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Old Point (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
the surrender. The news of the final catastrophe to our arms reached her in the latter ocean, when she struck her guns below in her hold, made the best of her way to England, and surrendered herself to the British government in trust for the conquering belligerent. It is well known to the country that only a few weeks before the surrender of Lee, President Davis had no thought of surrender himself. His speech at the African church in Richmond, after the return of the Commission from Old Point, is ample evidence of this. If he had meditated flight from the country, as is falsely pretended by General Wilson, and to facilitate this, had desired to communicate with the Shenandoah, three or four months must have elapsed before a dispatch could reach her, and an equal length of time before she could return to the coast of Florida-even if he had known her precise locality; which was a matter of great improbability under the discretionary orders under which the ship was cruising. I
Macon (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
ength to which this article has already been extended, leaves but little room for the remainder of the story. General Wilson gives a brief account of the march to Macon, but says nothing of the horses, watches, and other articles of plunder secured by the captors, of which we have information from other sources. It must be remembsome pretext might be devised for his assassination. General Wilson fails in some respects to do himself justice. His reception of Mr. Davis, on his arrival at Macon, was more courteous and respectful than he represents it. The troops were drawn up in double lines, facing inward, and presented arms to the Confederate President ng Mr. Davis as Jeff, or some such rude familiarity. But this you can verify. I tried just afterwards to reconcile Mr. Davis to the situation. On the route to Macon, three days afterwards, Mrs. Davis complained to me with great bitterness that her trunks had been ransacked, the contents taken out, and tumbled back with the lea
Albany (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
r, distinctly understood that we were going to Texas. I that day said to him that I did not believe we could get west through Mississippi, and that by rapid movements and a bold attempt by sea from the Florida coast, we were more likely to reach Texas safely and promptly. He replied: It is true-every negro in Mississippi knows me. I also talked with Judge Reagan and Colonel Wood on this topic. The impression left on my own mind was, however, that Mr. Davis intended to turn west, south of Albany; but I had no definite idea of his purpose, whether to go by sea or land. Indeed, my scope of duty was simply to follow and obey him; and, so long as I was not consulted, I was well content to do this and no more. I confess I did not have great hopes of escape, though not apprehensive at the time of capture, as our scouts, ten picked men, were explicit that no Federals were near and that pickets were out. Both of these were errors. On the night of the 9th I was very much worn out with tr
Nassau River (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
eeded from a very different quarter — from the headquarters of the Federal army.. General Sherman, in his Memoirs (pages 351-52), says that, in a conference with his general officers, pending the negotiations for an armistice, they discussed the question whether, if Johnston made a point of it, he (Sherman) should assent to the escape from the country of the Confederate President and Cabinet; and that one of the council insisted that, if asked for, a vessel should be provided to take them to Nassau. He does not say whether he himself favored this proposition, or not; but General Johnston, in a note to his account of the negotiations, which Sherman pronounces quite accurate and correct, says General Sherman did not desire the arrest of these gentlemen. He was too acute not to foresee the embarrassment their capture would cause; therefore, he wished them to escape. Comparing these statements with each other, and with impressions made upon others who were participants in the events o
Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
d modern history, I do not find in our own generation any disposition to traduce the character of a late President of the United States, held in high honor by a great many Americans — a President from whom General Wilson held his own commission — on account of a certain Scotch cap and cloak, which, according to the current accounts, he assumed, on the way to his own inauguration, as a means of escaping recognition by a band of real or imaginary conspirators, and in which he slipped through Baltimore undetected, and (in the words of Horace Greeley, who, nevertheless, approves the act,) clandestinely and like a hunted fugitive. Far be it from me, in retaliatory imitation of General Wilson, to sneer at this incident as the ignoble beginning of a bloodstained administration, which was to have a pitiful termination amidst the desecration of a day hallowed by the sanctity of eighteen centuries of Christian reverence. No Southern writer has spoken in such a strain of the departed Chief, al
