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Browsing named entities in Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 2.

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95, 397. Wilson, James H., II, 158. Wisser, John P., II, 539, 543. Wood, Fernando, II, 436, 437, 442. Wood, H. Clay, II, 463. Wood, James, I, 615. Wood, T. J., I, 478, 479, 500, 504, 511, 513, 514, 521, 537, 551-555, 568, 569, 582, 591, 604, 606-609; II, 288, 301, 340. Woodbury, Daniel P., I, 319, 323. Woodford, Stewart L., I, 126; 11, 587. Woodman, E. W., II, 45. Woods, Charles R., II, 13, 14, 19, 21, 24, 66, 70, 72-74, 122, 135, 148. Woods, George W., 1, 25, 27. Woods, Leonard, I, 31, 32, 42. Wool, John E., II, 175. Woolworth, Jeanie, II, 493. Woolworth, J. M., II, 493. Wotherspoon, Wm. W., II, 565. Wright, A. R., I, 361, 369. Wright, James 8., 111, 81. Wright, R. R., II, 414. Wright, W. W., I, 524. Yarmouth Academy, I, 17, 24, 25. Yorke, L. E., II, 125. Yorktown, Siege of, I, 210. Young, B. F., II, 587. Young, D., II, 556. Young, S. B. M., II, 62. Zeitung, General, 11, 534. Zook, Samuel K., 1, 187, 341.
n were merry and lively enough, but I saw no signs of intoxication even after several returns to the mug. We were helped to lemonade, which we, with our American taste, preferred to beer. As I had been called by our International Young Men's Christian Association to a conference in Berlin, I invited my son, Hedwig, and Gertrude to go with me, and we set out August 19th, and, arriving on the evening of the 20th, stopped at the Thiergarten Hotel. I had been invited to the residence of General Zeitung, a regular officer of the German army. He kept bachelor quarters, but at this time was absent from the city. He had left his servants in the house with a royal welcome for me. I dined with Count Bernsdorff and his wife. There I met many Y. M. C. A. delegates, some of whom I knew. The count, who was on the staff of the old Emperor Wilhelm, was of remarkable size. His height was at least six feet four inches, and his handsome wife was almost as tall as he. They had fine figures, and
95, 397. Wilson, James H., II, 158. Wisser, John P., II, 539, 543. Wood, Fernando, II, 436, 437, 442. Wood, H. Clay, II, 463. Wood, James, I, 615. Wood, T. J., I, 478, 479, 500, 504, 511, 513, 514, 521, 537, 551-555, 568, 569, 582, 591, 604, 606-609; II, 288, 301, 340. Woodbury, Daniel P., I, 319, 323. Woodford, Stewart L., I, 126; 11, 587. Woodman, E. W., II, 45. Woods, Charles R., II, 13, 14, 19, 21, 24, 66, 70, 72-74, 122, 135, 148. Woods, George W., 1, 25, 27. Woods, Leonard, I, 31, 32, 42. Wool, John E., II, 175. Woolworth, Jeanie, II, 493. Woolworth, J. M., II, 493. Wotherspoon, Wm. W., II, 565. Wright, A. R., I, 361, 369. Wright, James 8., 111, 81. Wright, R. R., II, 414. Wright, W. W., I, 524. Yarmouth Academy, I, 17, 24, 25. Yorke, L. E., II, 125. Yorktown, Siege of, I, 210. Young, B. F., II, 587. Young, D., II, 556. Young, S. B. M., II, 62. Zeitung, General, 11, 534. Zook, Samuel K., 1, 187, 341.
