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Savannah (Georgia, United States) 901 143 Browse Search
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Rapidan (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 87
protect the trains,) marched from the encampment near Barnett's Ford of the Rapidan River, upon the turnpike road leading in the direction of Culpeper, the division ding to Culpeper Court-House, and about one mile from Madison Mills, on the Rapidan River. On the morning of the ninth, the brigade took up the line of march in thet that, at dawn on the morning of the ninth instant, we left camp, near the Rapidan River, marched a distance of seven miles, and engaged the enemy about four o'cloche rear. After marching about five miles, and about one mile north of the Rapidan River, we were ordered to halt and cook two days rations, which consumed the balant: My regiment, being the advance of the Second brigade, left camp near Rapidan River, about eight o'clock A. M., and followed the First brigade until about two at sunrise, the brigade left the bivouac about a mile from the bank of the Rapidan River, and marched, with many interruptions, some six or seven miles on the road
Gordonsville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 87
having reached the commanding General that Gordonsville was endangered by the approach of the enemyle turnpike, near Richmond. I arrived near Gordonsville on the nineteenth day of July. From informemy, from their respective encampments near Gordonsville. On the morning of the eighth, the enemy'sleventh, when I returned to the vicinity of Gordonsville, in order to avoid being attacked by the vanty-first Virginia regiment. camp near Gordonsville, August 13, 1862. Major John Seddon, comman Report of Major wood. camp near Gordonsville, Virginia, August 13, 1862. To Colonel A. G. Talurth regiment Va. Vols., camp Garnett, near Gordonsville, August 14, 1862. Captain John H. Fulton, Anty-Seventh Virginia regiment, camp near Gordonsville, Va., August 13, 1862. Captain J. H. Fulton, port of Captain Poague. camp near Gordonsville, Virginia August 14, 1862. Captain J. H. Fulton,dquarters Carpenter's battery, in camp near Gordonsville, August 14, 1862. To Colonel Ronald, comman
Liberty Mills (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 87
be Jackson's, and learned that Ewell had taken another route by Liberty Mills. Of this no intimation had been given me. Not desiring to sepaerro. headquarters First division Valley army, camp near Liberty Mills, Va., Aug. 13, 1862. To Captain A. S. Pendleton, A. A. G.: Capf Lieutenant-Colonel Garnett, of Second brigade. camp near Liberty Mills, headquarters Second brigade, First division, A. V. D. Major W.alion. Report of Lieutenant-Colonel Jackson. camp near Liberty Mills, August 13, 1862. To Colonel Taliaferro, commanding Third Briga headquarters Forty-Second regiment Va. Volunteers, camp near Liberty Mills, August 13, 1862. Colonel: In obedience to orders, I have thwere ordered to take up the line of march to our old camp, near Liberty Mills, at which place we arrived about six o'clock P. M. I forward wi Horton, of Forty-Eighth Virginia regiment. camp near Liberty Mills, Virginia, August 13, 1862. Thomas R. Dunn, Second Lieutenant and A
Sharpsburg (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 87
. Jones and Captain G. Campbell Brown, Adjutant-General department, Lieutenant T. T. Turner, Aid-de-camp, and Lieutenant Richardson, Engineer corps. These officers were, as usual, active and efficient in the performance of their duties. Lieutenant Elliott Johnson, Aid-de-camp to Brigadier-General Garnett, volunteered on my staff, for the battle, and here, as well as afterward at Bristoe, I profited largely by his activity, coolness, and intelligence. This officer was severely wounded at Sharpsburg. His valuable and long services to the Confederacy, much of the time without rank, entitle him to promotion. I enclose herewith reports from Captain D'Aquin's Louisiana battery, Major Courtay, chief of artillery, Colonel Walker, Thirteenth Virginia, Colonel Forno, commanding Hays's brigade, (Louisiana,) General Trimble, and General Early. My losses were eight wounded in the artillery.  Killed.Wounded. Early's Brigade,16145 Trimble's Brigade,117 Forno's (Hays's) Brigade,08   Tota
Brooke County (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 87
of many brave and good officers and men. It will be hard to supply their places; but they fell on the field of honor, in defence of their homes, their people, their liberty, and all that makes life dear to man, and a grateful country and posterity will award them their meed of praise. Lieutenant-Colonel Curtis, commanding Twenty-third regiment Virginia volunteers, fell, mortally wounded, while gallantly leading his regiment into action. He came to the regiment in September, 1861, from Brooke County, Virginia, a private, and a refugee from the tyrants of the North-west, and, in the reorganization, he was called to the position he so gallantly filled — a fit testimonial by the officers to his gallantry and good conduct. He has fallen far from his home and friends, but will long be remembered by all associated with him in the cause of liberty. Colonel Williams, of the Thirty-seventh Virginia regiment, was slightly, and Colonel Sheffield, of the Forty-eighth Alabama regiment, was pai
Orange Court House (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 87
received intelligence, before he reached Orange Court-House, that the enemy was in possession of theade of Colonel Stafford, encamped around Orange Court-House. That night, orders were received by meorder from General Jackson to go back to Orange Court-House and encamp for the night. The head of ma mile from the centre of the village of Orange Court-House. After sunrise, next morning, I obsered, that I ordered my horse, and rode to Orange Court-House, where I found General Hill, but did notsent by me to General Hill to go back to Orange Court-House, and encamp for the night; on the contrat of Major-General Hill's division, from Orange Court-House toward the battlefield. On arriving neaquarters Seventh regiment Virginia cavalry, Orange C. H., August 14, 1862. General B. H. Robertson: ht miles that night, and bivouacked near Orange Court-House. The march was resumed early next morni balance of the brigade, bivouacked near Orange Court-House. On Friday morning, at early dawn, we t[3 more...]