Savannah River (United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
narrative written by the late Mr. Mallory, Secretary of the Confederate Navyuntil the dispersion of the party at Washington, Georgia, where Mr. Mallory parted with him. It is not necessary to go over this ground. The incidents that follow have not been so well known, but I am enabled to give them on the best authority. If there is any inaccuracy or uncertainty, it is merely with regard to minor matters of dates, places, names, &c. Mr. Mallory's narrative mentions the passage of the Savannah river upon a pontoon bridge (which was really only a ferry flat), by the President and his escort, about daybreak on the morning of one of the early days of May. The main body of the troops (perhaps a thousand cavalry, or more,) which had accompanied them, were left, under command of General Breckinridge, to follow as soon as they could cross the river, the President pushing forward with only a few gentlemen of his Cabinet and personal staff, and an escort of a single company, commanded by Ca
Cuba (Cuba) (search for this): chapter 1.5
been some sharp firing around the camp. It appeared afterward that the assailants had been divided into two parties, and, approaching from different directions, had encountered and fired upon each other by mistake, killing and wounding several of their own men. In the confusion consequent upon this, some of the Confederate party escapedamong them Colonel Wood, who afterwards accompanied General Breckinridge in his perilous aid adventurous voyage in an open boat from the coast of Florida to Cuba. After some delay, an officer with a paper, on which he was taking a list of the prisoners, approached the spot where the President was sitting, and asked his name. This he declined to give, telling the questioner that he might find it out for himself, but Mrs. Davis, anxious to avoid giving provocation as far as possible, gave the required information. Wben Colonel Pritchard appeared upon the scene, President. Davis, under the influence of feelings naturally aroused by certain indign
hiefly with events which occurred afterward. I was not present at the Cabinet meeting on the first Sunday in April, 1865, when the telegram was received from General Lee announcing that his lines had been broken at Petersburg. I had that day attended service at a church to which I was not in the habit of going, and in consequencuation, and was then in North Carolina. This candid soldier further says: It is stated, upon what appears to be good authority, that Davis had many weeks before Lee's catastrophe made the most careful and exacting preparations for his escape, discussing the matter fully with his Cabinet in profound secrecy, and deciding that, , the Shenandoah should be ordered to cruise off the coast of Florida, to take the fugitives on board. These orders were sent to the rebel cruiser many days before Lee's lines were broken. Who this good authority is we are left to conjecture; but General Wilson himself is responsible for the assertion that these orders were sen
James H. Jones (search for this): chapter 1.5
-returning tide of peace and good will, to revive and reconstruct; it has no support from any contemporary official statement that has been given to the public. It has been repeatedly and positively denied by eye-witnesses on both sides. One such denial by a Federal soldier, which was published in a Northern paper a few years ago, and has been copied more than once since its first appearance, was republished in the Southern Historical Society Papers for August, 1877. The statement of James H. Jones, President Davis' colored coachman, now a respectable citizen of Raleigh, N. C., recently republished in the Philadelphia Times, is clear and satisfactory on the same point, although it has some mistakes in names of persons, places, &c.,--as might be expected from a witness of limited education, after so long a lapse of time. Appended, also, will be found interesting letters from Colonels Wm. Preston Johnston and F. R. Lubbock, (Ex-Governor of Texas), both of whom were aids to President
George Davis (search for this): chapter 1.5
with him when captured, and also from the Hon. George Davis, of North Carolina, who was a member o sort of concert) fully confirm each other. Mr. Davis' letter-received after the foregoing narratiu truly call them, calumny. For instance, Mrs. Davis is represented as leaving Richmond with the orseback, and went to General Lee, rejoining Mr. Davis at Danville. I do not doubt that all the acubstance, and in an offensive manner, that he (Davis) was a prisoner and could afford to talk so, aurprised just a while before day. I was with Mr. Davis and his family in a very few moments, and neat there was not one armed man in our camp. Mr. Davis, Judge Reagan, Colonel William Preston Johnstensity of Northern hatred has never doubted Mr. Davis' courage; and certainly none who know him caelates). During my intimate association with Mr. Davis, I have seen him often in circumstances of earing statement given to a credulous world? Mr. Davis and his Cabinet were so extremely concerned [28 more...]
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