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Atlanta (Georgia, United States) 1,463 127 Browse Search
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Calhoun, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
about 9 a. m. and commenced repairing the bridge over the Oostenaula, which had been partially burned by the enemy; a pontoon bridge was also thrown across above the railroad bridge, so that by night Howard's corps had got across, and marched on Calhoun. Hooker's command crossed the Connesauga at Fite's Ferry and at a ford in its vicinity, thence marching south across the Coosawattee toward Adairsville. Palmer's command was to follow after Howard's, except Davis' division, which was detached and sent toward Rome to the support of Garrard's cavalry, then acting under special instructions from the major-general commanding the military division. On the 17th our advance skirmished with the enemy nearly the whole distance from Calhoun to within two miles of Adairsville, when a fierce skirmish ensued, completely checking our farther progress, and occasioning considerable loss in wounded. Information was brought in about dark that the whole of Johnston's army was at Adairsville.
Buzzard Roost (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
nel Hill on the appearance of Howard's column on his flank, and fled toward Buzzard Roost, our troops occupying Tunnel Hill Ridge. Palmer's command was then moved f p. m. and camped for the night, picketing strongly the roads leading from Buzzard Roost and Dalton, as well as the approaches from the direction of Villanow. Geners and drove the enemy to his intrenchments, our men occupying the mouth of Buzzard Roost. Geary's division, of the Twentieth Corps, made a reconnaissance well up tf Chattoogata Mountain (a high and precipitous ridge running due south from Buzzard Roost). Geary's men fought their way well up to the enemy's intrenchments on the toneman's cavalry could arrive and relieve him. From a prisoner captured at Buzzard Roost we learned that the force defending the passage of the gap amounted to 11,0 quarter, while Howard was keeping t p the impression of a direct attack on Buzzard Roost. This movement was to commence on the 12th. Instructions were given to c
Van Wert (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
were issued to the troops. Rosaca was directed to be strongly held and made a depot of supplies, only such stores and provisions to be brought forward to Kingston and Rome as could be moved by the wagons present with the army. My directions were to move my army at daylight on the morning of the 23d on Dallas, by Euharlee and Stilesborough; the division of Brig. Gen. Jeff. C. Davis, at Rome, as soon as relieved by troops from General McPherson's army, to march direct on Dallas, by way of Van Wert. The advance guard of Mc-Cook's division of cavalry reached Stilesborough on the afternoon of the 23d, and found the place occupied by a strong force of the enemy's cavalry, supported by infantry, which resisted his farther advance, skirmishing with him until dark. The commands of Major-Generals Hooker, Howard, and Palmer camped on the south side of Euharlee Creek, in accordance with my directions. General Hooker was directed to send one division of his command at daylight on the morn
Tilton (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
eing made for the retirement of Schofield's troops from the position they then occupied, and directions having been given them to take post on the left, where they properly belonged, as soon as crowded out from the center of my line by the advance of Palmer and Howard. About 11 a. m. General Butterfield's division, of Hooker's corps, supported by Williams' and Geary's, of the same command, attacked and carried a series of hills strongly occupied by the enemy on the eastern road leading from Tilton to Resaca. The rebels were driven for nearly a mile and a half, our forces capturing 4 guns and a number of prisoners. Information was received by daylight on the 16th that Johnston had evacuated Resaca, and directions were immediately given for the whole army to start in pursuit. Our troops occupied the town about 9 a. m. and commenced repairing the bridge over the Oostenaula, which had been partially burned by the enemy; a pontoon bridge was also thrown across above the railroad brid
Kingston, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
emy having left during the night. Howard's and Palmer's commands moved on the direct road and along the railroad toward Kingston, camping at a point three miles north of the latter place. Hooker's corps moved on a road running southeast from Adairsy tried to destroy the valuable iron-works at this place, but failed to do them much injury. Howard's troops entered Kingston about 8 a. m. on the 19th, skirmishing with the enemy on the southeastern side of the town. The column started again ab came up with what was reported to be Cheatham's and another division in line of battle on a hill about half way between Kingston and Cassville. Howard's troops shelled the enemy from this position, pushing on after him to within two miles of Cassvi was directed to be strongly held and made a depot of supplies, only such stores and provisions to be brought forward to Kingston and Rome as could be moved by the wagons present with the army. My directions were to move my army at daylight on the
