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ied by the operations of my own brigade, this report is necessarily imperfect, and I regret that I am unable to do full justice to the division. I am, Major, your obedient servant, Joseph R. Davis, Brigadier-General. Report of Brigadier-General A. R. Wright. camp near Orange Courthouse, September 28th, 1863. Major Thomas S. Mills, A. A. G., Anderson's Division: Major — I submit the following report of the part taken by my brigade in the military operations at Gettysburg on the 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th of July last. On the morning of the 1st of July, I moved my brigade from its camp near Fayetteville, Pennsylvania, and by order of the Major-General commanding the division, marched in the direction of Gettysburg, passing through the South mountain at Cashtown gap. In this march my brigade was immediately in rear of Mahone's brigade, and I was instructed to follow Mahone's command. About 10 o'clock A. M., and when within about one mile of Cashtown (which is at the foot of
on. The conduct of Lieutenant Haustin, Ordnance Officer of McIntosh's battalion, is deserving of especial notice for gallantry in serving as cannonier at one of the guns whose detachment had become disabled. We have to mourn the loss of Lieutenant Morris, Ordnance Officer of Pegram's battalion, who was killed on the morning of the 1st of July. The horses of the command suffered severely (although sufficiently supplied throughout the march with provender) for the want of shoes. On the first day I was placed in command of this corps, I applied to the Ordnance Department for horse shoes and nails. I repeated this application, and on leaving Fredericksburg I telegraphed, urging a supply to be sent to meet me at Culpeper. I am satisfied that most of the horses lost on the march were lost in consequence of their lameness in traveling over turnpikes, and especially over the road from Hagerstown to Gettysburg withoutshoes. The value of horses abandoned from this cause during th
de's division, supporting these two brigades with his own, commanded by Colonel C. M. Avery, Thirty-third North Carolina troops, and Scales', commanded by Colonel W. L. J. Lowrance, Thirty-fourth North Carolina troops, who, although wounded on the 1st, had reported for duty. The night attack was subsequently abandoned, but these two brigades (Thomas' and Perrin's) remained in their advanced position during the night, and the next day keeping a continuous and heavy skirmish with the enemy, compistoric, under the immediate supervision of their brigade commander. And the brigade of General Scales, yet weak from the terrible loss it sustained at Chancellorsville, and one-half of the remaining numbers killed or wounded in the attack on the 1st, including the brigade commander and all the field officers save one, who was wounded in this attack, yet moved forward with characteristic gallantry, and its right touched the enemy's line of works and gave way only when the whole force on the ri
this action. Their loss in killed and wounded amounted to about one-third the number that entered the fight. All acted with courage and coolness, but it fell to the lot of the Forty-fifth, Lieutenant-Colonel Boyd; Second battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel Andrews, and the Thirty-second, Colonel Brabble, to meet the heaviest efforts of the enemy. This they did in the most gallant manner, repulsing them at every advance, and finally driving them in confusion from the field. On the morning of the 2d, I moved under orders from the Major-General commanding the division to the right of the railroad cut and occupied the crest of the hill, my left resting near the cut, and my right connecting with the left of General Pender's division, Colonel O'Neal, commanding Rodes' old brigade, having been directed by Major-General Rodes to report to me for orders, I caused him to occupy the position under the railroad embankment which my own brigade had occupied during the night. My brigade held its posi
enth Regiment537244 Thirtieth Regiment634545  2311232177 I am, Major, very respectfully, your obedient servant, S. D. Ramseur, Brigadier-General. General Davis' report of operations of Heth's division. headquarters Davis' brigade, August 22, 1863. Major William H. Palmer, Assistant Adjutant-General: Major — I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of Major-General Heth's division in the battle of the 3d of July at Gettysburg. On the evening of the 2d, this division, under command of Brigadier-General J. J. Pettigrew (Major-General Heth having been wounded in the engagement of the 1st), moved to the front and was formed in line of battle, with Archer's brigade on the right, commanded by D. B. Fry (Brigadier-General Archer having been wounded and captured on the 1st of July); Colonel Brockenbrough's brigade on the left; Pettigrew's, commanded by Colonel James K. Marshall, of the Fifty-second North Carolina, on the right centre, and Davis' on
