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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore).

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homas Boyne, slightly; Wm. Shields or Shuly, slightly; M. Honlert, slightly; E. Lam, slightly. Co. G--Privates Dennis Spencer, slightly; Elijah Mitchell, slightly. Co. H--Second Lieutenant William O'Neil, in the thigh; Sergeant William A. Durst, slightly. Co. I--Corporals H. H. Swindler, slightly; Benj. Kenyon, slightly; Frederick Fisher, slightly. Co. K--Sergeant A. W. Huffman; Privates John Nelroman, seriously; John Kath, slightly. Missing.--Co. D--Private William Brown. Co. E--Sergeant ZZZLat. Randolph. Co. F--Privates William Stinson, Jacob Weassan. Ninth Indiana regiment.--Killed.--Co. A--Privates Daniel S. Souders, Jackson Kilmer. Co. E--Sergeant Thomas R. McKay. Co. F--Private Walter H. Pangborn. Co. G--Privates Joseph Gordon, Perry Knowles, Charles Wilson. Co. H--Corporal Benjamin F. Huntington. Wounded.--Co. A--Capt. Thomas Madden, seriously. Co. B--Privates Stephen Wilcox,----Sweet. Co. C--Private Erastus Sanders. Co. D--Private Moris E. Richards. Co. E--Capt.
Felix K. Zollicoffer (search for this): chapter 106
The enemy engaged was composed of a portion of Gen. Zollicoffer's command, and consisted of two regiments of T we heard sounds which betokened a movement of Gen. Zollicoffer's army. It proved to be the retreat. From a Garrard, in command at this post, saying that Gen. Zollicoffer was advancing by forced marches toward London,de of this last-named valley was in possession of Zollicoffer during the succeeding fight. Along the brow of tth was Gen. Thomas at Camp Dick, but so swift was Zollicoffer's swoop down from his mountains, that he was withom Garrard's camp two miles distant. The sound of Zollicoffer's morning gun had not been a dream. Our pickets he Indiana field officers, and so sure was I that Zollicoffer had gone, that finding they were anxious to rejoi then the only prayer of the little army was that Zollicoffer might try it again. But he had had enough. Throes the moon rises; yet to-night it is waning like Zollicoffer's fortunes, and bloody is the fate to which he br
Felix K. Zollicoffer (search for this): chapter 179
termarch in order to meet the rebels, who were reported moving toward Crab Orchard in strong force to cut them off, and that a retrograde movement was necessary to save the expedition. It was also stated by officers of various regiments, that Zollicoffer was reported marching up from Tennessee with a strong column, to form a junction with Buckner, to penetrate the Blue Grass country. Such were the facts and statements prior to the hour of marching. The subsequent facts will appear in the foleneering of cold, white frost. The sick, too, in the open wagons, lay shuddering and shivering, and moaning in the sharp, cutting atmosphere of a november morning. The Seventeenth Ohio halted and bivouacked, at two o'clock, in the camp which Zollicoffer's rebels had occupied the night before their repulse. I have told you where the Tennesseeans were, but I know not where was the remainder of the brigade. The Kentucky Third, (Gerrard's,) I believe, did not move that night. I know not why. T
Felix K. Zollicoffer (search for this): chapter 241
Doc. 229. fight at Munfordsville, Ky. General Buell's despatch. Louisville, December 17. To Major-General McClellan: Gen. McCook's division is at Munfordsville, and Gen. Mitchell at Bacon's Creek. Zollicoffer is either retiring across the Cumberland River or is preparing to do so at the approach of any superior force. McCook reported that the rebels attacked my pickets in front of the railroad bridge at two o'clock P. M. to-day. The pickets consisted of four companies of the Thirty-second Indiana, Col. Willich, under Lieut.-Col. Von Trebra. Their force consisted of one regiment of Texas Rangers, two regiments of infantry, and one battery of six guns. Our loss was Lieut. Sachs and eight enlisted men killed and ten wounded. The rebel loss was thirty-three killed, including the colonel of the Texas regiment, and about fifty wounded. D. C. Buell, Brigadier General Commanding. Gen. Buell's orders. Headquarters Department of the Ohio, Louisville, Ky., December
Felix K. Zollicoffer (search for this): chapter 256
us in. We have disappointed them. We have broken their columns in almost every conflict. We have early acquired a prestige of success which has stricken terror into the Northern heart. Their grand armies have been held in check by comparatively few but stern-hearted men; and now they would invoke Kentucky valor to aid them in beating down the true sons of the South who have stood the shock, and in bringing common ruin upon Kentucky and her kindred people. Will you play this unnatural part, Kentuckians? Heaven forbid! The memories of the past forbid! The honor of your wives and daughters, your past renown, and the fair name of your posterity, forbid that you should strike for Lincoln and the abolition of slavery, against those struggling for the rights and independence of your kindred race! Strike with us for independence and the preservation of your property, and those Northern invaders of your soil will soon be driven across the Ohio. F. K. Zollicoffer, Brigadier-General.
