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Long Island City (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 43
at he was a prisoner again, and could not easily shake off the imprecsssion. Their guard was still sleeping, and they might easily have killed him with a six-shooter, their only arms, but forbore from fear of bringing the people down upon them. At 4 1/2 o'clock Sunday morning they reached the Potomac. Here they found a solitary horseman, who made a sudden rush, no doubt to give the alarm, whereupon they plunged at once into the river, and partly by swimming, partly by wading, reached Long Island, 17 miles from Washington. Mr. Doherty assures me, and Capt. Allen will, I believe, cordially indorse his statement — that nothing could exceed the magnanimity of the Confederate officers towards their prisoners, wounded or unwounded. Not a harsh word fell from them to mortify or insult the men who had just struggled with them, sword to sword, and bayonet to bayonet; but on the contrary, they displayed a lively solicitude for their comfort. This kindness was especially conspicuous in
is the story of private Doherty, of the New York Seventy-first, who escaped from Sudley Church in company with Capt. Allen, of the Massachusetts Eleventh, and private Waldorf, of the Wisconsin Second: About 4 o'clock on Sunday afternoon, just as the chances of the field were beginning to turn against the national troops, and t to the time of Mr. Doherty's escape. On Friday night, about five minutes before 10 o'clock, by a preconcerted arrangement, Capt. Allen and Messrs. Doherty and Waldorf--who had from the first been allowed a reasonable freedom of movement — approached the guard at the blacksmith's shop. I must not forget to mention that Mr. WaldMr. Waldorf was wounded in the arm, and that Capt. Allen had contrived to exchange his officer's uniform for that of a private, and that he successfully affected to be wounded also. By an arrangement with a Rhode Island soldier, they were to be informed by a signal when the guard should reach a certain point on his beat. Thus prepared,
yonet; but on the contrary, they displayed a lively solicitude for their comfort. This kindness was especially conspicuous in the artillery and cavalry officers. Capt. Ball, who, whilst a prisoner at Washington, had been guarded by a detachment of the Seventy-first, was assiduous in his hospitable attentions. He and his men (who were not in the fight as has been reported) sent milk, eggs, and brandy. A farmer in the neighborhood, named Rickett, was very kind. He and his wife sent the national wounded soup, gruel, and a young lamb. They feel especially grateful to Capts. White and Patrick, and Col. Barker. The latter said to them, Take good care of yourselves, boys, and sec that your wounded have what they require. Gen. Beauregard rode up to the hospital, and gave particular orders that the enemy's wounded should be well attended. I am happy to record the manly evidence of these gentlemen. No dying man's throat was cut, they say — no dead man robbed.--Baltimore Exchange.
e whole afternoon. Twelve surgeons were prisoners in the church, and these remained there for the relief of the wounded — nearly all of whom were nationals — all night. There were 286 wounded at this place, 70 being exposed in the open air for lack of accommodation, the rest in the blacksmith's shop, carpenter's shop, and church. On Monday morning most of the prisoner surgeons were removed to Manassas, all being required to give their parole; but all declined except Drs. Pugnet, Swift, Winston, Buckstone, and De Grath. These latter returned and resumed their duties in the hospital. During the absence of the surgeons, twelve of the wounded died. Thirty-two had died up to the time of Mr. Doherty's escape. On Friday night, about five minutes before 10 o'clock, by a preconcerted arrangement, Capt. Allen and Messrs. Doherty and Waldorf--who had from the first been allowed a reasonable freedom of movement — approached the guard at the blacksmith's shop. I must not forget to ment<
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