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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore).

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y wounded. This terminated the battle, the enemy retiring to his lines, leaving the field strewed with his dead and wounded, and numerous prisoners in our hands. Buford's division of cavalry, after its arduous service at Gettysburgh, on the first, was, on the second, sent to Westminster to refit and guard our trains. Kilpatrick's division, that on the twenty-ninth, thirtieth, and first had been successfully engaging the enemy's cavalry, was, on the third, sent out on our extreme left, onrough the mountain pass, only two divisions of Hill's corps crossed the mountain on the thirtieth. Earry on Wednesday Hill's remaining division (Anderson's) and Longstreet's corps moved on after Hill's advance. At ten o'clock A. M. on the first instant, Heth's division being ahead, encountered the enemy's advance line — the Eleventh corps--about three miles west of Gettysburgh. Here a sharp en. gagement began, our men steadily advancing and driving the enemy before them to the town and to
arassing the rebel troops, and in destroying the foundry in which they were casting shot and shells. The number of mortar-shells thrown into the city from the front is enormous. Many of them never exploded, and in general they were comparatively harmless. If they burst in the air there was but little danger from them, and still less if they exploded when buried twenty feet in the soil. The particulars of the siege you already know up to within three days of the surrender. On the first instant the firing was mainly confined to the firing of heavy guns for an hour or two in the morning, a lull during the heat of the day, and as night set in a random fire from the batteries in front. On Friday it was quieter than ever. Our men were busily engaged in getting up full supplies of ammunition. Every thing was being prepared for a battle of some kind, most likely an attack. There was a suspicion that the captured despatch (already published) saying that the garrison could hold o
by the route subsequently taken by the Twentieth army corps. It had already been ascertained that the main body of Johnston's army had joined Bragg, and an accumulation of evidence showed that the troops from Virginia had reached Atlanta on the first of the month, and that reinforcements were expected soon to arrive from that quarter. It was, therefore, a matter of life and death to effect the Concentration of the army. General McCook had already been directed to support General Thomasthe Ninety-sixth. He stood by the colors throughout the fight, and, though all but two of the color-guard were killed and wounded, and the colors were cut to pieces by the bullets and grape and canister that pierced its folds, he faltered not one instant. He is a Second Lieutenant, and but a boy; yet few full-grown men, in much more exalted positions, excelled him in cool, cheerful courage. The other is Captain Clason, of the One Hundred and Twenty-first Ohio, who, with the little remnant
Doc. 55.-destruction of Ashepoo, S. C. Beaufort, June 5, 1863. With but two hundred and fifty negro soldiers, on board the gunboat John Adams, and the transports Harriet A. Weed and Sentinel, Colonel Montgomery left Beaufort on the evening of the first instant, and at half-past 2 on the following morning anchored his little fleet in the Combahee River, thirty miles distant from the point of his departure, twenty miles from Charleston, and fifteen from the village of Ashepoo, on the Charleston and Savannah Railroad. The Sentinel unfortunately got aground at the mouth of the Coosaw River, and was of no service to the expedition ; the troops on board of her were transferred to the John Adams and the Harriet A. Weed. The village of Ashepoo is approached from the Combahee by three different roads, one from Field's Point, where the rebels had constructed a battery, but had deserted it--one from Tar Bluff, two miles above Field's Point, and one from Combahee Ferry, six miles f
iment marched from Monocacy to Point of Rocks, on the twenty-sixth, and from thence through Middleton, Frederick City, Walkersville, Woodborough, and Taneytown, where we arrived on the thirtieth and mustered the regiment for pay. Immediately after taking up the line of march for Emmittsburgh, where a temporary halt was made, when the entire corps were ordered on a forced march to Gettysburgh, Pa., at which place, or in its immediate vicinity, we arrived at ten o'clock on the night of the first instant, and at daylight on the following morning took position in line of battle and momentarily expected to meet the enemy. At nine o'clock A. M., the attack by the enemy on the extreme right of our line was commenced and carried on in a spirited manner, while the left, and in our front, was ominously still. General Sickles ordered a reconnoissance of the position, and chose from the corps my regiment, and one hundred sharp-shooters to feel for and find the enemy at all hazards. At this tim