Roswell, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
Tunnel Hill at daylight on the 7th in three columns-Palmer's corps on the direct road from Ringgold, Howard's via Lee's house, and Hooker's via Nickajack Gap and Trickum. The enemy made some show of resistance in Palmer's front, but evacuated Tunnel Hill on the appearance of Howard's column on his flank, and fled toward Buzzard RPalmer's command was then moved forward and took position on Howard's right along the ridge, and both corps remained there for the night. Hooker's column reached Trickum Post-Office about 4 p. m. and camped for the night, picketing strongly the roads leading from Buzzard Roost and Dalton, as well as the approaches from the directhdrawn to a, position in the valley out of reach of the enemy's guns; Kilpatrick's communicated with General McPherson's command at Villanow, and then returned to Trickum. Brig. Gen. Ed. McCook was ordered to concentrate his cavalry division and take post on the left of General Schofield until General Stoneman's cavalry could arri
Cassville (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
r place. Hooker's corps moved on a road running southeast from Adairsville, his instruction being to proceed as far as Cassville, and there await further orders. General Davis' division, of the Fourteenth Corps, occupied Rome, capturing a large amwhat was reported to be Cheatham's and another division in line of battle on a hill about half way between Kingston and Cassville. Howard's troops shelled the enemy from this position, pushing on after him to within two miles of Cassville, skirmishCassville, skirmishing with his rear guard until dark, when the command halted for the night. Baird's division, of Palmer's corps, was posted on the right of Howard's corps. Hooker's troops engaged the enemy on the road, leading direct from Adairsville to Cassville,Cassville, skirmishing with him and driving him into his works at the latter place. At 10 p. m. General Hooker reported the town in possession of his troops. A deserter came into our lines with the information that Johnston received a re-enforcement of 6,00
Powder Springs (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
t nature of the ground passed over, camped at a point on Allatoona Ridge, about half way between Stilesborough and Burnt Hickory. McCook reached Burnt Hickory about 2 p. m., after skirmishing with the enemy about four miles. He captured a rebel courier, bearing a dispatch to the rebel General Jackson, commanding a division of cavalry, with instructions from General Johnston to observe our movements toward Burnt Hickory, and stating that Johnston was moving in the direction of Dallas and Powder Springs. General Garrard, commanding Second Cavalry Division, informed me that he was camped on Pumpkin Vine Creek, about three miles from Dallas, and that in moving on that place, and when within a quarter of a mile from it, he was attacked by what was reported by prisoners to be Bate's division, the advance of Hardee's corps. Garrard repulsed this force and drove it back toward Dallas. On the 25th the First Division of Cavalry (McCook's) moved on the road leading to Golgotha, preceding Bu
Dalton, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
Trickum Post-Office about 4 p. m. and camped for the night, picketing strongly the roads leading from Buzzard Roost and Dalton, as well as the approaches from the direction of Villanow. General Kilpatrick's division of cavalry took post at or near of ammunition, sending all surplus wagons back to Ringgold. At 9 a. m. on the 13th General Howard's command occupied Dalton, it having been evacuated by the enemy on the evening of the 12th, concentrating his troops in Dalton. General Howard puDalton. General Howard pursued the enemy along the railroad in the direction of Resaca, capturing a considerable number of prisoners. The concentration of the balance of the army in Snake Creek Gap having been completed by the night of the 12th, at 8 a. m. on the 13th Honed, and he having called on me for support, I directed Newton's division, of Howard's corps, which had just arrived from Dalton, to move to Schofield's assistance, and subsequently the whole of Howard's corps took post on the left of Schofield. Dur
Stevenson (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
my's guns; Kilpatrick's communicated with General McPherson's command at Villanow, and then returned to Trickum. Brig. Gen. Ed. McCook was ordered to concentrate his cavalry division and take post on the left of General Schofield until General Stoneman's cavalry could arrive and relieve him. From a prisoner captured at Buzzard Roost we learned that the force defending the passage of the gap amounted to 11,000 men, comprising Stewart's and Bate's divisions, being supported by Hindman's and Stevenson's divisions, numbering 10,000 more. They had considerable artillery, but none heavier than 10-pounder caliber. The enemy was fortifying all night of the 7th and had masked batteries at points all through the pass. Heavy skirmishing was kept up along the whole line during the 9th and 10th with considerable loss in wounded, and but few killed. General Hooker was directed on the 10th to send one division from his command to the support of General McPherson at Snake Creek Gap, to enable
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