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John D. Young (search for this): chapter 3.23
ck, if he attempted to reach Gordonsville by passing to my left, and to conceal my real design, which was to strike him at Clayton's store after uniting the two divisions. At daylight my division was ready to attack at Trevylian's — Butler's and Young's brigades being held for that purpose, whilst Rosser was sent to cover a road on my left. Soon after these dispositions were made, General Lee sent to inform me that he was moving out to attack. Butler was immediately advanced and soon met the enemy, whom he drove handsomely until he was heavily reinforced and took position behind works. Young's brigade was sent to reinforce Butler and these two brigades pushed the enemy steadily back, and I hoped to effect a junction with Lee's division at Clayton's store in a short time. But whilst we were driving the enemy in front, it was reported to me that a force had appeared in my rear. Upon investigation I found this report correct. The brigade which had been engaging General Lee having
John D. Young (search for this): chapter 4.27
on as he met him. Soon after crossing Sappony creek the enemy was encountered, and he was gallantly charged by the Ninth Virginia and driven back beyond the church. Here he occupied a strong position with dismounted men, and he succeeded in checking the charge. General Chambliss dismounted his men and took up aline near the church, when in a few moments he was heavily attacked. I brought up a part of the Seventh Virginia to reinforce him, and the attack was repulsed along the whole line. Young's brigade, under Colonel Wright, was then dismounted and put into position — the enemy in the meantime using his artillery and small arms rapidly. Soon after my line was established, Lieutenant-Colonel Crawley, commanding the Holcombe legion (infantry), brought 200 men of his command to join me, and he was placed in the centre of the line. With these troops the line, which was not a strong one, was held steadily all night, the enemy constantly making demonstrations and attacks upon it, but
John D. Young (search for this): chapter 4.37
l specimen of the book-makers' art; and if the engravings strike an old soldier as pictures of the artist's fancy rather than of anything which ever really occurred, it is fair to say that they will probably please the average reader. The papers themselves, written by actors on both sides of the great struggle, are many of them of deep interest, and some of them of great historic value. The Confederate sketches in the volume are the following: A campaign with sharpshooters, by Captain John D. Young; A Ruse of war, by Captain John Scott; Confederate negro enlistments, by Edward Spencer; Fire, sword and the Halter, by General J. D. Imboden; Flight and capture of Jefferson Davis, by J. H. Reagan; General Stuart in camp and Field, by Colonel J. E. Cooke; Lee and Grant in the Wilderness, by General C. M. Wilcox; Lee in Pennsylvania, by General James Longtreet; Lee's West Virginia campaign, by General A. L. Long; Morgan's Indiana and Ohio raid, by General Basil W. D
John D. Young (search for this): chapter 11.82
ions and be ready to move at 6 P. M. The distances from Richmond to Young's and Milliken's respectively are twenty and ten miles, and the roa from gunboats. I instructed General Walker to send one brigade to Young's, one to Milliken's and hold the third in reserve at a point six m, with a party of his men, was ordered to accompany the column from Young's and make every effort to communicate with Vicksburg, and the gread down the river respectively to Duckport, nearly equi-distant from Young's and Milliken's, where a road struck off from the river and fell ithem. McCullough's brigade was selected for Milliken's; Hawes' for Young's, and Randall's was to be in reserve at the intersection of the roto me. From these it appears that General Hawes reached the rear of Young's, one mile distant, at 11 A. M. on the 7th; that he had consumed sher appears that a more favorable condition of affairs was found at Young's than General Hawes was told to expect, for late as he arrived he
ught we had a right to take without asking. I told her that, without discussing that question, it was sufficient to say that General Lee had forbidden us to plunder. She then said that she gave her permission for us to take anything we wanted, and at my request she went herself and gave her vegetables away. I had her name in a little memorandum book, where I jotted down daily occurrences, but it has passed away from my memory. While in camp I heard that General Ewell was in Carlisle and York, and had gone, or portions of his command had, towards Harrisburg, and had marched where he pleased without opposition. On the 30th June my command was put in march towards Gettysburg, and camped, I think, at or near Greencastle, receiving orders to march the next day. We had heard the day before or heard it here that Ewell's corps had been ordered to return to the main command, because General Lee had been informed that the Federal army had crossed the Potomac, and was marching northwa
