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Centreville (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 74
cused away on the plea of haste,) Mr. Russell goes out of his way to cast an arrow of unjust reproach and insinuation against Meagher, once the Irish Patriot, and now the American citizen soldier in a regiment filled with brave Irishmen who are proud of his companionship and gallantry. After praising the good conduct of Blenker's Germans, of the 79th, and of the 69th, Mr. Russell slyly insinuates: Captain Meagher, indeed, I am told, yielded to the universal panic, and was seen on foot at Centreville making the best of his way toward Fort Corcoran, with exclamations which implied that, for the moment, he recognized the Southern Confederacy as highly belligerent. This infamous accusation, so disingenuously insinuated with the prudent I am told, is unworthy of the country of Mr. Russell's birth, and, we will add, of the honorable profession of journalism to which he belongs. It is wholly untrue, and we are inclined to think that Mr. Meagher will obtain its retraction.--Philadelphia Pr
England (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 74
A newspaper hero.--The poet tells us, with a happy felicity of expression, that 'tis distance lends enchantment to the view. In the case of Mr. Russell, special correspondent, &c., of the Times, this is indisputably true. Here, he figures as a gentleman who described a battle which he never came within five miles of, and a retreat in which he contrived to take the lead, distancing the most panic-struck fugitive. In England he figured a second Chevalier Bayard, who vainly endeavored to rally a panic-struck army, and at last withdrew, more in sorrow than in anger, because his single voice could not speak trumpet-toned into the ears of thousands, and because his single arm could not smite Goliath Beauregard down into annihilation. Some people's geese are swans. Mr. Russell, just now, is the particular swan of the London Times, which wants to make the world believe that at the battle, (known as that of Russell's Run, so far as he was concerned,) he was bravest of the brave, unala
Chevalier Bayard (search for this): chapter 74
A newspaper hero.--The poet tells us, with a happy felicity of expression, that 'tis distance lends enchantment to the view. In the case of Mr. Russell, special correspondent, &c., of the Times, this is indisputably true. Here, he figures as a gentleman who described a battle which he never came within five miles of, and a retreat in which he contrived to take the lead, distancing the most panic-struck fugitive. In England he figured a second Chevalier Bayard, who vainly endeavored to rally a panic-struck army, and at last withdrew, more in sorrow than in anger, because his single voice could not speak trumpet-toned into the ears of thousands, and because his single arm could not smite Goliath Beauregard down into annihilation. Some people's geese are swans. Mr. Russell, just now, is the particular swan of the London Times, which wants to make the world believe that at the battle, (known as that of Russell's Run, so far as he was concerned,) he was bravest of the brave, unalar
Louis Blenker (search for this): chapter 74
er gentleman — particularly of a gentleman and a brave soldier. In his second letter to the Times, dated July 24th, (three days after the battle, and therefore not to be excused away on the plea of haste,) Mr. Russell goes out of his way to cast an arrow of unjust reproach and insinuation against Meagher, once the Irish Patriot, and now the American citizen soldier in a regiment filled with brave Irishmen who are proud of his companionship and gallantry. After praising the good conduct of Blenker's Germans, of the 79th, and of the 69th, Mr. Russell slyly insinuates: Captain Meagher, indeed, I am told, yielded to the universal panic, and was seen on foot at Centreville making the best of his way toward Fort Corcoran, with exclamations which implied that, for the moment, he recognized the Southern Confederacy as highly belligerent. This infamous accusation, so disingenuously insinuated with the prudent I am told, is unworthy of the country of Mr. Russell's birth, and, we will add, of
Correspondent Russell (search for this): chapter 74
hat 'tis distance lends enchantment to the view. In the case of Mr. Russell, special correspondent, &c., of the Times, this is indisputably uregard down into annihilation. Some people's geese are swans. Mr. Russell, just now, is the particular swan of the London Times, which wants to make the world believe that at the battle, (known as that of Russell's Run, so far as he was concerned,) he was bravest of the brave, uof his flight, it was scarcely chivalric, or even courteous, for Mr. Russell to hint a fault and hesitate dislike in the case of any other getle, and therefore not to be excused away on the plea of haste,) Mr. Russell goes out of his way to cast an arrow of unjust reproach and insigood conduct of Blenker's Germans, of the 79th, and of the 69th, Mr. Russell slyly insinuates: Captain Meagher, indeed, I am told, yielded tonuated with the prudent I am told, is unworthy of the country of Mr. Russell's birth, and, we will add, of the honorable profession of journa
he battle, and therefore not to be excused away on the plea of haste,) Mr. Russell goes out of his way to cast an arrow of unjust reproach and insinuation against Meagher, once the Irish Patriot, and now the American citizen soldier in a regiment filled with brave Irishmen who are proud of his companionship and gallantry. After praising the good conduct of Blenker's Germans, of the 79th, and of the 69th, Mr. Russell slyly insinuates: Captain Meagher, indeed, I am told, yielded to the universal panic, and was seen on foot at Centreville making the best of his way toward Fort Corcoran, with exclamations which implied that, for the moment, he recognized the SoThis infamous accusation, so disingenuously insinuated with the prudent I am told, is unworthy of the country of Mr. Russell's birth, and, we will add, of the honorable profession of journalism to which he belongs. It is wholly untrue, and we are inclined to think that Mr. Meagher will obtain its retraction.--Philadelphia Press.
Goliath Beauregard (search for this): chapter 74
isputably true. Here, he figures as a gentleman who described a battle which he never came within five miles of, and a retreat in which he contrived to take the lead, distancing the most panic-struck fugitive. In England he figured a second Chevalier Bayard, who vainly endeavored to rally a panic-struck army, and at last withdrew, more in sorrow than in anger, because his single voice could not speak trumpet-toned into the ears of thousands, and because his single arm could not smite Goliath Beauregard down into annihilation. Some people's geese are swans. Mr. Russell, just now, is the particular swan of the London Times, which wants to make the world believe that at the battle, (known as that of Russell's Run, so far as he was concerned,) he was bravest of the brave, unalarmed and cool throughout-- Among the faithless, faithful only he. While exalting his own surprising courage, evinced by the rapidity of his flight, it was scarcely chivalric, or even courteous, for Mr. Rus
t at the battle, (known as that of Russell's Run, so far as he was concerned,) he was bravest of the brave, unalarmed and cool throughout-- Among the faithless, faithful only he. While exalting his own surprising courage, evinced by the rapidity of his flight, it was scarcely chivalric, or even courteous, for Mr. Russell to hint a fault and hesitate dislike in the case of any other gentleman — particularly of a gentleman and a brave soldier. In his second letter to the Times, dated July 24th, (three days after the battle, and therefore not to be excused away on the plea of haste,) Mr. Russell goes out of his way to cast an arrow of unjust reproach and insinuation against Meagher, once the Irish Patriot, and now the American citizen soldier in a regiment filled with brave Irishmen who are proud of his companionship and gallantry. After praising the good conduct of Blenker's Germans, of the 79th, and of the 69th, Mr. Russell slyly insinuates: Captain Meagher, indeed, I am told,