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Savannah (Georgia, United States) 901 143 Browse Search
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Atlanta (Georgia, United States) 810 42 Browse Search
R. S. Ewell 588 6 Browse Search
A. P. Hill 529 95 Browse Search
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Napoleon (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
a movement of artillery was observed, and reported, on the road from Grapevine Bridge. The only artillery under my command being Pelham's Stuart's horse artillery, the twelve-pounder Blakely and Napoleon were ordered forward to meet this bold effort to damage our left flank. The Blakely was disabled at the first fire — the enemy opening simultaneously eight pieces, proving afterward to be Weed's and Tidball's batteries. Then ensued one of the most gallant and heroic feats of the war. The Napoleon gun, solitary and alone, received the fire of those batteries, concealed in the pines, on a ridge commanding its ground; yet not a man quailed, and the noble Captain directing the fire himself, with a coolness and intrepidity only equalled by his previous brilliant career. The enemy's fire sensibly slackened under the determined fire of this Napoleon, which clung to its ground with unflinching tenacity. I had an opportunity of calling General Jackson's attention to the heroic conduct of t
Camp Lincoln (Arizona, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
front, gave way, leaving many dead and wounded on the field and in the woods. The regiment was then marched across the woods, and in its march captured thirty or forty prisoners, mostly unhurt, who had secreted themselves in the thick brush and felled timber. The regiment was then halted in line of battle, and laid upon its arms during the night on the battle-field. None of the regiment were hurt. Early Saturday morning, twenty-eighth, the regiment was marched down the road, passing Camp Lincoln, and was advanced toward the bridge crossing Chickahominy River. The regiment was again ordered back, and ordered to the forks of the road at a mill to the left of Chickahominy Bridge, where the regiment remained during the day, and captured three prisoners, one of which was wounded. At night the regiment was marched back to camp ; and again, on the twenty-ninth, returned to the same post, where it remained until about noon, when it was ordered across the Chickahominy River, crossing th
Williamsburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
attery, taking position on the right of the Williamsburg road, upon elevated ground, opened fire withe Yankees near King's School House, on the Williamsburg road. We were exposed all day to an artill(McLaws's division) should be placed on the Williamsburg road, and Cobb's on the left of the railroa enemy, who took refuge in the works on the Williamsburg road, from which he was driven in gallant ss not intended, or directed, to move by the Williamsburg road, as General Magruder seems to have undoss, Price, and Blackshear, advanced on the Williamsburg road to strengthen General Huger, where hission, returned to its old position near the Williamsburg road. It affords me pleasure to testify er's command, in front of our lines, on the Williamsburg road, makes it but just to the troops of thas pressed forward on the left and near the Williamsburg road, and, moving rapidly up, soon drove ouck P. M., and rested for the night near the Williamsburg road. At ten o'clock, on the following m[63 more...]
Orange County (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
hiting's1314246806 915585291,016 D. H. Hill's      2541,152121,418 Total,      5892,671243,284 battle of Malvern Hill, July 1, 1862. divisions.killed.wounded.missing.total.Aggregate. Officers.Enlisted men.Officers.Enlisted men.Officers.Enlisted men.Killed.Wounded.Missing. Jackson's1256171  26177 203 Ewell's14428 1532138 Whiting's199155 1101641175 D. H. Hill's      3361,373371,746 Total,      3771,746392,162 General Trimble's reports. headquarters Seventh brigade, Orange County, near Liberty Mills, July 28, 1862. Major-General R. S. Ewell, commanding Second Division, Valley District: General: In compliance with orders, I submit a report of the conduct and operation of the Seventh brigade, from June twenty-sixth to July third: On the twenty-sixth we moved with the army from Ashland, in a southerly direction, passing to the east of Mechanicsville, in the afternoon, and at four P. M. heard distinctly the volleys of artillery and musket
Jackson (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
division, then near Staunton, and Ewell's and Jackson's near Weyer's Cave, Augusta County, Virginiaivision to remain in rear of the first line. Jackson's division was halted near Willis's Church, ileven hundred sick and wounded in our hands. Jackson's command (my division leading) passed Savages occupying that road, and resting my left on Jackson's right. General Longstreet having expressedanother road, parallel to this, but nearer to Jackson's right. An order to the same effect having d from you an order, in these words: Wait for Jackson's notification before you move, unless I sendes. It was ascertained that it was a part of Jackson's forces, Ewell's division. The command was avalry, who informed me of the route taken by Jackson's column, and pushed on to join him, fording ported that both sides of the road leading to Jackson's left, which road was exceedingly narrow andmed impracticable to make the connection with Jackson's command, and we encamped that night at Gate[27 more...]
