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Schuylkill (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-pennsylvania
and West Virginia bound it on the south, while West Virginia and Ohio are on the west. Area, 45,215 square miles, in sixty-seven counties. Population in 1890, 5,258,014; 1900, 6,302,115. Capital, Harrisburg. Henry Hudson enters Delaware Bay, examines its currents and soundings, but leaves without landing......August, 1609 Delaware Bay visited by Lord de la Warr......1610 Cornelius Hendricksen, in the interest of the Dutch, explores Delaware Bay and river as far as mouth of the Schuylkill......1616 Cornelius Mey ascends the Delaware River, and builds Fort Nassau, on the east side, nearly opposite the present Philadelphia......1623 [This first occupation by the Dutch is soon abandoned.] Swedish government sends out two vessels, the Key of Calmar and the Griffin, with a few Swedes; entering the Delaware, they erect a fort near the mouth of Christiana Creek, called Fort Christiana in honor of the then Queen of Sweden......1638 Swedish Governor Printz fixes his resi
council, Thomas Lloyd, president, sails for England......Aug. 12, 1684 [Province has twenty ses in America, Penn, to oppose this, sails for England and never visits America again......Nov. 1, 1 the Ohio for £ 400......July, 1744 War of England with France, termed King George's War ......1anians......Sept. 7, 1756 Franklin sent to England in support of the Assembly's petition againsttiac War......1763 Treaty of peace between England and France, termed the treaty of Paris......Fa......1764 Franklin, having returned from England in 1762, is sent again by the Assembly to petdo......Oct. 2, 1773 Tea ship sent back to England before it reaches Philadelphia......Dec. 25, 1774 Franklin returns to Philadelphia from England, giving up hope of reconciliation, after an a any proposition looking to a separation from England......November, 1775 Common sense, a pamphl......1812 In anticipation of the war with England, Governor Snyder calls for 14,000 troops.....
Alexandria (Virginia, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-pennsylvania
th about 150 men by Governor Dinwiddie, of Virginia, to the Great Meadows......April, 1754 Congress of commissioners of the colonies at Albany, N. Y.......June 19, 1754 Gen. Edward Braddock, commander-inchief of the British in America, arrives in the Chesapeake with two British regiments......February, 1755 General Braddock meets Shirley, governor of Massachusetts, De Lancey, of New York, Morris, of Pennsylvania, Sharpe, of Maryland, and Dinwiddie, of Virginia, in a congress at Alexandria, Va.......April 14, 1755 [Object of the meeting was the establishing of a colonial revenue, and the advice to the British government, in which all concurred, was taxation by act of Parliament.] Assembly appropriates £ 30,000 for carrying on the war......April, 1755 General Braddock is twenty-seven days on the march from Alexandria to Fort Cumberland, and arrives with 2,150 men......May 10, 1755 Braddock advances from Fort Cumberland for Fort Duquesne, distance, 130 miles......Jun
Bushy Run (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-pennsylvania
, 1763 Fort Le Boeuf burned by Indians; garrison escapes......June 18, 1763 Fort Venango destroyed, garrison and all......June 18, 1763 Presque Isle, now Erie, garrison of twenty-four men, surrenders......June 22, 1763 Fort Pitt, with a garrison of 330 men, and 200 women and children, besieged by the Indians......June–July, 1763 Colonel Bouquet, at the head of 500 British troops, advances from Carlisle to the relief of Fort Pitt......July, 1763 When within a half-mile of Bushy Run, and about 25 miles from Fort Pitt, he is attacked by the Indians......Aug. 5, 1763 Battle continues during the day, and begins again at early dawn. Bouquet feigns a retreat, bringing the Indians within the circle of his troops and defeating them. His loss was eight officers and 115 privates. He reaches and relieves Fort Pitt......Aug. 10, 1763 Connecticut colony in the Wyoming Valley driven out by the Indians......Oct. 15, 1763 Surveyors Mason and Dixon begin running the south
Providence, R. I. (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-pennsylvania
essed......1798 Capital of the State removed to Lancaster (Philadelphia had been the capital 117 years)......April 3, 1799 United States government removed from Philadelphia to Washington......July, 1800 Philadelphia first supplied with water from the Schuylkill through pipes laid in the streets......Jan. 1, 1801 Coach route established from Philadelphia to Pittsburg......August, 1804 Commission-house opened in Philadelphia for the sale of cotton-yarns and thread made at Providence, R. I., the first in the United States......1805 Steamboat Phoenix arrives at Philadelphia from New York, the first steamboat navigating the ocean......1808 Bible Society founded at Philadelphia, the first in the United States......1808 State resists with an armed force attempt of the United States to serve a writ in the Olmstead case at Philadelphia for twenty-six days......1809 Sunday-school organized in Philadelphia, the first in the United States, marking the transfer from s
