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Lynnfield (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
cks, log house style, and plastered the inside with mud. In the same way were the houses of the poor whites and negroes provided with means to let the smoke escape, the cooking all being done by the open fire place. Ovens were built out of doors in which to bake bread, as few of the chimneys in the camp reached above the top of the tent and there was more or less trouble to make them draw. To remedy this, boards were fastened on the top and shifted with the wind. The regiment had left Lynnfield with much less than its full quota, and the enlisted men of the ten companies were now consolidated into nine, those in Company H being distributed among the others. A new company was then authorized to be raised in Essex county by Charles U. Devereux, the former First Sergeant of the Salem Zouaves and brother of Lieut. Col. Devereux. This company arrived at Muddy Branch on December 13, 1861, bringing with it 125 men. Its complement was but 101, and all over this number were sent to t
Seneca Falls (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
cards, studied and discussed the Tactics and Regulations, jawed and spat in the fire. Lieut. Col. Devereux and others of the old company were frequent visitors. On December 20 recruits to the number of 117 arrived among them Billy Hill, another Salem Zouave, who came out as Sergeant in Co. F. Another reunion was immediately held. The duties of the regiment in its new camp, were of a nature to preclude the possibility of drill. It had 13 miles of the Potomac, from Great Falls to Seneca Falls to picket, three defensive blockhouses to build, 48 feet each way, of the shape of a Greek cross, four feet thick, twelve feet high, with loopholes for infantry arms, roofed with logs three feet thick and covered then with three feet of earth. Two hundred and twenty five officers and men of the regiment were engaged in this work. All the logs used in the construction had to be felled and squared with common axes, hauled to the different eminences on which the buildings were to be erecte
Rockville, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
iment were engaged in this work. All the logs used in the construction had to be felled and squared with common axes, hauled to the different eminences on which the buildings were to be erected, and then placed, each log being fitted and pinned with treenails. These were to protect the ford and lock at Whitehouse on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. Long after the regiment left this vicinity, these blockhouses played a conspicuous part in preventing raids across the river. As two towns, Rockville and Darnestown, required a provost guard, Company A, Capt. Merritt, was given the duty. In addition the camp and stores of the regiment demanded a quarter guard. A bakery for the regiment was erected and flour instead of stale bread, was drawn from Poolesville, Levi Woofindale, of Company G, being appointed regimental baker The headquarters of the regiment were located in an old wooden building and here also were the quarters of the Adjutant, Quartermaster and Surgeon. Tents scattere
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
ed, the regiment was ordered, on December 4, 1861, to Seneca, at a place called Muddy Branch, some miles nearer Washington, where it relieved some of the command of Gen. Banks, whose division was sent to Frederick. Camp Benton, with its well determined lines, its spacious streets, curiously constructed ovens and underground furnaces, its nicely thatched stables and log houses, was left as a monument to the versatile skill, the military genius, ingenuity and perseverence of the men of Massachusetts. In moving to Muddy Branch, the regiment, with the exception of Company C, marched to Edward's Ferry and went down by way of the canal, leaving early in the day. The weather was very cold and the air frosty. Company C was left to guard the camp equipage and see to loading it into the canal boats at the ferry. This being done, they began the march across country about 5 P. M. The roads being heavy (when they were fortunate enough to find any), and the fields soft from recent rains,
Darnestown (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
aged in this work. All the logs used in the construction had to be felled and squared with common axes, hauled to the different eminences on which the buildings were to be erected, and then placed, each log being fitted and pinned with treenails. These were to protect the ford and lock at Whitehouse on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. Long after the regiment left this vicinity, these blockhouses played a conspicuous part in preventing raids across the river. As two towns, Rockville and Darnestown, required a provost guard, Company A, Capt. Merritt, was given the duty. In addition the camp and stores of the regiment demanded a quarter guard. A bakery for the regiment was erected and flour instead of stale bread, was drawn from Poolesville, Levi Woofindale, of Company G, being appointed regimental baker The headquarters of the regiment were located in an old wooden building and here also were the quarters of the Adjutant, Quartermaster and Surgeon. Tents scattered about the bui