Rose River (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 87
mmand on the ninth instant, during the engagement near Cedar Run: On the morning of the ninth, the First, Second, and Third brigades of this division, under Brigadier-General C. S. Winder, First brigade, (the Fourth having been detailed to protect the trains,) marched from the encampment near Barnett's Ford of the Rapidan River, upon the turnpike road leading in the direction of Culpeper, the division of Major-General Ewell having preceded it the morning previous. After crossing the Robertson River, and proceeding some three miles, we overtook the division of General Ewell, and discovered the enemy in front, when our troops were halted to make dispositions to attack them. This division was ordered to attack the enemy's right, whilst the division of General Ewell was ordered to attack him upon the left. On my riding to the front, I perceived the enemy's cavalry drawn up on the range of hills near Cedar Run, with a line of videttes in front, whilst the fall of the hills in rear
Jackson County (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 87
ers Second corps, A. N. V., April 4, 1863. Brigadier-General R. H. Chilton, Assistant Adjutant and Inspector-General, Headquarters Department of Northern Virginia: General: I have the honor herewith to submit to you a report of the operations of my command in the battle of Cedar Run, on the ninth day of August, 1862: Intelligence having reached the commanding General that Gordonsville was endangered by the approach of the enemy, I was ordered to move in that direction with Ewell's and Jackson's divisions, from my position on the Mechanicsville turnpike, near Richmond. I arrived near Gordonsville on the nineteenth day of July. From information received respecting the strength of the opposing Federal army, under General Pope, I requested the commanding General to reenforce me. He accordingly sent forward Major-General A. P. Hill, with his division. On the second of August, whilst Colonel (now Brigadier-General) W. E. Jones, by direction of Brigadier-General Robertson, was movin
Jackson (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 87
nts should arrive there, Ewell's, Hill's, and Jackson's divisions were moved, on the seventh, in th loss has been severely felt. The command of Jackson's division now devolved upon Brigadier-Generaadvance of the enemy, the rear of the guns of Jackson's division becoming exposed, they were withdre following order, viz., Ewell's, Hill's, and Jackson's divisions. At the appointed time, I was des having passed, I then recognized it to be Jackson's, and learned that Ewell had taken another raited its passing, and fell in in rear of it. Jackson's division was followed by quite a train of wf the delay. I there found that a portion of Jackson's division had not crossed, and all were delaunderstood him to say that he was waiting for Jackson's division to pass. The sun was then probably over an hour high. The advance of Jackson's division had reached the town and halted. Desiring y A. A. General, Major E. F. Paxton, to order Jackson's division forward. Upon reaching Barnett's [4 more...]
Bedford County (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 87
fire till the infantry, sent round to the left to fire upon the enemy's cavalry skirmishers, had opened. Captain Dement's First Maryland battery, Captain Brown's Chesapeake artillery, (also from Maryland,) Captain D'Aquin's Louisiana battery, and the rifle gun of Captain Latimer's battery, were posted in a line from the main road, on the left, to the mountain on the right, and as far forward as Majors's house. Captain Latimer, with three guns, and Lieutenant Terry, with Captain Johnson's (Bedford) battery, were stationed, by the Major-General in person, on Slaughter's Mountain, near the mountain house. From these positions, the several batteries named opened upon a large body of cavalry in front as soon as the infantry opened upon their advanced guard from the woods on the left. The cavalry having at once fled, and the enemy opening with several batteries in our front, and beyond effective range of our guns, I ordered the batteries in the plain to cease firing, and conducted them
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