S. B. M. Young (search for this): chapter 3.46
5, 397. Wilson, James H., II, 158. Wisser, John P., II, 539, 543. Wood, Fernando, II, 436, 437, 442. Wood, H. Clay, II, 463. Wood, James, I, 615. Wood, T. J., I, 478, 479, 500, 504, 511, 513, 514, 521, 537, 551-555, 568, 569, 582, 591, 604, 606-609; II, 288, 301, 340. Woodbury, Daniel P., I, 319, 323. Woodford, Stewart L., I, 126; 11, 587. Woodman, E. W., II, 45. Woods, Charles R., II, 13, 14, 19, 21, 24, 66, 70, 72-74, 122, 135, 148. Woods, George W., 1, 25, 27. Woods, Leonard, I, 31, 32, 42. Wool, John E., II, 175. Woolworth, Jeanie, II, 493. Woolworth, J. M., II, 493. Wotherspoon, Wm. W., II, 565. Wright, A. R., I, 361, 369. Wright, James 8., 111, 81. Wright, R. R., II, 414. Wright, W. W., I, 524. Yarmouth Academy, I, 17, 24, 25. Yorke, L. E., II, 125. Yorktown, Siege of, I, 210. Young, B. F., II, 587. Young, D., II, 556. Young, S. B. M., II, 62. Zeitung, General, 11, 534. Zook, Samuel K., 1, 187, 341.
5, 397. Wilson, James H., II, 158. Wisser, John P., II, 539, 543. Wood, Fernando, II, 436, 437, 442. Wood, H. Clay, II, 463. Wood, James, I, 615. Wood, T. J., I, 478, 479, 500, 504, 511, 513, 514, 521, 537, 551-555, 568, 569, 582, 591, 604, 606-609; II, 288, 301, 340. Woodbury, Daniel P., I, 319, 323. Woodford, Stewart L., I, 126; 11, 587. Woodman, E. W., II, 45. Woods, Charles R., II, 13, 14, 19, 21, 24, 66, 70, 72-74, 122, 135, 148. Woods, George W., 1, 25, 27. Woods, Leonard, I, 31, 32, 42. Wool, John E., II, 175. Woolworth, Jeanie, II, 493. Woolworth, J. M., II, 493. Wotherspoon, Wm. W., II, 565. Wright, A. R., I, 361, 369. Wright, James 8., 111, 81. Wright, R. R., II, 414. Wright, W. W., I, 524. Yarmouth Academy, I, 17, 24, 25. Yorke, L. E., II, 125. Yorktown, Siege of, I, 210. Young, B. F., II, 587. Young, D., II, 556. Young, S. B. M., II, 62. Zeitung, General, 11, 534. Zook, Samuel K., 1, 187, 341.
B. F. Young (search for this): chapter 1.5
se. Of Colonel Rowett he remarked: Twice wounded, he clung tenaciously to his post, and fully earned the promotion I so cheerfully recommend may be awarded him. The severity of the struggle may be noticed by the losses on Corse's side of 6 officers, 136 men killed; 22 officers, 330 men wounded; 6 officers, 206 men missing; total, 706. They buried 231 Confederates, captured 411 prisoners, 4 stands of colors, and 800 rifles. Among the Confederate prisoners was a brigade commander, General Young. There were several dispatches which passed between Sherman and Corse during this engagement, among them the famous signal which came over the Confederate heads from the top of Kenesaw sixteen miles away at 6.30 A. M.: Hold fort; we are coming. Fom this incident the famous hymn Hold the Fort, for I am coming, was written by Major D. W. Whittle, my provost marshal and personal friend. Later he became a well-known Evangelist. Also the following: Commanding Officer, Allatoona: She
B. F. Young (search for this): chapter 3.35
