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43 BC 170 170 Browse Search
44 BC 146 146 Browse Search
49 BC 140 140 Browse Search
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54 BC 121 121 Browse Search
46 BC 119 119 Browse Search
63 BC 109 109 Browse Search
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69 AD 95 95 Browse Search
59 BC 90 90 Browse Search
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Critobu'lus (*Krito/boulos), a citizen of Lampsacus, who appeared at Athens as the representative of Cersobleptes in B. C. 346, when the treaty of peace between Philip and the Athenians was about to be ratified, and claimed to be admitted to take the oath on behalf of the Thracian king as one of the allies of Athens. A decree to this effect was passed by the assembly in spite of a strong opposition, as Aeschines asserts, on the part of Demosthenes. Yet when the treaty was actually ratified before the board of generals, Cersobleptes was excluded from it. Demosthenes and Aeschines accuse one another of thus having nullified the decree; while, according to Philip's account, Critobulus was prevented by the generals from taking the oath. (Aesch. de Fals. Leg. p. 39, Ep. Phil. ad Ath. p. 160; Dem. de Fals. Leg. p. 395; Thirlwall's Greece, vol. v. p. 356.) [E.