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G. T. Beauregard 2,953 73 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865. Search the whole document.

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on McClellan's batteries and raw troops, when thrown into disorder by the rockets. It was long, however, before this want of artillery was even partially supplied, and the organization of the rocket batteries was subsequently thwarted by the military authorities. General Beauregard now instructed Colonel Stuart, commanding the cavalry outposts, to keep constantly near the enemy, and ordered General Longstreet, with his brigade, to remain in close proximity to Stuart. Towards the end of August, in complying with these orders, Stuart, who was an officer of great enterprise, by a series of daily encounters gradually drove back the Federal force in his front, and, with the co-operation of General Longstreet, finally captured Mason's and Munson's Hills, in full view of Washington. General Beauregard, who had had minute information concerning these positions, through Colonel George W. Lay, long a resident of Washington, proposed to General Johnston, now that they were in our hands, to
afterwards written to the Adjutant-General on this important matter, and, later, had represented to the President that both armies should be placed under one head, and commanded as the two corps of a single army. The fact is that, as early as July 24th, only a few days after the battle of Manassas, the division of our forces into two army corps, as suggested by General Beauregard, had been practically effected by the two commanding generals. From July 24th, all Orders, General or Special, July 24th, all Orders, General or Special, issued by General Beauregard, were dated Headquarters 1st Corps, Army of the Potomac. The War Department had not authorized the change, but had, by its silence, clearly acquiesced in it. This was followed by a recommendation, on the part of the senior generals, of seven officers for appointment as major-generals, and of eight others as brigadiers, two of whom were already in command of brigades. Towards the latter part of September General Johnston wrote to the Secretary of War, asking that
cient in armament it was because he had refused to avail himself of the offer by which, as early as May, 1861, Proposal of John Frazer & Co., set forth in Chapter V. all the arms and equipments needed for our armies could have been procured. But why should not arms have been imported, even at that time (October, 1861), when no Federal blockading squadron could have interfered with any of our plans to that effect? It is an historical fact that the blockade, though officially proclaimed in May, was only partially effectual twelve months afterwards. Was it that the President thought it too late then to make the effort? He should have known that the plan of campaign submitted to him could not be put into immediate execution; that the massing of the additional troops required to carry it out—some of which were to be drawn from great distances—would necessarily consume some time. The least display of energy on the part of the administration, the sending of an order by telegraph to t
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