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Browsing named entities in John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War..

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y portfolio contained the following words, written, as I have said, in pencil: Mountsville, October 31, 1862. I hereby bind myself, on my word of honour, not to take up arms against the Confederate States, or in any manner give aid and comfort to the Federal cause, until I am regularly exchanged. L.--. Gove, Captain--. I read this paper, and then went back and read it over again. A careless observer would have seen in it only a simple and very hastily written parole. Read at one instant, it would have been forgotten in the next — a veritable leaf of autumn, dry and worthless. For me it contained much more than was written on it. I did not throw it aside. I read it over a third time, and it made a dolorous impression on my heart. For that paper, written by myself four years ago, and signed by a dying man whose hand staggered as it traversed the sheet, leaving the name of the writer almost illegible, his full official rank unrecorded-that paper brought back to my mem
mind like a challenge; and at the same moment my eye fell upon two objects, the sight of which thrilled through every nerve. These objects were simply a light linen overall lying upon a chair, and on a table the tall blue hat of the Adjutant-General, encircled with its golden cord. At the same instant a shrill neigh attracted my attention to the grounds without; and looking through the window, I saw an orderly holding a magnificent horse, from which an officer had just descended. In one instant I had formed an audacious resolution; and sitting down at a table upon which were pen, ink, and paper, I wrote: Captain Longbow presents his compliments to General Patterson, and informs him that he is about to make an attempt to win the bet just made. There is an excellent horse now at the door, which has only to be secured in case Captain Longbow can pass the sentinel-when his escape will not be difficult in spite of the pickets. Headquarters of General Patterson, July 4, 1861
active and enterprising. In reconnoitring their position on the railroad, he was suddenly fired upon at close quarters --the bullets passing in dangerous proximity-and having thus satisfied himself of the enemy's whereabouts, the General returned to his impromptu headquarters, namely a tree on the side of the Heidelburg road, about a mile from the town. Meanwhile we had learned the particulars of the two hard fights-A. P. Hill's on the evening of the first of July; and Longstreet's on the second, when he made that desperate flank attack on the enemy's left at Round Top. It is easy to see, now, that this assault was the turning point of the tremendous struggle. For thirty minutes the issue hung suspended in the balances, and there is some truth in the rhetorical flourish of a Northern verse writer, to the effect that the century reeled, when Longstreet paused on the brow of the hill. Had he gained possession of the Round Top, General Meade's line would have been taken in flank and
it had been contaminated, growled to the lady of the house: You taught him this, madam! Ix. In June, 1863, General Lee was going to set out for Gettysburg. To mask the movement of his infantry from the Lower Rappahannock, a cavalry review was ordered, on the plains of Culpeper. That gay and gallant commander, General Fitz Lee, thereupon, sent word to General Hood to come and see the review, and bring any of his people --meaning probably his staff and headquarters. On the second day the gray masses of Hood's entire division emerged, with glittering bayonets, from the woods in the direction of the Rapidan. You invited me and my people, said Hood, shaking hands with General Fitz, and you see I have brought them! Laughter followed, and General Fitz Lee said: Well, don't let them halloo, Here's your mule! at the review. If they do we will charge you! interrupted General Wade Hampton, laughing. For all that the graybacks of Hood, who duly attende
ith this in his pocket, the Corporal went home to rest a while. I think this tremendous tramp from Winchester to Manassas, by way of Richmond, caused Corporal Bumpo to reflect. His feet were swollen, and his mind absorbed. He determined to try the cavalry. Succeeding, with difficulty, in procuring a transfer, he entered a company of the Cavalry Division under Major-General Stuart, whose dashing habits suited him; and no sooner had he done so than his habitual luck attended him. On the second day he was in a very pretty little charge near Aldie. The Corporal-now private again-got ahead of his companions, captured a good horse, and supplied himself, without cost to the Confederate States, with a light, sharp, well balanced sabre. Chancing to be in his vicinity I can testify to the gay ardour with which the ex-Corporal went after his old adversaries, no longer on foot, and even faster than at the familiar double quick. His captured horse was a good one; his sabre excellent. I
