 132), that he returned to Athens from Cyprus, from which we may infer, that although he was settled in Elis, he had gone from thence to Cyprus for commercial or other purposes; for it appears that he had become reconciled to the princes of that island, as he had great influence and considerable l