under the protection of a dense woodland about seven hundred yards in front of the enemy's left, to move by the right flank and form so as to overlap the enemy's left. The two brigades (Hays' and Stafford's), united under the command of Brigadier-General York, were ordered to form on the left of Brigadier General Evans, and Terry's brigade to move in support of the left of my line. These dispositions having been made, I ordered the command to advance en echelon by brigades from the right. Thas necessarily to some extent broken. However, this temporary confusion did not retard its advance, which, as I had anticipated, forced the enemy to change his front under fire. At this point the Louisiana brigades, under the command of Brigadier-General York, became engaged, and the two brigades (Evans' and York's) moved forward with much spirit, driving back the enemy's first line in confusion upon his second. After a brief halt at the fence from which this first line had been driven, I ord
rmy was already in York or at Harrisburg, where it could choose its battle-ground with the enemy, I hastened to place my command with it. It is believed that had the corps of Hill and Longstreet moved on, instead of halting near Chambersburg, that York could have been the place of concentration instead of Gettysburg. This move of my command between the enemy's seat of government and the army charged with its defence, involved serious loss to the enemy in men and material, over one thousand prderate cavalry, capturing his trains and cutting all his communications with Washington. It is not to be supposed such delay in his operations could have been so effectually caused by any other disposition of the cavalry. Moreover, considering York as the point of junction, as I had every reason to believe it would be, the route I took was quite as direct and more expeditious than the alternate one proposed; and there is reason to believe on that route that my command would have been divided
Joseph Yates (search for this): chapter 1.2
well as any troops could have done. The discipline of garrison service, and of regular organizations, as well as their daily exposure for eighteen months past to the heavy artillery of the enemy, told in the coolness and determination with which they received and returned the heavy fire of this day. I take pleasure in especially mentioning Brigadier-General Stephen Elliott and Colonel W. B. Butler, commanding brigades; Lieutenant-Colonel Brown, Second South Carolina artillery; Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Yates, First South Carolina regiment artillery; Major Blanding, First artillery; Major Warley, Second South Carolina artillery; Major----------, Twenty-third Georgia battalion; Captain Matthews and Lieutenant Boag, Mannigault's battalion; Captain King, First South Carolina artillery, and regret that I have not the names of many who distinguished themselves, nor of those gallant officers who yielded up their lives in their country's service on this occasion. I hope. to forward a comp
ver advanced closer than three miles of Orange Courthouse, countermarched and went back to the army. He arrived at 10.30 P. M. on the night of the 2d, on the north side of Ely's ford. Averell's losses, by his official report, were two officers and two men wounded and one man killed. He numbered, according to the same report, 3,400 sabres and six guns. W. H. F. Lee then turned his attention to Stoneman, who was about Trevylians depot in Louisa county. On May the 3d and 4th, he pursued Wyndham's force, who represented the fragment of shell which was flying towards Columbia, and says he heard by telegrams from Richmond that the enemy were everywhere. On the 5th and 6th he harassed Stoneman's rear as he was returning to his army; on May the 8th he returned to Orange Courthouse, having accomplished as much as could possibly be expected with his small force. I leave my hearers to infer what Stuart would have done in the enemy's rear with ten or twelve thousand cavalry, only opposed
f Forrest. He knew that Smith's cavalry was preparing to move some time before it did move. On the 8th two infantry columns moved--one on Panola and the other on Wyatt — and on the 9th, one day before the cavalry started, Forrest, then at Oxford, telegraphed Chalmers, at Panola, to skirmish with the infantry, but that this was a February 26th, 1864, by letter to General Sherman in person, he says: I moved the infantry brigade temporarily assigned to my command, first on Panola and then on Wyatt, and drew Forrest's forces and attention to those points, while I threw my whole force to New Albany, where I crossed the Tallahatchie river without opposition. Fre and not expected there? Why order Smith to move through East Mississippi when Forrest was in West Mississippi? Why send infantry to make a feint on Panola and Wyatt, when Smith was moving for Pontotoc one hundred miles east of Panola? And lastly, if Smith was sent out especially to destroy Forrest, why does Sherman say, I to
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