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Fredericksburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 23
r, and the passengers were landed at Cone Point, while the captain and crew were retained as prisoners. There one hundred and fifty armed accomplices of the pirates, pursuant to an arrangement, went on board the St. Nicholas, which was destined for the Confederate naval service. She then went cruising down the Chesapeake to the mouth of the Rappahannock River, where she captured three brigs laden respectively with coffee, ice, and coal. With her prizes, she went up the Rappahannock to Fredericksburg, where the pirates sold their plunder, divided the prize-money, and were entertained at a public dinner by the delighted citizens of that town, then suffering from the blockade, when Thomas appeared in his costume of a French lady, and produced great merriment. A few days after this outrage, officers Carmichael This was Thomas Carmichael, who was afterward marshal of the police of Baltimore, and, with officer D. P. West, arrested a number of the members of the Maryland Legislature
Frankfort (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 23
n which he won laurels and the commission of a brigadier. That campaign, in which Lyon lost his life, will be considered hereafter. There was now great commotion all over the land. War had begun in earnest. The drum and fife were heard in every city, village, and hamlet, from the St. Croix to the Rio Grande. Propositions for compromises Franz Sigel. and concessions were no longer listened to by the opposing parties. The soothing echoes of the last Peace Convention, held at Frankfort, in Kentucky, on the 27th of May, See page 460. were lost in the din of warlike preparations; and it was evident that the great question before the people could only be settled by the arbitrament of the sword, to which the enemies of the Republic had appealed. As we look over the theater of events connected with the secession movement at the beginning of July, 1861, we perceive that the Insurrection had then become an organized Rebellion, and was rapidly assuming the dignity and importance
Manassas, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 23
1865. In successful imitation of his chief, Beauregard, who arrived at Richmond on the 1st of June, 1861. and proceeded to take command of the Confederate troops in the Department of Alexandria, issued a proclamation from Camp Pickens, Manassas Junction, to the inhabitants of that region of Virginia, which has forever linked his name with those of the dishonorable men of his race. The following is a copy of Beauregard's proclamation:--A reckless and unprincipled tyrant has invaded your derate States--in the sacred cause of constitutional liberty and self-government, for which we are contending — in behalf of civilization itself — I, G. T. Beauregard, Brigadier-General of the Confederate States, commanding at Camp Pickens, Manassas Junction, do make this my proclamnation, and invite and enjoin you, by every consideration dear to the hearts of freemen and patriots, by the name and memory of your Revolutionary fathers, and by the purity and sanctity of your domestic firesides, t
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 23
ly to assail it with. But he was there none too early, and cast up his fortifications none too soon, for General Pillow, who was collecting a large force in Western Tennessee for the capture of Cairo, made Bird's Point the most important objective in his plan. Pillow worked diligently for the accomplishment of his purpose, efficiently aided by B. F. Cheatham, a more accomplished soldier of Tennessee, who served with distinction under General Patterson in the war in Mexico. He was among the first of his class in Tennessee to join the insurgents, and was now holding the commission of a brigadier-general in the service of the conspirators. Pillow was supeTennessee to join the insurgents, and was now holding the commission of a brigadier-general in the service of the conspirators. Pillow was superseded in command by Leonidas Polk, a graduate of the Military Academy at West Point, and Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Diocese of Louisiana. Early in July, Polk accepted the commission of major-general in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America, and was appointed to the command of a department
New Orleans (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 23
either as cavalry, mounted riflemen, artillery, or infantry, in such proportion of their several arms as he may deem expedient, to serve for and during the existing war, unless sooner discharged. Approved May 8, 1861. See Acts and Resolutions of the three Sessions of the Provisional Congress of the Confederate States: Second Session, page 5. Acts were passed for the regulation of telegraphs, postal affairs, and the mints; The Act directed that the operations of the mints at New Orleans, in Louisiana, and Dahlonega, in Georgia, should be suspended. They had no other dies for coin than those of the United States, and the conspirators sat, in the scheme for issuing an irredeemable paper currency, without limit, no use for coin. and on the 16th of May an Act was approved authorizing the issuing of bonds for fifty millions of dollars, at an annual interest not to exceed eight per cent., and payable in twenty years. Made wiser by their failure to find a market for their bonds autho
