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Fitzhugh Lee 376 16 Browse Search
John B. Hood 314 4 Browse Search
James Longstreet 312 12 Browse Search
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Thomas J. Jackson 292 0 Browse Search
George B. McClellan 278 2 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox. Search the whole document.

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November 28th, 1863 AD (search for this): chapter 34
ed for the 29th, and he was authorized to call the artillery and infantry marching from Virginia to his assistance if the force proved formidable. After arranging his command, General McLaws wrote me as follows: Headquarters Division, November 28, 1863. General,-- It seems to be a conceded fact that there has been a serious engagement between General Bragg's forces and those of the enemy; with what result is not known so far as I have heard. General Bragg may have maintained his positto prevent General Bragg from reinforcing us, and the attack at Chattanooga favors the first proposition. Rebellion Record, vol. XXXI. part i. p. 491. Very respectfully, L. McLaws, Major-General. In reply I wrote,-- Headquarters, November 28, 1863. Major-General McLaws: General,-- Your letter is received. I am not at all confident that General Bragg has had a serious battle at Chattanooga, but there is a report that he has, and that he has fallen back to Tunnel Hill. Under this
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