e on to Richmond, and did so, when the bread and meat was thrown in the gutter, to make way for the rubbish of the Departments. The rubbish was preserved for subsequent capture, and the Army of Northern Virginia staggered on, and starved, and surrendered. If any one demands the proof of this assertion, I will give it. Iv. General Lee left Amelia Court-House on the evening of the 5th, and from this time the army was incessantly engaged, particularly with the Federal cavalry. On the 6th the enemy was encountered in force; and line of battle was formed to repulse them, if they advanced upon the trains then moving towards High Bridge. It was on this evening that Generals Ewell and Anderson were suddenly attacked and their commands thrown into great confusion, in the rear of the wagon-trains. These officers and others-including General Custis Lee, son of the General — were captured, and the drama seemed about to end here; but it did not. To the hostile fate which seemed
n the struggle some of the most valiant hearts that ever beat. Puller, Harris, and Pelham were among the number — the gallant Pelham of the battle of Fredericksburg. He was in the performance of his duty as Chief of Artillery, and was riding towards his General, when a regiment of cavalry swept by him in a charge. He was waving his hat aloft, and cheering them on, when a fragment of shell struck him on the head, mortally wounding him. He lingered until after midnight on the morning of the 18th, when General Stuart telegraphed to Mr. Curry, of Alabama: The noble, the chivalric, the gallant Pelham is no more. He was killed in action yesterday. His remains will be sent to you to-day. How much he was beloved, appreciated, and admired, let the tears of agony we have shed, and the gloom of mourning throughout my command, bear witness. His loss is irreparable. The body of the young officer was sent to Richmond, laid in state in the Capitol of Virginia, and we are told that
did not exceed that number. Sheridan's force they declare to have been overpowering, but the Southern troops could and did meet it when the attack was made in front. Not until the great force of the enemy enabled him to turn the left flank of Early and sweep right down his line of works, did the troops give way. Numbers overcame everything. Early retreated up the Valley, where he continued to present a defiant front to the powerful force of Sheridan, until the middle of October. On the 19th he was again at Cedar Creek, between Strasburg and Winchester, and had struck an almost mortal blow at General Sheridan. The Federal forces were surprised, attacked at the same moment in front and flank, and driven in complete rout from their camps. Unfortunately this great success did not effect substantial results. The enemy, who largely outnumbered Early, especially in their excellent cavalry, re-formed their line under General Wright. Sheridan, who had just arrived, exerted himself to
business. That button was an advertising medium --and even in the heat of battle they respected it. Corporal Bumpo ought to have preserved that jacket as a memorial of other days, for the honours of age. But its faded appearance caused him to throw it away, part company with a good old friend. What matter if it was discoloured, Bumpo? It had sheltered you for many months. You had lain down in it on the pine-tags of the valley and the lowlands, in the days of July, and the nights of January; on the grass and in the snow; with a gay heart or a sad one, beating under it. I do not recognise you, Corporal, in this wanton act — for do not all the members of the family adhere to old friends? The jacket may have been sun-embrowned, but so is the face of an old comrade. Lastly, it was not more brown than that historic coat which the immortal Jackson wore-whereof the buttons have been taken off by fairy hands instead of bullets. After Cold Harbour, Corporal Bumpo began marching a
General Pegram on the night before his death. I. The writer's object in the present paper is to chronicle the events of a day in the pine-woods of Dinwiddie in 1865, and to mention a circumstance which impressed him forcibly at the time; nearly convincing him of the truth of presentiments, and warnings of approaching death. It was early in February of the year 1865, and General Grant had for some time been straining every nerve to force his way to the Southside railroad-when General Lee would be cut off from his base of supplies, and compelled to retreat or surrender his army. Grant had exhibited a persistence which amounted to genius; and the Federal lines had been pushed from the Jerusalem to the Weldon road, from the Weldon to the Vaughan and Squirrel Level roads, and thence still westward beyond Hatcher's Run, toward the White Oak road, running through the now well-known locality of Five Forks. On the western bank of the run, near Burgess's Mill, General Lee's extrem
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