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rg, beginning February twenty-seventh, and ending March twenty-eighth. The command consisted of the First and Third divisions of cavalry, of the Army of the Shenandoah, under the immediate command of Brevet Major-General Wesley Merritt, Brevet Major-General George A. Custer commanding the Third division, and Brigadier-General T. C. Devin, the first. The following was the effective force: Effective Force First and Third Cavalry Divisions, Army of the Shenandoah, February Twenty-eighth, 1865--Major-General Wesley Merritt, Chief of Cavalry.   commissioned officers. enlisted men. First cavalry division, Brigadier-General T. C. Devin, commanding 260 4,787 One section (companies C and E) Fourth United States artillery 2 52 Third cavalry division, Brevet Major-General George A. Custer commanding 240 4,600 One section (Company M) Second United States artillery 1 45 Total 503 9,484 On the morning of February twenty-seventh, 1865, we marched from Winchester up the valley pik
November 18th, 1865 AD (search for this): chapter 200
hanks for patriotic, unmurmuring, and soldierly conduct. To Major H. H. Young, of my staff, Chief of Scouts, and the thirty or forty men of his command who took their lives in their hands, cheerfully going wherever ordered, to obtain that great essential of success — information — I tender my gratitude. Ten of these men were lost. Our entire loss during the march did not exceed one hundred men; and some of these we left by the wayside, unable to bear the fatigues of the march. This report should be regarded as the preface of my report of operations in front of Petersburg and Richmond, as my command only rested one day before its commencement. I forward herewith list of prisoners captured, and property destroyed. I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant, P. H. Sheridan, Major-General. Brevet Major-General John A. Rawlins, Chief of Staff, Washington, D. C. Official: E. D. Townsend, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant General's office, November 18, 1865
avalry charged up to the bridge, dismounted, dashed across it, and drove away the company of artillery who tried to defend it, and turned their own guns--four twenty-pounder Parrotts — upon them. I here received a despatch from the Lieutenant-General that supplies were at the White House for me, and one brigade of infantry; and also captured the following despatch, which led me to doubt whether General Longstreet had yet determined in his own mind where I was going: Hanover Junction, March 14--11:25. [By telegraph from Richmond.] Colonel Haskel--General Longstreet desires you to follow the enemy if he goes east, until he crosses the Rapidan or Blue Ridge. If he goes toward the Peninsula follow as far as you can. By order of Lieutenant-General Ewell: T. O. Chestney, Assistant Adjutant-General. Next morning General Custer was ordered to move by the Negro-foot crossing of the South Anna, and thence to Ashland, and General Devin was ordered to proceed to the same point.
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