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Warrensburg (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
andoned. Leaving a small force there, he resumed his September. march, and reached Warrensburg, in Johnson County, on the 11th. September. In the mean time, he had issued a proclamation to inhabitae force was increased from time to time, until early in September, when Price was approaching Warrensburg, the number of Union troops at Lexington was nearly twenty-eight hundred, These troops werhe chief command. Peabody's regiment had come in, on the following day, in full retreat from Warrensburg, having been driven away by the approach of the overwhelming forces of Price. These troops had been sent from Lexington to Warrensburg, to secure about $100,000 In money. Price was informed of this movement, and had hurried forward, by forced marches, to seize the treasure before the Nate 11th of September, after a violent storm that had raged for several hours, Price moved from Warrensburg toward Lexington, and that night encamped two or three miles from the city. Three he rested
Dug Springs (New Mexico, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
ing to leave Missouri without measuring strength and powers with Fremont, so he changed front and prepared to receive him. This attitude gave rise to startling rumors in Fremont's camp, and, at the moment when he was relieved of command, it was reported that Price was marching on Springfield, and that his vanguard had reached Wilson's Creek, ten miles distant, prepared to give David Hunter. battle on the ground where Lyon was killed three months before. McCulloch was reported to be at Dug Springs; See page 45. and the number of the combined armies was estimated at forty thousand men. General Asboth's report to General Fremont, Nov. 8, 1866. Hunter had not yet arrived, and Fremont, who had made his troops exceedingly sorrowful by the announcement in a formal address that he was about to leave them, The following is a copy of his address: soldiers of the Mississippi Army: Agreeable to orders this day received, I take leave of you. Although our army has been of sudden gr
Masonic Hill (Utah, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
ize the treasure before the National troops could reach there. He was too late, and to his disappointment was added great indignation, because of caricatures which some of the German offices, who were clever artists, had left behind, illustrative of the distress of the Confederates when they should find the treasure gone. of the distress of the Confederates when they should find the treasure gone. Satisfied that Price would speedily attack the post, Colonel Mulligan took position on Masonic Hill, northeastward of the city, which comprised about fifteen acres, and on which was a substantial brick building erected for a college. He proceeded at once to cast up strong intrenchments on the eminence, in compass sufficient to accommodate within their area ten thousand men. His first line of works was in front of the college building. Outside of his embankments was a broad ditch, and beyond this were skillfully arranged pits, into which assailants, foot or horse, might fall. The grou
Prairie Du Chien (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
nfederate force in the town was full two thousand in number. He was not daunted by this information, but pushed forward. One of the foragers who escaped had heralded his coming, and when he approached the suburbs of the village, on the Mount Vernon road, at a little past four o'clock in the afternoon, he found twelve hundred infantry and four hundred cavalry well prepared, on the brow of a hill in front of sheltering woods, to receive him. Zagonyi was still undaunted. Notwithstanding White's Prairie Scouts had been separated from the Guard, Zagonyi was determined to fight. Turning to his officers, he said: Follow me and do like me! And to his little band of followers he spoke a few hurried words, saying: Comrades! the hour of danger has come; your first battle is before you. The enemy is two thousand strong, and we are but one hundred and fifty. It is possible no man will come back. If any of you would turn back, you can do so now! Not a man moved. Zagonyi was delighted.