ched them to brigade commanders by the Assistant Adjutant-General and the Acting Inspector-General of the division. In conformity with these orders, the troops retired south of Chattanooga creek, and the bridge was destroyed. On the 20th November--the date of the report nearest to the day of the battle — Moore's brigade had a total effective strength of 1,205, and Walthall's a total effective strength of 1,489. The casualties on the 1st were 4 killed, 39 wounded, and 198 missing. On the 2d the casualties were 8 killed, 91 wounded, and 845 captured. In Pettus' brigade there were 9 killed, 38 wounded, and 9 missing. General Moore ventured the opinion that if I had given proper orders, a different result would have been accomplished. I beg leave to differ. The whole effective force I had at my command at the beginning was twenty-six hundred and ninety-four men. Of these, one thousand and forty-five have been captured; some have been wounded, and a few killed. The enemy's forc
talions of Majors Lane and Poague, and Lieutenant-Colonels Cutts and Garnett were held in reserve, except Captain Maurin's battery of Garnett's battalion, which relieved one of Major Pegram's batteries, whose ammunition had been expended. On the 2d the battalions of Pegram, McIntosh, Lane and a part of Garnett's battalion under Major Richardson were put in position on the right of the Fairfield turnpike, about one mile in advance of the position of the previous day, and later in the day Poagut was detached and directed to remain at Cashtown until further orders. About 11 o'clock I was ordered to the front, but the battalion took no part in the engagements of the 1st and 2d July, at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Late in the evening of the 2d, by your order, I reported to Major-General Anderson for duty, and at last succeeded in getting ten of my guns in position. The balance--six howitzers — were kept a short distance in rear, as no place could be found from which they could be used w
e defence of Battery Gregg and evacuation of Petersburg. As the defence of Battery Gregg, April 2d, 1865, has thus been made a matter of controversy, I shall now state facts from memoranda made in writing in the latter part of the year 1865. On the night of April 1st, 1865, I received orders from Maj.-Gen'l Mahone, whose division occupied the lines between Swift Run Creek and the James river, to hold my command in readiness to move at a moment's warning. About two o'clock A. M. of the 2d, received orders to move at once with my command to Petersburg, cross at the Upper Pontoon bridge, and report to General Lee. I arrived at Petersburg a little after sunrise, crossed at the bridge as directed, and found General Lee a short distance therefrom, mounted, with some of his staff around him; and reported as ordered. General Lee asked a staff officer who just then rode up, if Gordon wanted any help; the officer replied that Gordon directed him to say that he thought he could hold hi
the positions from which it had been withdrawn, and the Federal army made ready to recommence the battle on the following morning. That this story was not the mere figment of the brain of a vain and ambitious young man, seems to be proved by contemporaneous reports published in the prominent journals of the North. One of these is a dispatch from Harrisburg, Pa., which appeared in the New York Herald, dated July 6, 1863, in which is announced the capture of a man on the morning of the second instant, who declared himself a member of Longstreet's staff, and announced that he was on his way to Culpeper to ascertain what had become of Beauregard's army. A Washington special telegram to the New York Tribune, on the third of July, 1863: The intercepted dispatches from Jeff. Davis, and his renegade adjutant-general, to General Lee, are a more important acquisition than the brief paragraphs that profess to give the substance of their contents would indicate. They reveal the plan of L
General Chalmers' report of operations of cavalry division on line of Memphis and Charleston R. R., from 5th to 18th October, 1863. headquarters cavalry in North Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi, October 20, 1863. Colonel B. S. Ewell, Assistant Adjutant-General: Colonel — I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of the forces under my command, from the 5th to the 13th instant: On the afternoon of the 3d instant, I received orders from General Johnston, through Major-General Lee, commanding cavalry in Mississippi, to move my whole command against the enemy on the line of the Memphis and Charleston railroad within four days; the principal object of the movement being explained to be to divert the attention of the enemy from a movement which General Lee was about to make in person in a different direction. To effect this object, and at the same time to annoy the enemy as much as possible, I determined to concentrate my force — consisting of my own
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