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th the triple crown or tiara. The machinery of worship in Europe, and here, so far as imported, is mostly of Asiatic originbrella over his master. Its use during the Middle Ages in Europe is frequently noted in monkish chronicles. They are menhina at a very early period, and probably found its way to Europe by the same secret channels as those arts whose footsteps are so difficult to trace. Western Europe obtained it from the Turks in 1721, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu having made the firthe first impulse to the study of terrestrial magnetism in Europe. We know positively from the Chinese Penthsaayan, which prepared artificially. It is made in large quantities in Europe and elsewhere, the processes varying somewhat in differentlcimer, known to the Arabs and Persians as santir, and to European nations of some centuries since as the cimbal, the cymbal by a bow. It was introduced by the Saracens or Moors into Europe, and was known in Italy in the twelfth century. It and it
terlaced with stakes. A very common device in Europe; not so usual here See hurdle. Diodorus Si Wedge-press. A form of press, more used in Europe and formerly than now, for expressing oil frombout 1600. The Venetians led the way among European nations, and attained great excellence, both ereof. Chests and boxes from the Continent of Europe and from Asia are found to be fastened with nay tables and boxes. ApplePyrus malusAmerica & EuropeMedium. Turnery, ornamental cabinet-work, etc.od(See Linden.) BeechFagus sylvaticaTemperate EuropeHard. Handles, lasts, boot-trees, planes, pegsturnery, etc. ChestnutCastanea vescaAm'ca and EuropeTakes a good polish. turnery, hoops, etc. Cocshuttles, sap-spiles. ElmUlmus campestris, etcEuropeHard, durable. Planking, wedges for railway ch for partridge-wood. PineSpecies very numerousEurope and AsiaMedium. Lumber for building and carpe Wood-engraver's blocks. WillowSalix (various)Europe and Am'caSoft. Wooden shoes, pegs, spoons, ba[37 more...]
Y. Yacht. A decked pleasure-vessel. There are about 1,300 yachts in Great Britain, averaging 30 tons. The rigs are various, and many American and European yachts now have steampower as an accessory, or for use during calms. The name yacht first occurs in English naval records, 1660. The thalamegus of the anciend support a couple of buckets suspended from the ends of the yoke. Yokes (from Thebes). The ordinary yoke, worn upon the shoulders, and used so commonly in Europe for suspending buckets, etc., in carrying, is found represented very frequently in the Egyptian tombs. The figures b c in the accompanying cut are represented carrying water to irrigate plants. a represents a wooden yoke and leather strap found by Mr. Burton at Thebes, and brought by him to Europe. 4. Devices to be attached to breachy animals, to prevent their crawling or breaking through or jumping over fences, are sometimes called yokes. They are also known as pokes, the term yoke
e of which are distinguished by specific names. The prepared oxide is extensively used as a pigment, and the sulphate is the white-vitriol of commerce. It is not found native. Its principal ores are the red oxide; the carbonate, or calamine; the sulphide, or blende, the dark varieties of which are termed black-jack by the English miners; and the silicate, which is usually found associated with the carbonate. The metal itself was unknown to the Greeks, Romans, and Arabians, and in fact in Europe previous to about the middle of the sixteenth century, though it is said to have been used in India and China from an early period. It is produced in England, France, Belgium, Germany, and in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. The fact that certain ores yielded a yellow copper (brass) was early known, and the product was highly esteemed; but it was not understood that it was a true alloy, nor was zinc obtained distinctly. This was partly owing to the fact that zinc vaporizes at a certain h
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