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Browsing named entities in Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 2 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.).

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or rare fugitive papers; but here were included whole sections of the debates in Parliament, the journals of the Continental Congress, and many state laws, all previously accessible in print. It was Force's idea to make a complete collection of Revolutionary material. In 1839 the second volume of the fourth series appeared, and in 1840 the third volume. Such was the feeling that in 1843 the publishers had not been paid for the third volume and could not get $6000 of the amount due on the second. Under these circumstances a compromise was made. The publishers agreed that the series should not exceed twenty volumes at a maximum average cost of $20,400 each, and that the secretary of state should approve the materials offered for publication. About this time Clarke sold his interest in the series to Rives, the partner of F. P. Blair. For several years matters now proceeded satisfactorily. The fourth volume appeared in 1843, the fifth in 1844, and the sixth, completing the fourt
had grown on him, and he had as a result lost many of his friends; his wife, too, frail from childhood, had become an invalid in 1841 or in 1842; and so, early in 1844, the poet concluded to seek a new field. In April, 1844, he moved with his family to New York; and there, either in the city or at Fordham, a few miles out, he lived during the remaining five years allotted to him. The year 1844 was uneventful, but the year 1845 proved to be the pivotal year of his history. At the end of January appeared in the New York Evening Mirror, on which he had held a minor editorial position for several months, The Raven; and he became at once the most talked of man of letters in America. In the summer he published a new volume of his tales, and in the fall, a collected edition of his poems, The Raven and other poems. Early in the year he became assistant editor of The Broadway journal; in July he became sole editor, and in October editor and proprietor of this paper; and thus was enabled
lections: Elsket, and other stories, Thomas Nelson Page; Balaam and his master, Joel Chandler Harris; Flute and violin, James Lane Allen; Otto the Knight, Octave Thanet (Alice French); Main-Travelled Roads, Hamlin Garland; Gallegher, and other stories, Richard Harding Davis; Fourteen to one, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps; Huckleberries gathered from New England Hills, Rose Terry Cooke; Iduna, and other stories, George A. Hibbard; Three tales, William Douglas O'Connor; Uncle of an Angel, Thomas A. Janvier; Zadoc pine, and other stories, Bunner; With My friends, Brander Matthews; Rudder Grangers abroad, Stockton; The Adventures of three worthies, Clinton Ross. 1884 was the climactic year in the history of the short story inasmuch as it produced The lady or the Tiger? and In the Tennessee Mountains, each one of them a literary sensation that advertised the form tremendously. No book since Harte's The luck of Roaring camp had been launched with such impetus as the latter of these. For six
125 Isle of La Belle Riviere, 266 n. Isocrates, 96 Israfel, 65, 67 Itineraries, 201 n. Jack Downing. See Smith, Seba Jackson, Amelia Lee, 227 Jackson, Andrew, 45, 87, 88, 89, 90, 111, 120, 150, 151, 183, 291 Jackson, Helen Hunt, 383 Jackson, Henry Rootes, 290, 299 Jackson, Dr., James, 226 Jackson, T. J. (Stonewall), 283, 290, 299, 300, 302, 307 Jacobs, Joseph, 357 n. James, Henry, 18, 293, 374-376, 377, 380, 381, 384, 386, 387 James, William, 213, 375 Janvier, Thomas A., 388 Japikse, N., 146 Jay, John, 180 Jeanette, 381 Jefferson, 84, 93 n., 105, 111, 180, 183, 201 Jeffersonian, 191 Jerrold, Douglas, 148 Jespersen, Professor, 365 Jewett, Sarah Orne, 382-383, 364, 390, 402 Jolly old pedagogue, 242 John Brown's body, 279, 285 John Burns of Gettysburg, 284 John Endicott, 39 John of Barneveld, 145, 146 John Phoenix. See Derby, G. H. Johns Hopkins University, 338 Johnson, Andrew, 143, 144, 151, 157 Johnson, Jud
January 1st (search for this): chapter 1.9
ects but they agreed in being intended not primarily to be read but to be given away. They were Keepsakes, and Souvenirs, and Forget-me-nots, and Tokens. Many of them bore as sub-titles such phrases as A gift for the holidays, or A Christmas, New Year's and birthday present. Almost or quite all of those published in America were literary miscellanies, the contents being original, or, in case of some of the cheaper volumes, selected. A few, such as The Odd-Fellows' Offering and The Masonic To the benefit of the annual anti-slavery fair or anti-slavery bazaar in Boston, contained contributions from all the leading anti-slavery writers of New England. Others of the better known annuals were The Amaranth, The Christmas Blossoms and New Year's Wreath, The Diadem, The Forget-Me-Not, Friendship's Offering, The Garland, The Gem of the Season, The Gift, The Gift of Friendship, The Hyacinth The Keepsake, The Keepsake of Friendship, Leaflets of Memory, The Lily, The Lily of the Valley, Th
January 1st (search for this): chapter 2.14
may have given the hint to the author of Leaves of Grass, but there exists no book or fragment of a book which can have given the hint to them. In re Walt Whitman, p. 16. The first poem known to have been published in this measure was Blood-Money, which appeared in Horace Greeley's Tribune (Supplement), 22 March, 1850. But Isle of La Belle Riviere, published in the Cincinnati Post, 30 April, 1892, was written, in what is now called imagist verse, at the age of thirty (1849-50), while New year's day, 1848, written in an album just before Whitman's departure for New Orleans, shows a tendency to break away from conventional forms. By far more important are the Harned manuscript notebook specimens already mentioned. The book, expecting opposition, was met by almost complete disregard. Except for a few copies which found their way to England and were later to secure for Whitman ardent disciples and his first English editor, William Michael Rossetti, there was practically no sale.
