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George B. McClellan 494 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of An English Combatant, Lieutenant of Artillery of the Field Staff., Battlefields of the South from Bull Run to Fredericksburgh; with sketches of Confederate commanders, and gossip of the camps.. Search the whole document.

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Chapter 33: June twenty-sixth commencement of the week's campaign before Richmond battles of Mechanicsville, Beaver Dam Creek, and Ellison's Mills terrific battle scene preparations for a further advance. The reader may picture to himself a party of officers belonging to the ragged rebels seated together at my window, comparing notes, and speculating on the probabilities of speedy hostilities. McClellan seems to think he has not sufficient troops, and asks for more. He makes the startling admission that he has lost not less than fifty thousand men since his arrival on the peninsula in March! I cannot comprehend how this can be, unless sickness has decimated his ranks. As he owns to have had one hundred and eighty-five thousand at that period, he must have one hundred and thirty-five thousand men now, unless the scattered remains of Banks's, Fremont's, Milroy's, and Shields's corps have been gathered and sent to him. There cannot be a doubt, however, that he ha
bridges were discovered on which to cross and get in the rear, where rose majestic woods filled with troops. The rise was crowned with strong breastworks, commanding all approaches, and rifle-pits on the flanks covered the creek. Pryor, and his Louisianians, occupied higher grounds to the left of this position, screened by woods, while the entire front was open fields. Featherstone, who commanded, had been to consult with superior officers, and returning about four A. M., (Friday, June twenty-seventh,) found the enemy had discovered his covert, and were vigorously shelling it. His men jumped to their arms, and advanced in the twilight-when from the mound to the left in front, from the banks of the creek on the flanks, and from the elevated rifle-pits to the rear, came rapidly and more rapidly the flash of artillery and musketry. The disparity of numbers and position would have appalled any troops but those selected to storm the place. Skirmishers advanced to the front, and,
September 13th, 1847 AD (search for this): chapter 34
were there also. In a little while the Federal guns were silent, a loud noise of many voices was heard, and then a long, wild, piercing yell, as of ten thousand demons, and the place was ours. Pickett's brigade, of Ambrose Hill's division, always distinguished itself. Brigadier-General Pickett is a Virginian, but was appointed to West-Point as a cadet from Illinois. He entered the old service as Brevet Second Lieutenant Eighth Infantry, July first, 1846; was breveted Captain, September thirteenth, 1847, for meritorious services; and gazetted Captain Ninth Infantry, March third, 1855. He joined his mother State when it seceded, and has proved an excellent officer. Presently the enemy's artillery might be seen flashing from mounds and hillocks lower down the stream, rapidly throwing shell into the village; but suddenly ours flash from out the darkness not far from them, and the duel continues with much fierceness as Hill is reorganizing for another advance. While this was prog
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