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regiment to join his command. He desired to have Major Logan with him, as he was greatly attached to Jack as the son of his old commander. Major Logan helped get General Otis to make the assignment and they embarked for northern Luzon in a few days with General Wheaton's command. Major Logan was impatient for active service and was very ambitious to capture Aguinaldo. General Wheaton allowed him to make the first reconnoissance the night after they landed. The next morning, November II, 1899, he begged General Wheaton to allow his battalion to have the advance. He was on the point, gallantly leading his battalion of the 33d Infantry against Aguinaldo's intrenched troops at San Jacinto, northern Luzon, when a Filipino hidden by the dense foliage of a cocoanut-tree, shot one of his sergeants. Major Logan stooped over to administer the first aid to the brave sergeant, when the same man in the tree fired the fatal shot which instantly killed our only son. This shock again prost
and apologize for Mr. Blaine's record, in reply to charges that had been made against him by the opposition. In addition to the reception tendered General Logan in Washington, thirty thousand citizens and ten thousand soldiers welcomed him in August to the city of Chicago. After a procession, in which thousands participated, speeches were made by General Logan, General Oglesby, Governor Cullom, and Colonel Carr. Early in October General Logan received an ovation in Philadelphia. After a med there was to be no resistance, but Aguinaldo renewed hostilities, and my son again entered the service as major of the 3d Battalion, 33d Infantry, commanded by Colonel Hare. He liked the service in the line better than that of the staff. In August he joined his regiment at San Antonio, Texas, where they were ordered to San Francisco to sail for Manila in October. On their arrival in Manila he found General Lloyd Wheaton, an aid on his father's staff at the close of the Civil War, watching
, but was assassinated while extending the hand of cordial greeting to a brute in human form. His death added one more to the list of martyred Presidents, each of whom were men of kindly spirit and generous impulses and who were governed by the Golden Rule in all their relations with mankind. Their charity and generosity were boundless, their patriotism broad, their courage unflinching, and yet demons in human form cut them down and ended in a twinkling their great work for humanity. In 1902 Mr. Hearst urged me to accept a position on the syndicate staff of his newspapers. For seven years I furnished them two manuscripts per week on various topics. From Mr. Hearst and the manager of the syndicate, Mr. C. J. Mar, I at all times received the most distinguished consideration. After Mr. Hearst's rescue of Evangeline Cisneros from the Spanish prison in Cuba, I became her guardian under the laws of the District of Columbia and kept her with me constantly until her marriage to Mr. Ca
er, were escorted to the hotel by thirty-eight ladies on white horses and thirty-eight gentlemen on black horses, to represent the thirty-eight States then in the Union. The ladies wore navy-blue riding-habits with red sashes, and the gentlemen wore dress suits with high black silk hats. The campaign of 1884 was a strenuous one in every sense of the word. I accompanied General Logan, who travelled and spoke to great crowds almost daily from the adjournment of the national convention, in June, to the very night before the election. He filled appointments made for him in Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and Illinois. He did not agree with the policy of Mr. Blaine and his friends in their constant explanations and apologetic replies to the innumerable charges of fraud and corruption made against Mr. Blaine. General Logan insisted that an aggressive campaign was the only one sure to win. No ch
July 2nd, 1881 AD (search for this): chapter 16
r and had induced a number of influential Illinois men to join in his request. General Garfield complied without hesitation. After the inauguration President Garfield frequently sent for General Logan, who never failed to respond and do his best to accomplish everything he could for peace and harmony between the administration and the Republican party in and out of Congress. President Garfield had promised to deliver the commencement address at Williams College, his Alma Mater. On July 2, 1881, the President and Secretary Blaine went together to the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad station, where Garfield was to take the train. While waiting there Charles Guiteau, the assassin, shot the President. The world knows what followed and of the long, painful weeks of illness of the President, vibrating between life and death for eighty-one days, until on September 19, 1881, he passed away. All nations had tendered their sympathy, and days of prayer and petition for the recovery of th