the rebels being thus checked, he withdrew to his camp at Brownsville, leaving pickets at the crossing on the bayou. I received information that True's brigade from Memphis would arrive at Clarendon on the thirtieth, and immediately sent a party to construct a bridge across Rock Roe Bayou, and a ferry-boat to cross the troops over White River. True crossed on the thirty-first, and on the first of September moved up to Deadman's Lake. The advance from Duvall's Bluff also commenced on the first, the place having been put in such a state of defence that the convalescents, and a small detail left there, were deemed sufficient to hold it against any force the enemy would be likely to send in that direction. On the second instant all my available force was concentrated at Brownsville. It had been ascertained that the military road on the south side of Bayou Metou passed through a section impracticable for any military operations-swamp, timber, and entanglement of vines and undergro
low Port Gibson. . . . Enemy can cross all his army from Hard Times to Bruinsburgh. I should have large reinforcements. Enemy's movements threaten Jackson, and if successful cut off Vicksburgh and Port Hudson. I at once urged him to concentrate and to attack Grant immediately on his landing; and on the next day I sent the following despatch to him: If Grant crosses, unite all your troops to beat him. Success will give back what was abandoned to win it. I telegraphed to you on the first: General Pemberton calls for large reenforcements. They cannot be sent from here without giving up Tennessee. Can one or two brigades be sent from the East? On the seventh I again asked for reenforcements for the Mississippi. I received no further report of the battle of Port Gibson, and on the fifth asked General Pemberton: What is the result, and where is Grant's army? I received no answer, and gained no additional information in relation to either subject, until I reached the
truggle he was again beaten back upon the high ridge on the opposite side of the bottom, and within a mile of Port Gibson. General Stevenson's brigade of General Logan's division came up in time to assist in consummating this final result. The shades of night soon after closed upon the stricken field which the valor of our men had won and held, and upon which they found the first repose since they had left D'Schron's Landing twenty-four hours before. At day-dawn, on the morning of the second, Smith's division, leading the advance, and followed by the rest of my corps, triumphantly entered Port Gibson, through which place and across the south branch of Bayou Pierre the enemy had hastily fled the night before, burning the bridge across that stream in his rear. This, the battle of Port Gibson or Bayou Pierre, was one of the most admirably and successfully fought battles, in which it has been my lot to participate since the present unhappy war commenced. If not a decisive battle
inster at eleven P. M. first. I broke up my headquarters, which till then had been at Taneytown, and proceeded to the field, arriving there at one A. M. of the second. So soon as it was light I proceeded to inspect the position occupied and to make arrangements for posting several corps as they should reach the ground. By sth his dead and wounded, and numerous prisoners in our hands. Buford's division of cavalry, after its arduous service at Gettysburgh, on the first, was, on the second, sent to Westminster to refit and guard our trains. Kilpatrick's division, that on the twenty-ninth, thirtieth, and first had been successfully engaging the enemision, and McLaws's division, of Longstreet's corps, got up to within a mile or two of the town, and bivouacked for the night. Early next (Thursday) morning, the second, Hood's division also got up, and our line of battle was formed. The enemy during the night had succeeded in getting up his entire force — some one hundred and t
the stream with their Colonel at the head. But they could not cross; the stream was too deep. The men followed their leader till they commenced to swim, when Colonel Williams reluctantly ordered them to fall back. All the time, while the bullets spattered on the water like hail, the negroes preserved the most perfect order, and re-formed on the bank of the creek. The remainder of the day was consumed in skirmishing, with occasional shelling of the rebel position. On the morning of the second, the stream having fallen considerably in the night, it was determined to attempt the crossing. Major Forman assumed command of the party, which consisted of the Indians, five companies of the colored regiment, the mounted men of the Colorado Second, and Captain Stewart's company, Ninth Kansas. They moved down to the creek, and, under cover of the shells and musketry, prepared to cross. Major Forman, followed by Captain Gritz, of the Third Indian, advanced into the stream, with the view o
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