Poolesville (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
These were to protect the ford and lock at Whitehouse on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. Long after the regiment left this vicinity, these blockhouses played a conspicuous part in preventing raids across the river. As two towns, Rockville and Darnestown, required a provost guard, Company A, Capt. Merritt, was given the duty. In addition the camp and stores of the regiment demanded a quarter guard. A bakery for the regiment was erected and flour instead of stale bread, was drawn from Poolesville, Levi Woofindale, of Company G, being appointed regimental baker The headquarters of the regiment were located in an old wooden building and here also were the quarters of the Adjutant, Quartermaster and Surgeon. Tents scattered about the building were used for the non-commissioned staff and men detailed at headquarters. The balance of the regiment were housed in tents. Guard mounting took place each morning. The band was still with the regiment, and the players had a hard time in
Missouri (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
into a triangular shape, like a cocked hat, three inches long, sealed with wax at the corners, addressed to the commander of the regiment, marked O. B., which meant Official Business, and further marked Confidential. Woe to the officer or man who, with out authority broke one of the little seals. The Regulations provided for summary punishment in such a case, but this never occurred in the Nineteenth Massachusetts. One of the countersigns which has been preserved reads, Kansas, the parole Missouri. The day challenge is 22, the reply 112, made by motions of the flag. The night challenge is Red-White, the reply being White. ( This signal, not being used, became void, and is preserved by Captain Reynolds among his war souvenirs.) These colors designated by the outer wrapper on the signal cartridge, correspond with the instructions in the little folded cocked hat. Nearly all of these were countersigned Official, John C. Chadwick, Act. Asst. Adjt. Genl., who served in this capacit
Muddy Branch, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
Chapter 6: removal to Muddy Branch. After the return of the command to Camp Benton from Ball's Bluff, a reorganization of the regiment took place. Capt. Moses the regiment was ordered, on December 4, 1861, to Seneca, at a place called Muddy Branch, some miles nearer Washington, where it relieved some of the command of Gen.ius, ingenuity and perseverence of the men of Massachusetts. In moving to Muddy Branch, the regiment, with the exception of Company C, marched to Edward's Ferry antwo weeks this company was ordered to join the regiment at Camp Lander, near Muddy Branch. Their first work was the procuring of logs from the camps that had just bealem Zouaves and brother of Lieut. Col. Devereux. This company arrived at Muddy Branch on December 13, 1861, bringing with it 125 men. Its complement was but 101, days at distant points and the men grew impatient to go forward. While at Muddy Branch, the adjutants of regiments were ordered to instruct the color sergeants in
Essex County (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
uilt out of doors in which to bake bread, as few of the chimneys in the camp reached above the top of the tent and there was more or less trouble to make them draw. To remedy this, boards were fastened on the top and shifted with the wind. The regiment had left Lynnfield with much less than its full quota, and the enlisted men of the ten companies were now consolidated into nine, those in Company H being distributed among the others. A new company was then authorized to be raised in Essex county by Charles U. Devereux, the former First Sergeant of the Salem Zouaves and brother of Lieut. Col. Devereux. This company arrived at Muddy Branch on December 13, 1861, bringing with it 125 men. Its complement was but 101, and all over this number were sent to the other companies as recruits. This brought the membership of the regiment up to 939 men. In the new company were many members of the Salem Zouaves who had served through the Three Months Campaign. Beside Capt. Devereux were
Kansas (Kansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
ich was then folded into a triangular shape, like a cocked hat, three inches long, sealed with wax at the corners, addressed to the commander of the regiment, marked O. B., which meant Official Business, and further marked Confidential. Woe to the officer or man who, with out authority broke one of the little seals. The Regulations provided for summary punishment in such a case, but this never occurred in the Nineteenth Massachusetts. One of the countersigns which has been preserved reads, Kansas, the parole Missouri. The day challenge is 22, the reply 112, made by motions of the flag. The night challenge is Red-White, the reply being White. ( This signal, not being used, became void, and is preserved by Captain Reynolds among his war souvenirs.) These colors designated by the outer wrapper on the signal cartridge, correspond with the instructions in the little folded cocked hat. Nearly all of these were countersigned Official, John C. Chadwick, Act. Asst. Adjt. Genl., who se
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