Pamunkey (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
he natural features of the country were favorable to such a descent. General Jackson was placed in possession of all these facts. Having bivouacked near Ashland for the night, on the morning of the twenty-sixth the Jeff Davis legion and Fourth Virginia cavalry having joined me here from an advanced position of observation on the South Anna, which effectually screened Jackson's movements from the enemy, my command swept down upon Jackson's left, extending its observation as far as the Pamunky River road, passing Taliaferro's Mill, where the enemy had a strong picket, which fled at our approach. I reached General Jackson's line of march at the cross-roads, at Dr. Shelton's, in advance of his column. From Taliaferro's Mill to this point there was constant skirmishing between the enemy's pickets and my advance guard--Colonel Lee's company D, (sharpshooters,) First Virginia cavalry, displaying the same courage and address which have already distinguished it on so many occasions, ki
Appomattox (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
or the meritorious conduct of many others, I respectfully refer to the respective reports of the subordinate commanders. I would also mention the good conduct of one of my clerks, private A. T. Darden, of Upshur's Randolph dragoons. He was with me all the time. My brigade remained in camp until the third instant, about ten or eleven o'clock A. M. I was then ordered to report to General Longstreet, near Temperance Hall, about three miles from Shirley's, nearly opposite the mouth of the Appomattox. On the road, I received an order from General Longstreet, to report to General A. P. Hill, which I did that evening, the third, and remained subject to his orders until the eleventh instant, when I rejoined my division, at this place. I have the honor to enclose the reports of subordinate commanders, of the parts taken by them in the engagements of July first, and copies of reports of skirmishes on the twenty-fifth and twenty-seventh ultimo, (originals previously forwarded,) with list
Liberty Mills (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
t. Lieutenant-Colonel Cunningham's Report. headquarters Second brigade, camp near Liberty Mills, Va., July 24, 1862. Captain A. S. Pendleton, A. A. G., V. D.: Captain: In the absence of B2,162 General Trimble's reports. headquarters Seventh brigade, Orange County, near Liberty Mills, July 28, 1862. Major-General R. S. Ewell, commanding Second Division, Valley District: Gport of Captain Vermillion, of the Forty-Eighth regiment Virginia Volunteebs. camp near Liberty Mills, Tuesday, July 22, 1862. The regiment was first ordered to the scene of action Friday, th. P. Jones, Major, commanding Battalion. Report of Major Henry Law. camp near Liberty Mills, Virginia, July 23, 1862. R. N. Wilson, Assistant Adjutant-General: sir: In obedience to ordeia battalion. headquarters First Virginia battalion, Provisional Army, C. S., camp near Liberty Mills, July 22, 1862. Captain R. N. Wilson, A. A. General, Second Brigade, V. D.: Captain: In o
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 86
action, and drove the Yankee artillery off the field. In the mean time I had received several messages from General Lee, and one from the President of the Confederate States, to send forward a brigade. In advancing this brigade, I met General Pender, whose brigade had just been roughly handled, who told me that, with the assists in my front. This order was promptly and enthusiastically executed by the whole command, the more so, doubtless, as, at this moment, the President of the Confederate States galloped by us, the whole length of my column, and was recognized and vociferously cheered by the men. We had about half a mile to march, and the sound and nt servant, James Deshler, Colonel and Chief of Artillery, Dept. N. C. Report of Light Artillery Companies serving with Major-General Holmes's Division, Confederate States Army, July 15, 1862. name of battery.From what State.Total Number of Men.Total Effective.Number of Guns.Six-pounders.Twelve-pounder howitzers.Parro
St. Paul (Minnesota, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
Fortieth New York, company H; Captain Reid, Twentieth Indiana regiment, company K, and fifteen or sixteen others, mostly of the Twentieth Indiana regiment. Having no place to keep these prisoners, they were turned over, by my direction, to a mounted escort in charge of prisoners. As we were going into the charge, General Pryor (in rear of whose brigade we passed) presented to General Gregg a battle-flag, bearing upon its folds the names of Williamsburg, and Seven Pines, and belonging to St. Paul's Louisiana battery, which the General intrusted to the Fourteenth for that occasion. I called upon company D, the flag company, for a flagbearer, and T. W. Carmile, quite a youth, volunteered to carry it, and did carry it through the fight with great gallantry. It was struck by balls five times during the contest, and yet the bearer escaped unhurt. I recommend young Carmile to the favorable consideration of the General, for his distinguished gallantry. I cannot omit to mention, also,
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