Lexington (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 23
he railroad, destroying the bridges behind them, and, turning northward, took post a few miles below Booneville, on the Missouri, forty miles from Jefferson City. Lyon followed them the next day, June 16. leaving Colonel Boernstein, with three companies of his regiment, to hold the capital. Contrary to the expectation of the insurgents, Lyon went by water, in three steamers (A. McDonnell, Iatan, and City of Louisiana), and the destruction of bridges availed the insurgents nothing. At Rocheport, at dawn on the 17th, Lyon ascertained that the insurgents were encamped a few miles below Booneville. Pressing into his service a ferry-boat there, he pushed forward a short distance, when he discovered a battery on a bluff, and scouts hastening to report his approach. He at once disembarked June 18. on low ground, on the south side of the river, formed in column, sent forward his skirmishers, and soon found his foes. They were encamped on the high ground, and were under the command o
Missouri (United States) (search for this): chapter 23
ingfield. On the following day, June 13. Lyon left St. Louis in two river steamers (Iatan and J. C. Swan), with about two thousand men well supplied for a long march, their immediate destination being the capital of the Commonwealth, on the Missouri River, and their first business to drive Jackson and Price, with their Leonidas Polk. followers, out of it. These troops were composed of Missouri volunteers, under Colonels Blair and Boernstein; regulars, under Captain Lathrop; and artillery, uly. General Lyon remained at Booneville about a fortnight, making preparations for a vigorous campaign against gathering insurgents in the southwestern part of the State. He now held military control over the whole region northward of the Missouri River, and east of a line running south from Booneville to the Arkansas border, thus giving to the Government the control of the important points of St. Louis, Hannibal, St. Joseph, and Bird's Point, as bases of operations, with railways and rivers
Atlanta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 23
all mail-bags, locks and keys, marking and other stamps, and all property connected with the postal service. The Confederate Congress adjourned on the 21st of May, to reassemble at Richmond on the 20th of July following, In a speech at Atlanta, Georgia, on the day after the adjournment, Howell Cobb gave reasons for the adjournment to Richmond:--I will tell you why we did this, he said. The Old Dominion, as you know, has at last shaken off the bonds of Lincoln, and joined her noble Southereedy, just, and honorable peace. On Sunday, the 26th, May, 1861. Davis left Montgomery for Richmond, with the intention, it is said, of taking command of the Confederate troops in Virginia in person, Speech of Alexander H. Stephens at Atlanta, Georgia, May 28, 1861. accompanied by his favorite aid, Wigfall, of Texas, See pages 81 and 826. and Robert Toombs, his Secretary of State. His journey was a continuous ovation. At every railway station, men, women, and children greeted him wit
Kentucky (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 23
labor States from making payments of the same to their respective creditors, or their agents or assignees, pending the existing war. This Act excepted in its operations the Slavelabor States not in the Confederacy, namely: Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri, and the District of Columbia. Such debtors were authorized by the act to pay the amount Con<*>Ederate Treasury note of their indebtedness into the treasury of the Confederate States, in specie or treasury notes, and receive fored States, to seize and detain all arms, munitions of war, provisions, and other supplies, on their way toward States in which rebellion existed — in other words, establishing a blockade of the Mississippi and the railways leading southward from Kentucky--the Confederates forbade the exportation of raw cotton or cotton yarn, excepting through seaports of the Confederate States, under heavy penalties, expecting thereby to strike a heavy blow at manufactures in the Free-labor States. Act approv
Old (California, United States) (search for this): chapter 23
fore midnight, he had enrolled, organized, and armed such a force, two hundred and fifty strong, composed of Union citizens whom he could trust, and had taken possession of the Headquarters of the late Marshal and Police Commissioners, in the Old City Hall, on Holliday Street. In that building he found ample evidence of the guiltiness of the late occupants. Concealed beneath the floors, in several rooms, John R. Kenly. were found a large number of arms, consisting of muskets, rifles, shot-gg their arrest. They were accordingly taken into custody, and were confined in Fort Warren, in Boston Harbor, as prisoners of State. These vigorous measures secured the ascendency of the Unionists in Maryland, which they never afterward Old City Hall, Baltimore. this is a view of the building as it appeared when the writer sketched it, in the autumn of 1864, from Holliday Street, near Saratoga Street. Adjoining it is seen the yard of the German Reformed Church, and in the distance the
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