the elder, as the wife of Hon. Frank O. Lowden, of Illinois, has made for herself an enviable reputation as one of the most charming women ever at the national capital, her keen intelligence, gracious manners, and perfect poise fascinating all who knew her. Harriet, now Mrs. Frank Carolan, of Burlingame, California, is also one of the most brilliant and beautiful of women, her kind heart and generous sympathetic nature endearing her to many who have been the recipients of her bounty. In March we began an interesting itinerary which took us first to Prague in Bohemia, a quaint old city which I can not believe has changed much in the elsewhere progressive intervening years. From there we went to Vienna, to my mind one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. We were greatly interested in the grand Ring Strasse, the magnificent buildings, fine parks, and, best of all, the superb-looking people. The court is said to be the most exclusive and at the same time the most demoralized in
fter General Logan's nomination at Chicago, feeling it necessary to have a house of our own to accommodate the ever-increasing number of callers and visitors. On January i, 1885, we held a reception here. The house was beautifully decorated with flowers. In order to help entertain the constant stream of callers, I had with me MrStevenson of the Geological Survey. Mrs. Stevenson is the author of the best book on the Indians ever written for that department of the Government. Early in January General Logan had to go to Springfield, as his friends had informed him there were all sorts of combinations and conspiracies on foot. They had expected that Genontract and encouraged me to write the book. I had almost completed the manuscript for the prospectus setting forth the scope of the work, which I was to deliver January i, 1887. It was impossible for me to fulfil my contract at that time, and Mr. Brodix, recognizing the impossibility, kindly suggested a postponement for a year o
or measure he advocated, he accepted the decision unqualifiedly. Therefore, after Garfield's nomination at Chicago, General Logan gave him his earnest loyal support. Garfield knew this and made haste to invite General Logan to Mentor early in February to confer about the appointments in his cabinet. General Logan wanted Mr. Robert T. Lincoln made Secretary of War and had induced a number of influential Illinois men to join in his request. General Garfield complied without hesitation. Afterdin, and went to Sakhara to visit the step Pyramid and the Mosque of Amir, on all hands being beset by the dirtiest and most repulsive of beggars. Our party decided against a trip up the Nile, a pleasure to be enjoyed a few months later. In February we sailed for Brindisi, Italy. Thence, via Rome and the Riviera, to Paris and London, and from London home. My daughter, Mrs. Tucker, having remained in Saint Paul, I yielded to the importunities of friends to play chaperon to a party of youn
May, 1896 AD (search for this): chapter 16
From Cordova we journeyed to Madrid, the most interesting city in Spain, where there are many art treasures. From Madrid we went to Paris, where we were joined by my son, John A. Logan, Jr., and his family, my son's friend Gallonay, and Mrs. Washington A. Robeling, nee Emily Warren, sister of General Warren, of Gettysburg fame. From Paris our party, with the exception of my son's family, who went to Switzerland, went to Moscow, Russia, to attend the coronation of the Czar and Czarina in May, 1896. This was one of the most remarkable events of the nineteenth century, which beggars description. From Moscow we went to Saint Petersburg, and thence via the Gulf of Finland and the Gottenborg Canal to Stockholm, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and to The Hague, Holland. From Holland we went to London, and finally reached home safely after an experience of nine months of consuming interest and great profit, intellectually and physically. In 1898 war was declared in Cuba. My son determined
June 3rd, 1884 AD (search for this): chapter 16
Mississippi River and the Illinois and Hennepin Canal. With him were Senators Sawyer of Wisconsin and Walker of Arkansas. Mr. N. T. N. Robinson was secretary and an exhaustive examination was made into the condition of affairs on these two waterways. The earlier candidates named for the Republican nomination in 1884 were Logan, Robert Lincoln, President Arthur, James G. Blaine, ex-Senator Conkling, General Grant, and Governor Foster, of Ohio; but when the convention met, in Chicago, June 3, 1884, the names put before the convention were Blaine, Arthur, Edmunds, Logan, John Sherman, Hawley, and William Tecumseh Sherman. On June 6 James G. Blaine was nominated, after many ballots had been cast, and General Logan's nomination for Vice-President followed by acclamation. The Democratic convention met at Chicago on July 6, and nominated Grover Cleveland for President and Thomas A. Hendricks for Vice-President. After the announcement of the nominations made at Chicago the people of W
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