America (Illinois, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-pennsylvania
meeting......1688 [First anti-slavery effort in America.] William Penn charter school established in Philadelphia......1689 First paper mill in America built by William Rittenhouse and William Bradford on a brancere about to abolish the proprietary governments in America, Penn, to oppose this, sails for England and never visits America again......Nov. 1, 1701 Thomas Rutter establishes the first iron works in Pennsylvania, near Masonic lodge formed in Philadelphia, the second in America......1734 A Catholic church built and mass celebdward Braddock, commander-inchief of the British in America, arrives in the Chesapeake with two British regiment course of lectures upon anatomy ever delivered in America......1764 Franklin, having returned from England0,000 inhabitants, and one of the largest cities in America.] First course of instruction in chemistry attempted in America by Dr. Benjamin Rush at the College of Philadelphia......1769 American Philosophical Society
Kingston, N. Y. (New York, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-pennsylvania
.....1827 Paper from straw first manufactured in the United States at Meadville......1828 First locomotive used in the United States run on the Carbondale and Honesdale road......August, 1829 Delaware and Hudson Canal from Honesdale to Rondout on the Hudson, 108 miles, completed.......1829 The Cent, Christopher C. Cornwell publisher, the first one-cent daily paper issued in the United States, starts in Philadelphia......1830 Internal improvements connecting Philadelphia with Pitpt. 11, 1862 Confederate General Stuart raids Chambersburg with about 2,000 cavalry......Oct. 12-14, 1862 Confederate advance enters Pennsylvania......June 22, 1863 Carlisle occupied by the advance of the Confederate forces under Ewell; Kingston, 13 miles from Harrisburg, entered on the 27th; and a skirmish takes place within 4 miles of the capital on......June 28, 1863 Confederate advance called back by General Lee to concentrate at Gettysburg......June 28, 1863 Battle of Gettysb
Mauch Chunk (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-pennsylvania
irst rolling-mill erected at Pittsburg......1813 Banks in Philadelphia suspend specie payment......1814 Fairmount water-works, Philadelphia, completed......Sept. 7, 1815 Schuylkill Navigation Company build a canal from Philadelphia to Mauch Chunk, 108 miles; cost $3,000,000; completed......1815 Second United States Bank established in Philadelphia, chartered by Congress; capital stock, $3,500,000, of which the United States takes one-fifth......April 10, 1816 Anthracite coal begily receded from their position, leaving the Democrats in power. A remark made that the mob would feel the effect of ball and buckshot before night gave this episode the name of buckshot war. ] Iron successfully made with anthracite coal at Mauch Chunk......Jan. 12, 1839 United States Bank of Pennsylvania again suspends specie payment......1839 It finally closes its doors, its capital being lost......Sept. 4, 1841 Use of wire rope as cables introduced on the inclined planes of the
Attack made by the Indians along the frontier of Pennsylvania and Virginia......May, 1763 Fort Le Boeuf burned by Indians; garrison escapes......June 18, 1763 Fort Venango destroyed, garrison and all......June 18, 1763 Presque Isle, now Erie, garrison of twenty-four men, surrenders......June 22, 1763 Fort Pitt, with a garrison of 330 men, and 200 women and children, besieged by the Indians......June–July, 1763 Colonel Bouquet, at the head of 500 British troops, advances from Caritive slaves......May 3, 1848 Resurvey of Mason and Dixon's line completed......Nov. 19, 1849 Judiciary made elective......1850 Manufacture of galvanized iron begun In Philadelphia......1852 Railroad track torn up at Harbor Creek, near Erie, by the opposition to the railroad......Dec. 9, 1853 Pennsylvania State Agricultural College organized in Centre county. April 13, 1854 Zinc works at Bethlehem go into operation......Oct. 12, 1854 Entire traffic-line of State improvements
Barren Hill (Maine, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-pennsylvania
aoli......Sept. 21, 1777 State government removes to Lancaster......Sept. 24, 1777 Howe with the British army occupies Philadelphia......Sept. 27, 1777 Battle of Germantown......Oct. 4, 1777 Successful defence of Forts Mifflin and Mercer......Oct. 22-23, 1777 British in possession of the defences of the Delaware......Nov. 20, 1777 American army go into winter quarters at Valley Forge, on the Schuylkill......Dec. 19, 1777 Battle of the kegs ......Jan. 5, 1778 Affair at Barren Hill......May 20, 1778 British evacuate Philadelphia and retire across the Delaware through New Jersey towards New York......June 18, 1778 Washington crosses the Delaware pursuing the British, leaving Gen. Benedict Arnold in command at Philadelphia......June, 1778 Massacre in the Wyoming Valley......July 2-4, 1778 John Roberts and Abram Carlisle, wealthy citizens of Philadelphia, executed as Tories......Nov. 22, 1778 [Twenty-three others tried, but acquitted.] By act of Ass
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