Lebanon, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
iderable force with him. After receiving a flag of truce, and permitting them to bury their dead, he prudently fell back to meet the advancing army. There had been other noble examples for the army during its advance in Missouri. Other detachments of cavalry from Fremont's army, besides those of White and Zagonyi, had been operating against the Confederates during the march of the main body. One of them, under Major Clark Wright, routed and dispersed a body of Confederates near Lebanon, in Laclede County, on the 18th of October; and on the following day the same forces captured the village of Lynn Creek. In the former engagement, after a charge, and a running fight for a mile and a half, there were about 60 Confederates killed and wounded, while the Union loss was only one man killed.--Report of Major Wright, October 18, 1861. Fremont's army arrived at Springfield at the beginning of November, inspirited by news of recent successes in the Department, and the prospect of speedi
Wickliffe (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
this, I desire to ask your attention to the position of affairs in Kentucky. As the rebel troops, driven out of Missouri, had invaded Kentucky in considerable force, and by occupying Union City, Hickman, and Columbus, were preparing to seize Paducah and Cairo, I judged it impossible, without losing important advantages, to defer any longer a forward movement. For this purpose I have drawn from the Missouri side a part of the force stationed at Bird's Point, Cairo. and Cape Girardeau, to Fort Holt and Paducah, of which places we have taken possession. As the rebel forces outnumber ours, and the counties of Kentucky, between the Mississippi and Tennessee Rivers, as well as those along the Cumberland, are strongly Secessionist, it becomes imperatively necessary to have the co-operation of the Union forces under Generals Anderson and Nelson, as well as those already encamped opposite Louisville, under Colonel Rousseau. I have re-enforced, yesterday, Paducah with two regiments, and wi
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 4
ssionists that common prudence would allow. They were permitted to form themselves into military organizations and enter the service of Tennessee or of the Confederate States; Many young men joined the Tennessee troops under Pillow, and with his army were transferred to the Confederate service. So early as the middle of May,ns, on the Missouri shore of the Mississippi, for the seizure of Columbus. It was, therefore, a military necessity, for the defense of the territory of the Confederate States, that a Confederate force should occupy Columbus in advance. When General Fremont heard of this movement, he wrote a private letter to the President, datd and intelligent young men, to whom the country and I owe more than the usual consideration accorded to the rank and file of the army. J. C. Fremont, Maj.-Gen. U. S. A. Headquarters of the Army, Washington, Nov. 11, 1861. Maj.-Gen. J. C. Fremont:-- Before receiving your dispatch, I had given instructions that the cavalr
Camp Dick Robinson (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
he left the hall of legislation, prepared for the inevitable conflict for the National life. At about the same time, William Nelson, another loyal Kentuckian, established a similar rendezvous in Garrard County, in Eastern Kentucky, called Camp Dick Robinson. Both of these men were afterward major-generals in the National Volunteer service. The Government encouraged these Union movements. All Kentucky, within a hundred miles south of the Ohio River, had been made a military department, at the head of which was placed Robert Anderson, the hero of Fort Sumter, who, on the 14th of May, had been commissioned a brigadier-general of Volunteers. Headquarters at camp Dick Robinson. When Union camps were formed in Kentucky, Magoffin became concerned about the violated neutrality of his State, and he finally wrote to the President, Aug. 19, 1861. by the hands of a committee, urging him to remove from the limits of Kentucky the forces organized in camps and mustered into the Nationa
Payne Gap (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
the creek joined in the attack; but, after a contest of almost an hour and a half; all the insurgents fled, leaving thirty of their comrades dead on the field. How much greater was their loss was not ascertained. Nelson's loss was six killed and twenty-four wounded. He did not pursue far, and, as he had no cavalry, Williams escaped. The latter was too watchful and discreet to be caught in the trap laid for him by Nelson. Seeing his danger, he fled to the fastnesses of the mountains at Pound Gap, carrying with him a large amount of cattle and other spoils. General Nelson entered Pikeville on the 10th, where he found Colonel Sill and his division, who, after fighting on the way, had arrived the previous evening, and given Williams's troops a few shot and shell when they departed. On the same day Nelson had the pleasure of saying to his troops, in an order issued from Camp hopeless Chase, that In a campaign of twenty days, you have driven the rebels from Eastern Kentucky, and gi
Springfield (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
uri in check Price retreats toward arkansas, 78. Fremont's Army pursues him passage of the Osage Fremont's plans, 79. the charge of Fremont's body-guard at Springfield, 80. Fremont's Army at Springfield success of National troops in Eastern Missouri, 81. Thompson's guerrillas dispersed complaints against Fremont, 82. FremSpringfield success of National troops in Eastern Missouri, 81. Thompson's guerrillas dispersed complaints against Fremont, 82. Fremont succeeded in command by Hunter preparations for a battle, 83. Fremont returns to St. Louis his reception, 84. General Grant in Kentucky, 85. expedition down the Mississippi by land and water Columbus menaced, 86. battle at Belmont Grant hard pressed, but escapes, 87. services of the gun boats the Confederates at Coluoothold in Tennessee and Kentucky, 91. Contrary to general expectation, the Confederates did not pursue the shattered little army that was led by Sigel, from Springfield to Rolla. See page 54. McCulloch contented himself with issuing a proclamation to the people of Missouri, Aug. 12, 1861. telling them that he had come, on t
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