January 1st (search for this): chapter 2.21
hildren's magazine, the, 396 Child's Champion, The, 262 n. Child's verse, 329 Choate, Rufus, 71, 87, 94, 135 Chopin, 224 Chopin, Kate, 390 Christian Nurture, 213 Christ in theology, 213 Christmas, 309 Christmas Blossoms and New year's Wreath, the, 174 Christmas night in the quarters, 353 Christmas night of '62, 291, 303 Christus: A Mystery, 38, 39, 40 Cicero, 2, 96 Circles, 17, 24, 25, 26, 31 Circourt, Count de, 128 City in the sea, the, 65 Civil Disobences, 148 New England's Rareties, 149 New England tragedies, the, 37, 39 New essays towards a critical method, 63 n., 66 n. News and Courier (Charleston), 325 News letter, 387 New South, the, 322 New world, the, 187 New year's day, 1848, 266 n. New Yorker, 187, 191 New York literary Gazette, the, 167 New York Review and Athenaeum Magazine, The, 58, 167 Nicholson, Meredith, 364 n. Nick Carter, 403 Nietzsche, 22 Nights with Uncle Remus: Myths and
January 6th (search for this): chapter 2.18
preservation of old words or old idioms. The speech of the mountain districts, especially that of the Southern Appalachian region, retains, it is true, a few words and locutions of old and honourable origin; but these are by no means numerous enough to be used for regenerative purposes on a large scale. Hit (it), holp (helped), ax (ask), afeard (afraid), fray (combat), fraction (as in Troilus and Cressida II, III, 107), antic (clown), humans (human beings), mought (might), Old Christmas (6 January), hone (yearn), tilth (agriculture), back a letter (address an envelope), and a few others may be heard in the mountains of Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Kentucky. But to affirm that in this dialect or in the dialect of any other part of the United States is to be found our best reservoir of fresh and vigorous English or our surest safeguard against slovenly pronunciation would be manifestly absurd. While much remains to be done in accurately classifying American speech pecu
January 14th (search for this): chapter 1.4
aching. As poet, he has had many imitators both in his own country and abroad, but especially in France and England. In the view of Edmund Gosse, there is hardly one [of the later English poets] whose verse-music does not show traces of Poe's influence (Questions at issue, p. 90). On Poe's influence and vogue in France, see L. P. Betz, Edgar Poe in der franzoesischen Litteratur: Studien zur vergleichenden Litteraturgeschichte der neueren Zeit (1902), pp. 16-82; C. H. Page in The [New York] Nation for 14 January, 9009; and G. D. Morris, Fenimore Cooper et Edgar Poe, pp. 67 f. (Paris, 1912). As romancer he has probably wielded a larger influence than any English writer since Scott. And as critic it is doubtful whether any other of his countrymen has contributed so much toward keeping the balance right between art-for-art's-sake and didacticism. His fame abroad is admittedly larger than that of any other American writer, and his vogue has been steadily growing among his own people.
sm. In 1864, however, he was transferred to Wilmington, North Carolina, where he served as signal officer on the blockade runners. In November he was captured in the Gulf Stream and sent to Point Lookout Prison in Maryland. There he continued to play the flute, which won him the friendship of Tabb. He busied himself with German poetry, but the prison conditions were so loathsome as to induce a breakdown in health. He came out emaciated to a skeleton, and when he finally reached Macon in March he fell ill and lingered near death for two months. Thereafter his life was an unavailing search for health. The fact that members of his family who used to roll in wealth are, everyday, with their own hands ploughing the little patch of ground which the war has left them, while their wives do the cooking and washing, did not disturb him. What he felt most keenly was the intellectual stagnation of the South. Already in 1866 he was, with characteristic breadth and lack of prejudice, writi
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