in Rome. He was ill before starting and was made much worse by his journey from London to Rome. In the convention as secretary of the American Peace Society he took a most active part in the speeches and in the proceedings, especially pleading for a positive recognition of Christ in the deliberation of the Peace Convention. His last speech, eloquent and strong, increased his illness, and he was placed in a private hospital, St. Paul's Home. Here he was attended by Dr. Robert Prochet, Dr. Young, and a competent American nurse, Miss Daniels, of Brattleboro, Vt., and though he had every possible attention and care, he died January 25, 1892. My son Harry, then in France, went immediately to Rome, settled up his affairs, and sent his remains to Leeds, Me., for burial. During the year 1892 I was asked by D. Appleton & Co. to write a book for their Great Commanders series on the life of General Zachary Taylor. In the prosecution of this work I was wonderfully helped by my honored
B. F. Young (search for this): chapter 3.43
Board of directors William L. Stooksbury, Ph.D., President. Col. Robert F. Patterson, Vice-President, Cumberland Gap, Tenn. Hon. Darwin R. James, Treasurer, New York. Chas. F. Eager, Secretary and Asst. Treas., Cumberland Gap, Tenn. Eugene P. Fairchild, Esq., Financial Sec'y, Rutherford, N. J. REv. Fred. Burt Avery, D. D., Cleveland, Ohio. Col. E. H. Haskell, Boston, Mass. Benjamin H. Herbert, Chicago, Ill. John F. Spence, Ll.D., Knoxville, Tenn. Edgar O. Achorn, Esq., Boston, Mass. A. Lincoln Seligman, New York. MacAULAYulay Arthur, M. D., Middlesboro, Ky. W. H. Fulkerson, Jerseyville, 111. Herman Y. Hughes, Esq., Tazewell, Tenn. Hon. Henry R. Gibson, Knoxville, Tenn. Rev. Isaac S. Anderson, Rose Hill, Va. Franklin E. Nettleton, Esq., Scranton, Pa. B. F. Young, M. D., Knoxville, Tenn. Millard F. Overton, Cumberland Gap, Tenn.
B. F. Young (search for this): chapter 3.37
Patterson, Vice-President, Cumberland Gap, Tenn. Hon. Darwin R. James, Treasurer, New York. Chas. F. Eager, Secretary and Asst. Treas., Cumberland Gap, Tenn. Eugene P. Fairchild, Esq., Financial Sec'y, Rutherford, N. J. REv. Fred. Burt Avery, D. D., Cleveland, Ohio. Col. E. H. Haskell, Boston, Mass. Benjamin H. Herbert, Chicago, Ill. John F. Spence, Ll.D., Knoxville, Tenn. Edgar O. Achorn, Esq., Boston, Mass. A. Lincoln Seligman, New York. MacAULAYulay Arthur, M. D., Middlesboro, Ky. W. H. Fulkerson, Jerseyville, 111. Herman Y. Hughes, Esq., Tazewell, Tenn. Hon. Henry R. Gibson, Knoxville, Tenn. Rev. Isaac S. Anderson, Rose Hill, Va. Franklin E. Nettleton, Esq., Scranton, Pa. B. F. Young, M. D., Knoxville, Tenn. Millard F. Overton, Cumberland Gap, Tenn. New York Advisory committee Rev. W. S. Richardson, Lawrence W. Sanders. New York Finance committee (investment of Endowment.) Hon. D. R. James, Hon. Stewart L. Woodford, J. H. Washburn.
B. F. Young (search for this): chapter 3.46
95, 397. Wilson, James H., II, 158. Wisser, John P., II, 539, 543. Wood, Fernando, II, 436, 437, 442. Wood, H. Clay, II, 463. Wood, James, I, 615. Wood, T. J., I, 478, 479, 500, 504, 511, 513, 514, 521, 537, 551-555, 568, 569, 582, 591, 604, 606-609; II, 288, 301, 340. Woodbury, Daniel P., I, 319, 323. Woodford, Stewart L., I, 126; 11, 587. Woodman, E. W., II, 45. Woods, Charles R., II, 13, 14, 19, 21, 24, 66, 70, 72-74, 122, 135, 148. Woods, George W., 1, 25, 27. Woods, Leonard, I, 31, 32, 42. Wool, John E., II, 175. Woolworth, Jeanie, II, 493. Woolworth, J. M., II, 493. Wotherspoon, Wm. W., II, 565. Wright, A. R., I, 361, 369. Wright, James 8., 111, 81. Wright, R. R., II, 414. Wright, W. W., I, 524. Yarmouth Academy, I, 17, 24, 25. Yorke, L. E., II, 125. Yorktown, Siege of, I, 210. Young, B. F., II, 587. Young, D., II, 556. Young, S. B. M., II, 62. Zeitung, General, 11, 534. Zook, Samuel K., 1, 187, 341.
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