Felix K. Zollicoffer (search for this): chapter 258
30. Daniel Ruggles, Virginia, Louisiana. 31. Charles Clark, Mississippi, Army of Potomac. 32. Roswell S. Ripley, South Carolina, Coast of South Carolina. 33. Isaac R. Trimble, Maryland, Army of Potomac. 34. John B. Grayson, Kentucky, died in Florida. 35. Paul O. Hebert, Louisiana, Coast of Texas. 36. Richard C. Catlin, North Carolina, commanding Coast of North Carolina. 37. Those having a * affixed are dead, or have resigned since the commencement of the war. Felix K. Zollicoffer, Tennessee, Eastern Kentucky. 38. Benj. F. Cheatham, Tennessee, Kentucky. 39. Joseph R. Anderson, Virginia, Coast of North Carolina. 40. Simon B. Buckner, Kentucky, Kentucky. 41. Leroy Pope Walker, Alabama, Alabama. 42. Albert G. Blanchard, Louisiana, Norfolk. 43. Gabriel J. Rains, North Carolina, Yorktown. 44. J. E. B. Stuart, Virginia, Army of Potomac. 45. Lafayette McLaws, Georgia, Yorktown. 46. Thomas F. Drayton, South Carolina, Coast of South Carolina.
F. K. Zollicoffer (search for this): chapter 256
Doc. 244. proclamation of Zollicoffer. Brigade Headquarters, beach Grove, Ky., Dec. 16, 1861. To the People of Southeastern Kentucky: The brigade I have the honor to command is here for no purpose of war upon Kentuckians, but to repel those Northern hordes who, with arms in their hands, are attempting the subjugation of a sister Southern State. They have closed your rivers, embargoed your railroads, cut off your natural and proper markets, left your stock and produce on hand almost valueless, and thereby almost destroyed the value of your lands and labor. We have come to open again your rivers, to restore the ancient markets for your produce, and thereby to return to you the accustomed value of your lands and labor. They have represented us as murderers and outlaws. We have come to convince you that we truly respect the laws, revere justice, and mean to give security to your personal and property rights. They have forced many of you to take up arms against us. We come
John P. Zimmerman (search for this): chapter 137
re killed instantly. I can only learn the names of five at present, as the official reports are not made: P. Fogan, Thomas Bowles, H. Stroul, John McCauley, and P. Welch, and eighteen missing, including Capt. Challenor, Col. Henry Dougherty, badly wounded and missing. Capt. Abbott, Company C, and Lieut. Fraleck, supposed to be killed; Benedict Phillips, Sergeant Welch, Joseph Adams and Martin Hartnor, wounded. There are at least seventy-five wounded now in the hospital, and one, named Zimmerman, died this morning on the boat. Major McClurken, of the Thirtieth, was badly wounded and fell from his horse while gallantly encouraging his men, and is missing. Capt. Markle, of Company B, Thirtieth regiment, was instantly killed while receiving an order from Col. Fouke, his last words being, Colonel, I am killed, and died instantly, being shot in the head. Lieut. Fouke, seeing him fall, rushed to him, but could not save his remains, but under a heavy fire he saved his sword and revo
John P. Zimmerman (search for this): chapter 241
wing is a list of our killed and wounded: Killed.--Theodore Smith, Christopher Renter, Ernest Schimean, Garry Keifer, all of Company F; Max. Sachs, First Lieut. Company C, (six shots.;) Frederick Shoemaker, Henry Lohst, B Weke, all of Company C; Daniel Smith and George Burkhardt, of Company G. Wounded.--Sergeant Wm. Straubs, Company F, mortally; Corporal John Rice, Corporal Augus Faufer; Antoine Rittey, Dominick Phleim, Sigmund Mudoerfer, all of Company G; Sergeant Sigmund Sulig, John P. Zimmerman and Phillip Drohn, of Company K; Orderly H. Hausher, Company I; Wm. Mielick, Louis Linkenheld, G. Wolf, Fronk Neth, all of Company G; Sergeant Henry Eisenbiess, Corporal Gustave Hochstetter, Corporal Louis Schuttendeube, Charles Knapp, August Wolters, Charles Thum, Henry Schapneyer, Herman Milyers, all of Company C; making ten killed and twenty-two wounded. A secession account. At dawn on Tuesday morning, Nov. 17th, a body of men consisting in part of Severt's artillery and a fr
J. Zeigler (search for this): chapter 15
f secessionists than at Wayne Court House, the county town of the county, lying on the Kentucky line. Their leader, Ferguson, was some six weeks ago taken by Colonel Zeigler, of Camp Pierpont, and sent to Columbus, Ohio. This, however, did not abate in the least their acts of tyranny and oppression. We are glad now to report than Saturday last, 24th of August, Captain Smith was detailed with fifty-three men from Camp Pierpont, which is at Ceredo, in Wayne County, now under command of Colonel Zeigler. Captain Smith and his men reached the Court House, a distance of twenty miles, about daylight on Sunday morning, and took possession of the place. Some of trticular advantage in holding the place, our troops returned to camp on Wednesday, with the loss of not one man or one wounded. There were eight prisoners brought into camp, three of whom were sent to Columbus; the remainder will be kept until Colonel Zeigler returns. He is now at Wheeling.--Castleburg (Ky.) Advocate, August 28.
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